Feels thread. What's on your mind, user?

Feels thread. What's on your mind, user?
Feelsy music recommendations are appreciated.

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Fighting off existential thoughts. I just can't fool myself in to believing in a god. Feeling pretty bummed that I'm just randomly floating through the universe and nothing really matters tbh.

I know how you feel dude. It seems that I'm always trying to find ways to distract myself from those thoughts through vidya/anime/etc.

feeling great.

here's how i feel in music form:


It's good to hear that you're feeling well. If you don't mind me asking, why are you feeling so good right now?

Same my dude. I've started embracing the whole multiverse theory. I find it comforting because it means that there's at least a few versions of this life that actually have a god/afterlife and there's a version of me that is more secure with everything.

That does sound appealing when you say it like that

Finally form an actual relation with a girl. She wants to be left alone, something happened and she wont say what. Havent talked in a while. I didnt know that i had the capacity to miss another human being like this.
Its weird man.

I'm lovesick my dudes

Whenever I can't talk to her I get physically I'll, like I've eaten 1 full meal over the past 48 hours and that made me feel sick
My heart hurts most of the time and I want to cry like a bitch
I've been getting such crappy sleep that I just fell asleep in the middle of the day, and ended up dreaming a protracted conversation with her

The shit we're going to have to slog through to be together may be years ahead, but that's all that even keeps me going

There is your love out there, find her, love her, fuck her, appreciate her, because finding that woman that wants your happiness more than everything is the woman you do the same for
I've been there, love is the cure for that. You wont see her coming, but once she's there, don't let her go*
*only do this if she actually wants you to, as in discuss it at length. Don't be a fucking (unwarranted)stalker

OP here.

I've never had a grill or been in love. Is this what it's like?

>went to weeklong activity last week
>met girl there
>tried to be by eachother as much as possible
>got close to her
>started to like her
>to shy to ask her for her phone number or email
>kinda sad that I didn't
>kinda miss her
>we talked a lot and just clicked
>found her email
>through the membership website
>i know stalkish but I wanted to see if you actually could find anyones email
>not sure if to shoot her an email or not
>cause you know it'd be creepy af
>she has no social media (I asked) but she never hinted about her number so I didn't press further hence why I never asked
>I know I'am a social retard

Between us we have the perfect relationship. Most people who divorce haven't had to go through the shit we have to stay together in our shitty situation. Anybody who says monogamy isn't natural has never been truly in love, I mean when someone is everything to you just like you are to them. Being stuck away from her is constant suffering, but it's worth it. When you love someone even physical pain won't matter anymore when it comes to them

I want to listen user

I love a girl but not like head over heals you just feel secure knowing they love you back and won't leave you and hearing the words I love you gives you that warm butterfly feeling in your stomach

It does help. It definitely takes away any thoughts of death and what everything is.

Just message her and be casual
If you can make her laugh and blush, that's how you lock down that pussy user!

Start out by saying you realize how stalkerish it is, but [insert silly joke or pun]
Just behave like you did at the concert and she'll let you know if she's interested

That was beautifully worded, user

anyone got any feels stories to share. Stuff to get off your chest? I got one, but i share it pretty regularly, and at least some have already heard it.You guys want to hear it?

Fuck Antifa. Fuck the alt right. Fuck the news for sensationalizing it all. Fuck the lack of a common enemy.

Its gonna take a nuke to unite this fucking country, I only hope it hits Florida.

Fuck Florida.

go, lets hear it

wasn't a concert but I won't give to much info of the organization/event to avoid being ID'd but she lives in AZ and me in WI and met in NM along with like 40 others when I had to get on my flight the others shook hands I just kinda looked at her and then at the floor showing how I didn't wanna go but had to and she did the same also the reason I didn't ask because others where around (in a group) talking and knew she wouldn't give it out since she doesn't like to but she came from gate E to B (complete opposite sides of the air port) to come hangout with us and I already have a girl (like a GF but not official) I just liked her as a friend

Go for it, user

The thing is, I've been with my gf for almost 7 years and if she ever left me then it would be it. She's definitely been a huge factor in not falling in to depression. I have minimal family and they all live on the other side of the globe. It's just trying to convince myself that my existential purpose is for her and not just the other way around.

