Give me your best green text storie like a Sup Forums scroll storie

>give me your best green text storie like a Sup Forums scroll storie

First time I post a story here we go

>Be me
>Be 11 in 6th grade
>go to the birthday party of my best friend
>only 3 other friends beside me are invited so there's only 5 of us
>we're in the basement with a lot of space, a massive couch to sit/sleep on(it was a sleepover) and a TV
>parrty starts of normal
>everyone gives their presents to the birthday boy
>he gets Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
>anyway the night goes on and we do shit that 11 year olds do(wrestle on some matresses, play some video games etc.)
>after a while one goes like "hey lets play truth ore dare"
>I see the potetial for terrible things when some kids in puberty do that shit
>I make it very clear that I don't want to
>kid that wanted to play gets triggered
>the others agree
>I get banished
>have to sit in a freezing basement for about half an hour
>then the warmth of light hitting my face wakes me out of my cryostasis
>the outcast is allowed back into the warm fortress of the pubecent




Go on!

the continuation is on its way just like 5-10 more minutes


Ok Sup Forumsros part II

>once back inside I sit down on the couch and try to unfreeze as hard as I can
>one kid just says without any context (at least for me) “You know I could really use a fap right about now!”
>my autism sense tingles
>first everyone plays it off like a joke
>then they start to scratch their balls more often
>then that kid wo wanted to fap whips out his dick
>he starts to slowly jack of and pressures the kid with the laptop to look up porn
>at this point my autism told me to run into the next forest and die but my legs where still frozen
>laptop kid says that his mom checks his browser history
>the one fapping means that he can’t fap without some images
>autism cools down a bit
>the one who didn’t do much until that point whips out his dick too and says that popups don’t go in the browser history
>I know that that’s bullshit but somehow I cannot speak
>laptop kid thinks for quite a while
>then finally he chickens out and shuts his PC down
>all of a sudden I hear a voice that will seal my fate
>”there’s porn on the TV”

continueation comming


i hope this post doesnt go 404 before the next part

I have my popcorn ready

continue for the love of god

Random story from me

>be me
>Be 8
>Really wanna watch so garbage tier gender swap movie
>Ask parents if I can stay up longer
>why ?
>Tell them bout movie
>They laugh
>"What would you do if you woke up as a girl tomorrow user ?"
>Would still be an asshole"
>They laugh
>Feel awkward
>Go to bed
>Don't watch the movie
>Be 21
>Still remember that shit
>cliché tomboy
>parents ded
>Always thing that I can't tell them "told ya"
Wtf is wrong with my brain


its 1:40AM and i cant go to be till he continues. Im begging ya tell us the story

where i live its 8:40

Come on man, this is the kind of shit I like to read

every time i ask for Sup Forums scrolls my thread goes 404 "i crie evry tiem"




Ok guys last part
The Night of the FAP part III

>At this point the only ones who aren’t jerking of are my best friend and I
>he was searching for the channel in the TV and thus was unable to fap
>then a strange sensation came over me
>I could feel my legs again
>run into the corner and hide under a blanket
>just in time cause he found the channel
>so it begins
>at this point everyone was jerking it except for me
>I sit there in the corner thinking of the quickest ways to end me while the idiots are discussing how they masturbate and how hot that shitty TV channel is
>and then the reason for mens downfall kicks in
>slowly I turn my head around inching towards my inevitable doom
>mfw I look into the face of my best buddy
>I can see something different in his eyes not like the others that look almost like monkeys when they get a bunch of bananas but I could see honest regret in him
>It looked almost like he was a victim too
>not autistic enough to withstand the peer pressure
>I turn back around as I start crying
>the kid who first started finishes first and the others envy him for the color and consistency of his cum
>the others cum to and compare their jizz one last time before they clean up
>they tell me that if I ever speak to anyone about that they will kill me
>the only one who doesn’t speak is my best friend
>I fake sickness and his mom drives me home
>cry myself to sleep
>break up connection with all of them except my best buddy
>never went to a party since

So that’s how I first got to know the monster hunter series how did you get to know it?

oh and btw that was 7 years ago

>beautiful man glides through life with no problems
>makes money, fucks bitches and also is happy

It's 3 AM for me and I'm writing this

Glad that you're enjoying this scarring chapter of my life

yay it finally ends >and so foutrth that is the tale of 4chans three scrolls of the fap The end

wait ? what was 7 years ago?

cheers man i can finally sleep. fantastic story havent seen one this good in ages your doing gods work user.

i remember a Sup Forums scroll called neil the tard and another one called one day with alex jones

that party the story takes place in was 7 years ago


lol cheers lil pepe

and I remember "the pooping bandit" and "fats mcgee and his retard three"

oh fat mcgee and his retard three lol that was a god one lol btw why dont Sup Forums scrolls happen that often anymore must be the inflation of 4chans cancer

