Wtf is this site even

wtf is this site even,

It's a portal to hell

It's a blanket for your psyche

how tf did you even comment that fast?

im loving this site already

lol k

It's a chicken that you fuck in your brain


It's a brain that you fuck with your chicken

thats fucked

>thats fucked
JESUS is coming!!!!
Hand him a warm towel.

sir, this is a christian sever so no swearing, (i'm wondering if thats old yet)

>christian sever

>sir, this is a christian

i applaud you/

i applaud you/

Have a drink from our fountain, it's free

idk how to make good memes lol, kill me please the infinite void of space and time are consuming my soul every moment

>consuming my soul
I'll give you a quarter for it

>, kill me please
You're dead already, you just don't know it

im nor that cheap honey, 1.50!

lol best grammar 2017

I downloaded everything I know from my rat>lol best grammar 2017

lol first post and i'm already loving dis, like an obese american/chinese child whos been eating a whopper/ big mac hybrid.

how do i reply to certain peoples?

>lol first post and i'm already loving dis,
>eating a whopper
>chinese child

Dot't get used to it, this is better than it will ever get for you

click on their numbers

lol k thx for the inspiration to continue existing.

oh lol thx

>continue existing.
please don't

k, is this normal to have some people actually respond to your first fucking stupid shitpost on this site? ( i'm sure SOMEBODY has something good as there first post, but not me...)

wow, i guess it really has come and gone huh? im thankful for the responses tho.

>k, is this normal to have some people actually respond to your first fucking stupid shitpost on this site?


>the fly on his ass

>>the fly on his ass


what do flies like?

be like Einstein and figure it out