I'll get there hopefully.

Every day user

Since I can't tripfag maybe I'll go by Dr. Lovesick(or anything user comes up for me)

There's two things true love takes:
1. You being the best for him/her
2. She/He is the best thing for you

My general guidelines are:
Mutual respect and love (doesn't mean you can't get kinky ^ .^)
You want to spend time with each other a lot
as an autistic nerd, it's great having someone who I can sit on the phone with For literally whole days with non stop talking, and also just sitting in comfortable snuggly silence on the phone while we do our own things is always great too

Let it out my dude.

Alright then. This is a story from a few years back, when I was in my last year of middle school. Just so you guys know.
>Be Me, 14 years old.
> Filthy Jew faggot, parents wanted me to go on a birthright trip with some "friends" that I had known for a while in middle school.
>For the rest of this trip, I will be referring to this as the Israel trip.
>Attended this school from 1st Grade to 8th, in 8th we go to Israel.
>School shilled the trip to make us stay there, was a pretty shitty education, for they didn't teach some essential shit properly, fucked me later in high school.
>Arrive at Jerusalem airport, normal shit, faggots ignoring me like they had normally done throughout my time there.
> A Day and a 1/2 in, tired, we are going to the underground western wall
>Note about the trip: We were going with 2 other middle schools.
>On way to the place, fall asleep due to jet lag.
>I fall asleep next to a guy on the bus, Dickhead doesn't even try to wake me up.
>Nobody notices me, like usual.
>Stuck with Israeli bus driver
>Somewhat dazed and confused, go with bus driver to his parent's house.
>Dude speaks no english, have no idea what he is saying.
> At this point, I feel bad for him, due to the fact that this faggot just showed up (me).
>Get back to the group, at the wall.
>A group of 40 jewish children, including the ones i knew, all look at me, and start laughing at me.
>This is when I realized that life was not going to work out well for me.

Me too!
Someday we're suiciding together so we don't have to be apart ever again after we get together

>I then watch everyone i thought I knew, slowly cave to peer pressure.
>Fast forward to a few days later.
>Friend of many years up to that point invites me to talk in his room.
>2ndIncident.exe has started running
>Go into friend's room, lets call him Zach
>Zach then, along with 2 other faggots
>They then take me, place me under the sink, place towel tight on my face, and pour water.
>Too scared, brain gets sensation of drowning
>Throw up a little, immediately goes back into mouth.
>This, although it was only 2 minutes, felt like an eternity.
>Especially because it was by someone I trust, in addition to the 2 guys who helped him (also trusted them)
>Walk out stunned, lost faith in humanity.

>After Israel Trip
>I attempt a form of communication with this man, after about 3 weeks of minimal communication with the outside world.
>During this time, I attempted suicide.
>Parents thought I was being overdramatic.
>Probably was.
>Back to the story
>I skype this man,
>I ask him "Zach, why did you waterboard me?"
> He replies "Well user, I just wanted to. And you were the easiest to do it to because I knew you wouldn't resist."
> I have not spoken to him since.
That day has haunted my memory for years now, because it is a constant reminder of how I can never truly trust anyone, and how even those who you think understand, never will. Thank you for listening in on my faggotry.
>Flash Back to week before end of school.
>Depressed as shit, look around to see if anyone cares about what just happened.
>As normal, nobody does
>In fact, school attempts to cover up the issue, and pretends like it didn't happen (The bus incident that it, not the waterboarding)
>Even if the waterboarding got out to beside the kids, Zach's parents have enough money to "make it all go away".
>I confront the school about the bus issue, they say it was a problem and won't happen again.
>I know its bullshit, but i let it go.
>However, my parents (my mother) stopped supporting the school (My dad wanted to pretend like nothing happened)
All in all, lesson is to never trust kids, or people in general. I learned that lesson the hard way.

Anyway thank you guys for listening.

Thats pretty much it. What else do you want?

Lonely. Suicidal. I cant sleep again. Rejected. I hate myself. I want to be a normie. I just want the pain to stop. Sad. Abandoned. I think i cant think properly. I hope i die soon. I really hope i die soon.