First time smoking weed story
>be me
>be 15
>trying weed with two friends, one newbie one experienced dude
>at a football pitch in a school yard, sitting on some benches, solid spot 5/7
>my turn
>have read about inhaling before on internet, basically a pro at this point
>takes smoke into mouth and then a deep inhale like a boss
>oh fuck it hurts
>start coughing and sneezing, shit flying around everywhere
>also manage to blow out the joint
>stay pretty calm, know that it doesn't always work first time and also
>joint gets finished off, still don't feel anything
>walk to field

thanks good to know that you like it
now I'm going to sleep but maybe I will make some more stories if you guys like 'em

/r/ing the old one about the guy who wipes his ass with a bible and loses everything only to get his life back on track after meeting some native american guru

yes please

part II
>never tried anything before so it's fucking crazy.
>My noob retard friend pretends to be high too, even though it hasan't hit him yet, don't know why probably to be cool
>He doesn't know what it's like being high so starts screaming like a litte faggot to my experienced friend
>high af think its a fucking animals or something
>gets in fucking karate stance and start kicking and punching furiously into the air thinking an evil clan of wood creatures are about too attack
>probably smoked too much

oh shit +1 great story

>laptop age 11

thanks every one for the great Sup Forums scrolls
i am the OP

My random story, posted it last night.This truly did happen as I describe it. I wish I was lying. Unfortunately not. The only good thing is she has no idea who I am

> been sick off work last few days, first sign of hunger
> getting takeaway pizza hut
> got my order, walking out
> struggle opening door because hands are full
> cute chick walking thru parking lot towards me
> gives me one of those looks, its obvious shes into me despite me looking like shit
> im instantly feeling alpha
> I hold door open and give her a wink and nod
> she puts her hands out and pretends to run to me in slow motion with a big smile on her face, like a love scene from a movie
> shit she's got a great sense of humour
> and she's cute af, maybe if I play this right I can get her number
> suddenly my nose twitches, have urge to sneeze brewing
> shit why now? Its gonna be big too. I'm gonna struggle to hold it in
> user just hang on til she gets inside, stay cool man
> can't hold it, sneeze with the power of a thousand suns
> just at the exact moment shes standing in front of me
> my heads flies forward, smash my forehead against the door frame
> my mouth and nose spray all sorts of gross liquids and juices
> I look at her horrified. 5 seconds ago she thought I was god, now she's looking at me like I'm a total tard
> shes disgusted, wiping my spray off her face
> put my head down, cant maintain eye contact
> notice a huge green/brown glob on her top
> fuck off back to my car real quick
> buckle up, look in rear view mirror to inspect wound on my forehead
> shit its looking brutal already
> look down see also have massive booger hanging from my nostril
> realize its right about now she's discovered my snot on her nice clean white shirt and is probably cursing me out

> how to go from hero to zero in mere seconds

7 years ago I was fucking girls in my college dorm

i wish i had a peice of ass

First blowjob story

> be me
> be 18
> super horny all the time
> had sex with a girl friend of mine a couple times
> pissed cuz she won't suck my weiner
> one day go to best friends house
> his fat sister is there visiting
> never met before
> she is obviously into me
> later that night she messages me
> told her I can't bang her cuz my best friends sister
> she says she'll suck my dick all night
> fuck yes
> go pick her up and bring her home
> in my bedroom she drains my cock dry
> swallows and everything
> came 4 times in a hour
> drop her off the next day
> ignore the crap out of her
> my best friend still don't know
> the best head I ever got


he's not underage. if he was 11 7 years ago he's eighteen now


In same theme

> femanon 22
> I'm prolly 6/10 but long hair and good body from constant working out so if you see me in passing or you are drunk I'm an 8
> jogging in park
> see hot older guy ahead doing chin ups, about 35, not wearing shirt, like real good torso
> no one else around
> always fantasized about doing something slutty and dangerous decide now is the time
> heart is pounding. dont remember exactly how conversation went but something like this. go up to him and flat out say 'want sex?'
> he looks shocked real awkward, just hangs there in front of me
> crickets
> I nearly chicken out and run off but try again, 'Im serious, i wanna blow a guy right now, I want it to be you, if youre not down I'll find someone who is'
> he says hes married, doesn't feel right
> im surprized, give him a disgusted look and start walking away
> he jumps down calls out 'hang on, are you serious? Is this a real thing?'
> yup, no strings, just wanna do a favor for someone
> 'Well OK then'
> we walk over to a big ass tree, get inside it
> have some privacy but if someone walked right past they would see us
> he leans against the trunk, kiss
> his hands go all over me
> asks me my age, I lie tell him just turned 20
> fingers pressing my pussy, I push them away 'not part of the deal'
> his body is slimy with sweat
> he smells, big turn on for me
> we reach down together and pull his shorts down
> i lean down and take them off completely
> he's now only wearing shoes
> put shorts on the ground I rest my knees on them
> face to face with his junk, he's hairy
> I tell him 'you ready'
> he doesn't answer. Dont think hes able to put words together. Still seems freaked out


