Emily pt. 2

Emily pt. 2

Other urls found in this thread:



go on

you really want to fuck him or what?

Op here. Not really, I'm thinking she might be giving me her number instead of his.

Does he like flowers?

As I said in other thread

"I know you didn't really give me your brother's number (wink emoji)"

Call it

why cant you just get over her...
Ask her when it's ok for you to call or txt him

This should be texted to be clear


user from the other thread helping me get matches still here?

thank you for this beta cancer OP

what would that change? stop making him ultimate beta

call teh number and inform whoever answers that their rectal cavity has an appointment with your dick on thursday

Here's what you do OP:
Get a voice recorder (can be an app or on a laptop).
Call that number, set up a time and place.
Upload recording to vocaroo.

It opens and resets the conversation, a clean slate

I'm too beta/nervous to do that. Plus guys I've got to wake up at 5:15 for work tomorrow. It's been good but i don't know how long I can keep this up

Post her number

this but only the wink part

Call the fucking number and record it so we can hear.

why beta so hard
no it doesn't

you haven't done shit


Easy way to tell if it's her or her brother. Save that number as a contact and then go to snapchat and look under Add contacts, it'll have their username.

so txt it

Wait, Ijust realized this isn't grindr.
Are you even a trap?

Do this if you're too beta to call

or insta, or just fucking call it, if it's her brother then tell she wanted you to fuck him

I tried to get you the yes or no last thread and you fucking waffled, don't give us this shit now

Fucking this op, it's over anyway.

stop this beta shit he got 4x no and he kept pushing

He never got a definitive kill no, until you get one then no doesn't really mean no.

OP ask her if she is into digital anal foreplay, you already ruined it and it might actually peak her interest



fuck off Alex

you're a fucking trainwreck

she was killing conversation, he could make it casual again but no he kept pushing that he want to fuck her, if she wanted she would reply with something to him to reply not with emoji or hahah jk.

Fucking do it

check snap/insta

and stop pushing this beta sex thing

anyone have screencaps of pt 1?

There is no Snapchat for that number... and I have no instagram

I saved html gonna screen cap but in a few mins

check out my new ylyl thread, op seems to be gone.

whatever just txt already

No im still here


Just fucking get it over with.

Are you trying to take this serious OP?
or are you gonna tell her you have a dildo obsession?

WHAT ARE YOU DOING. i didn't see part 1, but 90% certain its her number. Say "Hey, tell your sister to buy me dinner" NO WINKY FACE

Pick her up with this.

I typed the number in wrong.

I checked it on Snapchat

ITS THE GIRL I GOT HEr number guyz!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She gave him to number of her brother user.


can i fuck your dad?

chances that "she" is a trap are 50%

You know what to do.

142.177% not OP

Op here. Just checked her Facebook page. She's a lot uglier than her tinder pics...but that applies to me. Should I still go for it?

post just one pic so we know what she looks like

If it applies to you then do it. kek.

Haven't you gone too far to go back now?

we know you will, just keep it casual

he's too much of a beta orbiter to post, we tried last thread

maybe OP created ~her~ profile on FB, made a Tinder, matched with himself for this thread.

is it possible OP is more of a faggot than he lets on?

he should at least keep messing with her till he knows she wants to fuck, then bail

practice my friends


OP here, the number she sent isn't even responding to my texts. I gotta head to bed soon so if nothing happens, then I'm sorry.

nigger nigger nigger

OP, just fkin call the number.
What do you have to lose? How do you gonna talk to the girl on a date if u can't even talk to her on the phone. And if it really is her brothers number ( which would be non sense, she would never give her brothers number out to a complete stranger) just hang up?!

This is not the real OP. I'm the real OP and I'm going to bed

this isn't OP either. I am OP and I am revving up those dicks as we speak

How are you going to tell me that I'm not myself? Anyway it's getting late and I have work in the morning. This was a fail and I really didn't want it to be one. Oh well.

stop being a cuck and life gets easier