No one gives a fuck about their actions and what they do to people in the long run. The way that Zach dude will see it, he done that to you years ago and should be considered history but to you that caused such a psychological scar that you have no trust in anyone for years to come. Same fucking reason I hate my mother and I only trust 2 people in my life. Hopefully you'll be able to recover user.

I want to be a girl, but that's impossible (i know, fucking stupid and gay right ? yeah...)
I hate myself and i don't think anybody cares about me
Have attempted suicide once, failed... too scared to actually do it...

I think the only thing that still keeps me alive is anime and vidya, without those i would have do it a long time ago.

Music, i guess... youtube.com/watch?v=t0MGRxm4VLM


Follow your heart to love nigger, that's where it's at
I became the clown user. People will love you, but they will never know you (until you find her)
I think fuck all sides man. Every side is retarded. I think the only way people stay "sane" is because they don't question things. I'm not a neckbeardy fgt, I'm a hippie, I think the world needs more people smoking weed, more education so people can learn basic fucking reasoning (look at how America dumped it's amazing space race education system and beat it with a hammer and dumped the poor thing in the back of an abortion clinic while it's bipolar left/right mood swings through the rest of the nation into even deeper shit)

My ex left me for another man two years ago. I still don't know what I did wrong. I still miss her, but I certainly don't want to be with her again, not after that. I'm in college now and I turn full autistic when a girl speaks to me that I find attractive. I've started to develop a stutter when this happens and I don't know why. It's never happened before.

I met a girl online a few days ago. She's very sweet and I've been dreaming of what our lives would be like together. It's fucked up, yeah, but someone can certainly dream of a happily-ever-after when a girl, even online, pays you attention. I'm not ugly by any means, I've had girlfriends before and I've been laid quite a few times, but this stutter, I don't know where it comes from.

The fall semester starts in a few weeks. I'm thinking about joining a student organization to expand my social capital but if I sperg out around a girl I think I might have a chance with, it's going to be for nothing and I'll look like a creep.

For those who read this all the way through, thank you for listening.

One of my best buddies wants to be a girl, just wait for medical tech to catch up, okay user?


After about a week me and my gf were talking about moving in together, still set on it 2 years later, just remember to cam lots

Yeah, i think so...

Still haven't lost hope yet, maybe one day things will actually get better

...at least that's what i tell myself everyday when i wake up...

oh yeah I remember this one

Shit similar to this happens to most kids when they're young.

Next time, stand up for yourself. You'd be surprised how most bullies will back off when they realize someone isn't going to put up with their shit.

I broke up with my girlfriend she beautiful funny and smart. She's perfect. It's just she's too clingy she was my best friend when I moved away from my friends and family. We were friends up until junior year of highschool then we dated
We recently graduated and I broke up with her a little after cause I wanted more. I wanted to party and have meaningless sex i didn't do that in highschool
She wanted to get married and move in together right after.

It's been 3months and I miss my best friend talking to her telling her everything that's had been going on she was a big part of my life and I know I hurt her when we broke up but I moved back to my home town and she's 10 hours away

She doesn't know I moved I didn't tell anyone and she'd be the only one who care about it.

I'm lonely and I miss her or what we had idk I'm confused.

For all you suicidal anons here's a song for you.

Don't be fooled by the song name, it's actually really encouraging.

Laying on a couch in an icu waiting room. My dad had a major stroke yesterday. He is on life support right now and is not going to survive. We we're hoping that he may recover but he will not survive without life support such as a ventilator and a feeding tube. He would never walk again or anything like that. This is something that when my grandmother was in her final days he made clear he did not want. We will be taking him off life support I believe tomorrow. He is breathing somewhat on his own past the breathing tube so he won't pass away right away. He will be receiving hospice care.