> OK let's do this
> grab it and hold the head up
> start sucking
> it smells funky from the workout but I don't care
> just take it all in, hold it in place and bring my lips back and forth
> feel it kick and grow
> he gets instaboner
> shit, he's not big, just a little over 4 inches
> i've unleashed a real slut mode in myself, am juicing myself down there
> its like i cant get enough of him in my mouth, head going back and forth like crazy
> meanwhile am fingering myself
> really enjoying sucking a complete stranger
> even spare a thought for his wife who's probably baking cookies right about now, unaware her husband is face fucking someone in a park
> he's going wild, its like he's never had a bj before
> especially in semi public
> is grinding his hips feeding my mouth while holding my head in place
> can't believe I'm doing this and letting myself be treated this way
> lost all track of time, maybe 5 mins in
> he starts grunting
> damn, I coulda gone for longer
> here comes the money shot
> can't decide if swallow or not
> his legs buckle and he let's out a hnnngggg
> i chicken out, get mouth off as he cums, it flies onto the ground beside me
> I fap the last bit out of him
> I latch back on for a second, and give him a big smile as he looks at me
> look on his face is shock/terror/bliss/guilt
> I stand up, kiss him again, tongue down each others throats for a minute or so
> kissing a naked random dude ive just blown in a public area is the hottest feeling ever
> Im outta there
> as I walk out of branches look back to see him putting shorts on, I'm proud but disgusted with myself
> hope my gramma in heaven didn't see that
> coast is clear I vamos home
> rape myself in the shower wondering how I could have done something so stupid which could have gone real bad real quick.

I mean he was a big guy, he could easily have overpowered me and taken more than I was offering.

More stories? or that it yo

>riding around with friend smoking weed
>get pulled over
>panic because friend has priors and we both might get in serious trouble
>friend says "relax, I got this"
>cop comes to friends window
>"can I see your license and registr-"
>takes a full step back from window
>"Welllllll, I detect the presence of marijuana"
>friend looks at cop and says "and I detect the presence of a jelly donut"
>"you got any in there?" as he points to the cop's enormous gut
>butthole clenches
>brief pause
>cop starts laughing his ass off
>friend looks at me and gives two thumbs up with the dumbest shit-eating grin on his face
>cop regains his composure and leans in window again
>"Look, just tell me the truth and I won't be a dick"
>friend says "I have twelve grams of low grade marijuana in my center console for personal use only"
>"let me see it"
>gives bag of weed to cop
>dumps it all out on the street in front of us
>"y'all have a nice day"


Hahaha the only time I've been a slut with someone i didnt know. So no more stories. This was my only sex greentext anyway

Otherwise its just random sex with bfs and I dunno how exciting that is to other anons. I do like doing shit in the outdoors though, whether that's pulling over the car driving interstate and screwing in a field or just going outside at 2am to fuck on the back porch.

Could greentext one of them if you like????


Yeah dog share the next most interesting fuck story you got

share tittie pics too miss

yay porn thread


OK I will do. Someone gotta bump thread coz it might take me some time. Would love other femanons to join in.

Can believe it took this long for someone to request this. Answer is no sorry


what the tripping fuck is a femanon

also just for closure
your name doesn't begin with an S or an L does it


I was pretty amazed too. Nice story though, thanks

No sir. That wasn't me who sucked you dry. Jesus don't tell me there are other stupid girls out there putting theyselves in dangerous situations.

nvm tits, storie gibe seconded. user onan on. innit

an user that's a female. they clarify because people mostly think that guys go on here

roger that
and yes there are
i got blowie from a girl who i knew for less than a month in 2 public bathrooms
and a disabled toilet
fun times

there is 3 of us and we're both fat

stillllll waiting femanon hurry up am tired

oh i thought it was a trap

>Be me


hahaha user that made me laugh I have had some close calls with that but with farting instead

i feel u

what does >be me mean

Good shit user

son how new are you
>be me
literally means
that you are you

>Be me
>7th grade
>Have to piss
>Book it to bathroom while discretely holding my peener hole shut
>Get to bathroom
>Urinals are taken
>See unlocked stall
>Kick open stall like they do in the movies
>See kid squatting on the toilet shitting frog style
>See his turd quickly retreat into his rectum like a scared turtle
>Piss myself

kek i had like 15 run ins with the cops when i was a teenager, somehow only got in trouble once

whats up with girls wanting to fuck outside? ive had quite a few gfs who were into that

