You have 10 SECONDS to explain why you don't have a girlfriend

You have 10 SECONDS to explain why you don't have a girlfriend.

I dont want the hassle of having to deal with another persons personality and idiosyncrasies

I'm not interested in sex.

I'm gay

hasn't happened yet

I got married

But user, I do.

i have a fiance

I am TOO intelligent.

It's not part of what I want right now in life although I could use the sex.

Lol bred

Because she left me

Because I'm a neurotic asshole who can't be bothered to spend time on anyone

Im going to bootcamp soon. No point.

I'm lonely clingy below average looks 35 clinically depressed with zero redeeming factors

I got one.

My wife wouldn't be happy

literally lol'd

because Im dumb and insecure

i am fagot

ain't nobody got time for that

Because I'm working on one

Don't blame you. My life is a ylyl thread a cringe thread and a bawl thread all in one.

I'm currently trying to win her back

I crave intimacy as much as I fear it.

I'm married, and not hispanic

Not enough rune scape gold to buy one.

Cant afford that item

because women always reject me. If dubs or greater, I will have one soon

I'm a very busy single father. Just stick to NSA bitches.

If you do manage to win her back, the paradigm will shift to her favor forever.
Enjoy you enslavement.

I like to have different flavors of ice cream in my freezer.

wife wont let me

Focused on work and school. Making huge moves. Will have to find a low maintenance girl or one who was there before i started making good money

That's a pretty good reason imo

gay as fuck

Be living in another country this time next year, no point in putting in any effort now?

Brittany wont talk to me.


Can't afford child support.

wow this

I dont know ANY women and too shy to meet women anyway...

Underrated post

The internet.

I'm to much of a hermit and pot head


Still waiting to meet my soulmate again

I don't have an excuse or explanation, outright don't know.
Had one girlfriend before and have no idea how it happened.

I have an ex wife and cant afford to give another house away.

Too friendly

One time a girl made fun of my acne in 7th grade and I've been scared of them ever since.

What I'm looking for won't be found in a relationship.

Sup Forums

Im too good for these bucket head bitches

already do, op

Cuz i'm fine being single rn.

i dont go outside.

shy af

because 99% of people make their problems yours if you let them, and if you dont let them your "insensitive"

I don't put myself out there. Work>home>work>home>etc

To much hassle, the wife would not be amused.

trips of truth

christ that is one ugly chug.

I am sexually attracted to spider man.

because i denied the last one, didnt like her.

I'm still getting over my ex. It's been two years and I still miss her. I'm socially awkward around girls that I'm attracted to and I don't even bother with it anymore. I stutter when I'm really nervous and that isn't attractive at all.

Hopefully a girl will see past that like my ex did.

women just look at me and try to put as much distance between me and them as possible. i see this happen all the time. i guess i'm seriously ugly as fuck. i gave up trying to talk to them a long time ago.

Most likely the first and last valid response in this thread.

I go to an all boys Catholic highschool in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, my name is Michael, I am a rising junior, and I think I might be gay. I think that's a valid reason.

I moved mine into my house and all she does is smoke pot and play Sims and League of Legends. she came with baggage in the form of a cat, which is cool since cats are GOAT tier

couldn't be happier, getting laid daily helps ease the pain OP

for anyone else in this thread, lower your standards for a bit, find a nice girl to use for practice. goes a long way when you run into a real-life stacey who will give you the time of day

also fuck you op

Girls are too expensive.
My ex would steal my credit card and spend 600 dollars on stupid dumb shit.
Im single, have money, food, drugs, alcohol, new video games, anything you could imagine. Pussy is waaaay too expensive. You can get the same feelings from a good 100 dollar fleshlight.
Problem solved.

I'm a beta who's caught up on a girl

>not wearing gloves
>not pouring in a fume hood

Prefer spending money in another things

>fume hood
I bet you kiss girls faggot

Because I'm a piece of shit and don't want to involve someone else in my shit.

Just shows how serious and edgy I am

Impatient and get angry too quickly, and resort to all or nothing thinking.

Im a conservative in a liberal school, not willing to be a white knight cuck. Also known as a general shit bag. Sometimes its easier to be what everyone wants you to be

I dont want to fuck up my friendship with her brother.

I do have a GF and it sucks lol

being single is easier i can fuck whoever i want and not have to live up to the ever changing care standard of a gf



Because I'm fat as fuck, small dick, and don't waste my energy flirting with someone that won't go anywhere.

Because I'm a self-realized alien.

fuck u

because i'm not ready after the last one i had

i'm there with you Sup Forumsro

I'm married and my wife wouldn't approve.

Tbh idk i get tons of looks from girls and i look great but idk probably just not lucky every girl i meet has a bf and also i dont own a car. 18 btw.

Fat ugly loser with no social skills

My dick is too big

Already have one but I'll be damned if I can explain why I keep her.

19 in may haHAA

Cause I'm a girl and would rather have a boyfriend????


why is the funny? i think i really know why you don't have gf fucktard

go fuck off bitch!!! you're not clever!

I choose not to because they are fucking annoying. I just keep a stable of 3-4 bitches I fuck. When one outlives it usefulness I kick her ass out of the stable and replace her with a fresh philly.

total lies. pathetic