Humans are literally about to cure cancer, aids, and Huntington disease, they can 3d print a fucking working heart they'll be able to 3d print you a pussy in a few years

Who's watching rick and morty tonight :D

go back to her dude
call her and talk to her

I'm the activity user not sure if I should or not since it maybe creepy/stalkerish I was scrolling through the photos on facebook and seen one of her with one like and I'm pretty sure its her mom...

god damn i miss her

i had my chance and i blew it

feels music as requested op:

Have you done the meaningless sex?
Has she?
Explain more, hopefully you can put it back together
You made a stupid fucking mistake, and you go put a ring on her fucking finger if she actually matters that much, I would have already married mine if I could

I did think about maybe doing it awhile after and pull the I recall you telling me and I wrote it down just had to find it when I unpacked maybe it'll work or not but she's far from dumb and not sure if it'd work because I remember every detail of our conversations

If you don't know her then her thinking you're creepy doesn't mean anything. I would give it a try. You never know.

Send her a message fag, do it now!

fuck man i'm so sorry... lost my mom about 5 years ago.

Go back to her. I always thought that being clingy was a bad thing but it makes me feel needed. Like I'm her world and there's nothing else in this universe apart from us.

LIsten to this, especially Trace The Lines. The album is Divisi by A lot Like Birds

I know her thinking keep in mind this activity was for teens I'm 18 (hardly turned it about 2 weeks ago) and she's 15 and already in fucking college so she's no dumbass also refer to

refer to I'm to analytical I remember everything and nothing at the same time but since she was special to me I remember every interaction which means I could implement a false memory since I could provide detail

She didn't feel like the one now that I think about it, but it still hurts how fast she moved on. Revealed she's just a slut. If the worst feeling right now is losing her, then life right now isn't that bad. Still enjoying the sadness with emo-level music to see how ridiculous it all is and moving on wont be that hard.


It has not sunken in yet at all. It's hard to go in the room with him. I mean I knew I would loss him one day but I mean he is only 53.

I haven't had so much as a single date in around 3 years. I am too shy and introverted to ever pyt myself back out there, and I have 0 confidence left in me. All thanks to my ex....my best friend of four years before we started dating....the one person who I though I could trust more than anyone

I still lie awake at night thinking about her and why it was my fault she left

Listen user, don't waste time when it comes to love, you'll regret each second you didn't spend with them.

If you can see yourself wifing her and putting baby batter directly into her eggs in your 30s, that's the one

My gf is 5 years older user, just show that you're actually willing to meet her family and shit and they won't freak out

then again if she emailed me out of the blue I'd be more than happy and wouldn't give a shit how she got it but I doubt she'd feel the same way but idk hell we used bus as transportation to and from base and purposely sat by each other and purposely tried to hang out and be by each other so...

I wanna listen user

if you read my first post she lives in AZ (same city as some of my relatives) but I live in WI but 18 on 15 is just weird due to the 'adult' associated with 18 and with HS maybe this will help

General rule, if people can have great relationship long distance, you're way more likely to click perfectly irl

I lost my Dad due to cancer. I had to sit as a kid and watch him slowly suffer and wither away. He was my hero and I worshiped the ground he walked on. One weekend he was "well" enough to come home and I remember going to see my auntie for the weekend. I remember making him promise that he won't be back in the hospital and he said he'd still be home. That was the last time I saw him.

It gets easier but harder at the same time user and at least he won't suffer over time like my dad. Be with him if your comfortable being by his side when he passes. I wish I was with mine. Stay strong


usually its the opposite, online then meet this would be two friends staying touch and shit but I'm not sure how long it'd last or whatnot

We knew each other for 4 years, then started dating for around nine months. We had some issues near then end, freshman year college finals and her getting ready to go to college had us so damn stressed. So we agreed to just take a break so we could both focus didn't know why I thought it was okay but w/e

Ff two weeks with no contact and see she's dating someone else.

Ff another three years with no contact and we start talking again, she got engaged but the guy Is an ass and treats her like shit. She tells me she's ending it with him and I do. My best to keep hee happy and just be friendly.

Ff to now....she dropped me. Off the face of the world again....like I only. Exist when it's convienent.....

I don't know if she's in a relationship or not but I'm already committed to someone else for the most part but I'd prefer to be close friends and shit

i suppose it's the amount of potential our species has/had and now it's ever so quickly withering away.