Ok this is short but fucking weird
>be me
> 12
>parents and I go to store
>pull into parking lot
>see what had to be 100 people in chef costumes, hat and all
That's all that happened sadly

it's just kinky and risky
believe it or not most girls are as weird as most dudes in sex


fuck this it's 4am and i gotta be up
dear femanon write fuckin faster next time
peace homies


so much kek here


This hasn't 404'd yet!?

sorry for long wait guys, been doing Sunday night stuff

> bf in college is from KS
> July weekend we drive across six state lines to visit his family
> I love road trips am down with that
> often times in the car he makes me take panties off just so he can finger me while stopped at the lights
> this time no different
> real freaking hot and tired am just lying back catching zzz's he pulls my sundress up
> not doing anything to me, just likes the view
> I wake up as car pulls over
> we arent on the interstate, just on a random road
> look around its all prairies and shit, flat land for miles, no trees, no houses nothing
> I'm still sleepy can't figure this out, assume he's gotta take a leak
> tells me 'get out'
> I know that tone, that's his 'I mean business' voice
> get out stretch my legs
> still wiping sleep from my eyes when bam he's on me
> arms around me, tongue down my throat, like he's trying to stuff his hands up my vag
> am easy turned on, a bit of kissing and rubbing im good to go
> he pushes me again hood of the car gets me to bend over
> hitches one of my legs up and pulls dress right up

Thanks to you, no.

> tells me to stay like that don't look back
> I'm exposed, can even feel sun and breeze on my pussy
> I know he's fapping to me
> lying like this forever, he's taking way too long just want him to fuck me
> I want to be fucked , he always does this, just gets me going and makes me wait for it
> and then its all on
> jumps on me, rams himself in and pounds me
> holds my head and ass down, I can't move an inch
> just gotta take it
> he's treating me rough but its fucking hot as fuck being out here screwing in this setting
> its uncomfortable being in this position but doesn't matter, the feeling in my pussy and going down my legs is worth any discomfort
> its getting painful but I can't do anything
> still just on top of me giving it to me as hard as he can
> and then he's off me
> watch him walk out to the road, dick hanging out fapping himself
> goes back to the car
> gets a blanket from the back seat
> OK I see where this is headed
> I take my dress and bra off
> he walks off blanket gets laid out in a field couple hundred yards from the road
> i follow him, sit down ask him how he wants me
> he's standing over me, fully dressed just his zipper open and belt undone
> cock out
> suck on him
> What starts off slow and gentle quickly goes all out
> he's holding my head in place while thrusting his ass
> its kinda just dick vs mouth
> I just gotta sit there, mouth being used a fuck hole

Anyone have that Google drive link with the shit ton of stories? I saw it yesterday but forgot to save it.

youre like a retarded preschooler with words

also stop god you couldnt make water hard

how to not get 404d reply with bump to your own post every 4 min

> this guy loved bjs but always preferred to creampie me
> told me he was going to cum inside my pussy
> pushes me down, I lie there
> before I can even open my legs all the way he's already trying to force his cock inside me
> grabs my back and shoulders, hunches over me and drills the ever loving fuck out of me
> cums
> we are both screaming and yahooing like fucking idiots because whose gonna hear us out here?
> he stays inside me feel his cum trickling down to my ass
> lie there forever legs wrapped around him enjoying the moment
> gets off me, we both smile and laugh
> I mean we always try new things, but this was one of the best yet
> he goes back to the car
> I lie there in the heat, put my dress over my face and open my legs right up. Let the sun at it
> bf comes back with some junk food and soda
> eats me out til I cum
> that didn't take long
> he was also the only guy that didn't mind drinking his own cum out of me
> both happy lie there cuddling for the next 30 minutes looking at the clouds eating pringles
> I'm naked the whole time
> time to get going, I get his cock out again, lemme just try this for a couple minutes
> lazily suck on him while he lies there in the field eyes closed, hands being his head. Biggest shit eating grin on his face
> gets rock hard
> OK we can do this to completion
> spend all my focus and energy on giving him hopefully most memorable cocksucking of his life
> he cums down my throat
> walk back to the car, I open the back and get a dress out of a bag
> finally clothed again
> lean against car and kiss passionately, wanna hold onto this moment
> drive off
> stay at his parents, separate rooms
> made for some sneaky sex

But that's another story