When I was in hs I would walk to the hospital every day to hold my grandpa's hand while he slowly wasted away. My regrets are I didn't start sooner, I can remember wondering what the fuck I was doing, he was dying, the most important person in my world, and I hadn't seen him for months. I hope he could hear me talking and say goodbye after he slipped into a coma

You need to move forward user. She sounds potentially toxic. You will find someone who will make you forget her existence. No doubt when you find happiness, she'll remember who you are and that's when you need to forget about the nostalgia attached to her and drop her for good. If she cared about you then you's would have never lost contact.

Potential for what?

You have a heartless cunt user
There's a good woman out there who can make you believe in love again, but it's not her
Keep going for all the anons heartbroken and lovesick

Don't waste time with love user, fucking trust me.
Love is something not to be fucked around with (cept when you're making luuuuuuv)

Been alone for a long time. Which was semi ok. Been focusing on fixing the things wrong with me. But I am not truly happy alone. Girl moved in next door. I'm attracted to broken people that have survived bullshit. She has. Physically my type as well. I won't bore you with the details. We fucjed once because she gets horny when high. (Weed). Otherwise. My permanent. " I'm here when you need someone schtick has once more turned me into the guy that loves the girl but the girl sees me as the guy she cries to about what an asshole her "bad boy " bf is. I knew better than to let the walls down and now I'm laying here with a hole in my stomach(figuratively)

Fuckin A

If there is one thing I am thankful for it is that he is not suffering(as far as I can tell). He is completely non responsive to stimulus and I don't know if he is in there but I've been letting him know how much I love him. The prospect of not having my dad in my life is...... He is who I call when I need some one to talk to. He is most certainly one of my best friends and I don't know what I'm gonna do without him

Don't stop user, just watch where you put your dick. Only put it in someone who wants YOU and not just your dick

I've started to doubt anyone even thinks I'm worth the time anymore....I have one single friend and she doesn't even live in this country....everyone else...they all eventually leave me....it's hopeless to look for love


My gf and I met online, and we hated eachother until we actually started talking, and we just haven't stopped (it's been years now)

Loved a girl knlwing she'd never love me back. Saddest year and a half of my life, eventually got over it. There's always something to be happy about.

not looking for love just to talk to her because I feel we mad a connection I wouldn't say I love her (I love someone else) but during the week I enjoyed her company and took my mind off the one I loved so I could focus on shit but I'd like to be in contact with her

to be a species frequently traveling the cosmos and we've ruined that...anyone who says it will happen is only fooling themselves as there are far too many obstacles in the way to make any real progress and even the efforts thus far are comparable to a child's interest in rocketry.

There's gonna be a girl who's head over heels for you user, as long as you're willing to be that everything

I don't have many friends.
probably will never have another gf again let a lone even get married. I'm so tired of getting fucked over in the end. So I just gave up now.
Slowly coming to the realization that I'll never have a normal conventional life or anything close to it.
I feel hollow and empty as fuck most of the time.
Can barely afford eat because I live on my own and I have expenses.
Rarely actually happy.
Isolated most of the time because most people are shitty or theres some drama going on.
Been stressed out as fuck lately because a lot of bullshit has been going on the past couple of days.
Actually learned one of my friends moved away today just packed her shit and left because her bf was a controlling douche and her phone got shut off. I knew she gonna leave and where too(very far away) just not when.
I don't know if ill be able to get a hold of her or not.
>So yea, that helps.
On top of that I'm sober as fuck atm and I just want too fucking die.
>mfw me 24 hrs a day



I want something guys... I don't know what it is but its something. I feel empty... When i think I've finally found what'll make me happy ( new vidya, good grades, good group of friends, etc) i still feel empty and i want it to stop. Any idea what it is?

Nigger, humans have already made fucking black holes for shits and giggles

Soft drugs, not hard drugs until you meet her, okay user?



I'll be honest, my dad passed years ago and sometimes I still feel lost without him but I'm times of difficultly I act on the memories I have of him. Every piece of advice he gave you doesn't leave this earth with him unless you choose to forget. When you feel lost, just remember what he taught you. Remember the help and support he gave you during the times you reached out to him. That's the purest way to honour his memory.

I went through this too
It's depression
Mine was caused by lovesickness... and I'm still having to battle due to forces beyond either of our control :(
Just focus on finding that girl to wife(or guys, Idgaf)
