I am the original author of Andy Sixx log threads. AMA

I am the original author of Andy Sixx log threads. AMA.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking hang yourself.


Gtfo attention fag

so touchy

Thank you for coming forward.

Please take your own life now.

Mmm tasty logs

Bullshit. I am the original log poster

You both have no idea. This is actually part of my life, so I know both of you are lying

Prove you run the wix site otherwise you're lying

OP here
When me and my friend came here from a big imageboard (dont want to say the name) of we started studying the culture around the chan.
we catched up fast, started lurking the catalogue and fastening up the dubs.
it took us nearly a whole week of thinktanking until we came up with the andy six meme. he is just the perfect mix of gentleman and badboy and really hits the spot of our generation.
as you see i am open for a real dialogue here, just go ahead and ask.

I don't even run the site. That guy just saw my shit and jumped on. I'm actually drunk enough to explain it. Give me a sec

It all started when my first wife left me. I started drinking a lot, and spending most of my time on Sup Forums. I don't even have a pot to piss in. All that's really left for me is music. I start slidding into a deep depression, and write the lead singer of BVB, telling him he's keeping me alive. He gives me a backstage pass and a ticket to a concert about 90 miles away. After the show, this guy walks by me, without so much as saying hi. This is pretty much the last straw for me.. I sold a ton of old games for gas/food money and just felt ripped off. I follow him around a corner, and a door closes in my face. I quickly whip the door open, and he's directly in front of me, In a closet size bathroom. He's already on the toilet, pants down, looking at me with his hands in the air (I didn't even know it was a bathroom). I shut the door, and linger outside to apologize. I hear YO I NEED TOILET PAPER from the inside. I get some from a blue bowl, and rush it back to him. When I get there, he's already gone. Something else catches my eye, however. This motherfucker forgot to flush a humongous corn-infested log that was actually poking over the toilet seat, like it never fully dropped. I feel tears well up in my eyes, and shut the door behind me. I just had a moment of hysteria... This giant hunk of shit reminded me of my life as a whole. Both laughing and crying, I leaned over the bowl, watching my tears drop into the bowl, and roll down the log, making it glisten. It didn't smell at this point... and I guess curiosity had gotten the better of me, but I scratched a smudge off with my fingernail, and wiped the shit between two of my bottom teeth. It was genuinely tasty, but I couldn't believe what I was doing. I stood up, and just started to feel disgusting, like some depraved animal. Now I've been thinking about it when I fap, and making those memes. I know everyone hates it, but it's more personal to me. Just keep scrolling, and enjoy your lives.. you're better off without me.

Why do you do it? And don't answer me with a meme. I want to know, unironically, what you get out of this.

Bullshit, the runner of the wix site is the original log poster. I would know I run the Facebook fan group

Well you got it from somewhere, didn't you?

your not op.
didnt happen anyway

Yeah and I'm not the original log poster and neither are you

You're lying. The guy that runs the wix site doesn't even do it by himself, he has a small team of people. He's probably the one that shops all the log pics too.


Grow up.

i am afraid of not leaving a mark behind me. vanishing in time forever. the best i can do is pictures of poo on the internet i guess.

I made a good proportion of the Sixx memes. This guy is a wannabe

Do not listen to this guy he is not a log poster

im just processing everything i just read

>has a small team of people
this is an outrage! how did they assemble the financial potency to muster an army this fast?


dont listen to this guy he derailed all my log threads today. i just wanted to come home from work, have a drink and post my new log pictures. then he just comes along and confuses me with his questioning. i just wanna be left alone and make threads on the chan

it's just a forced meme, chill out faggot.

>derailed all my log threads
How is derailing a log thread achieved, exactly?

Making any kind of worthwhile contribution

Trips of truth

Going off the rails on a crazy log

Trips logged. Throat clogged.
It's hardly a forced meme, it's been here since 2015.

Nickle is a cunt

how did it start?

you know it, with the help of sir albert gregory eastham, thane of allfield.

>hardly a forced meme
>same fag's been forcing the meme for years

The original log poster even has a female with him. She can be heard here and goes by raven doden on the fb page



after a slight mental disorder (i wont specify so dont ask) had been diagnosed i was forced to work from home. this kinda was the first step into the abyss i call my everyday life now.

It didn't start with Facebook, newfag

this is not OP. just a kiddo trying to conquer the precious mountain of sixpoo i wrapped my arms around so tight.

>thinking there's only one log poster.
>being this fucking new.
Grow up.


You fucking faggot you are not the original logposter


nigger i've seen you here for weeks
Grow up.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that only the original logposter can have a girl with them? I don't get it.

>Grow up
uses the language of a child.
recommends continuing the process of aging.

you're not on youtube newfag

there's a lot more than 1 log poster.
one of them makes videos.

I mean the original log poster doesn't post here anymore and has a team with him that writes articles for the wix site. You're a fake

why use an outdated picture?

>one of them
>trying to spread it on different platforms
>not a forced meme

Are yyou female?


Post her tits

that's beyond your immature understanding.
grow up

I don't have her tits

MFW a colossal newfag plagiarized the most hated meme of all time

At least the logfags get an A+ in persistence.



oh, i really dont like anime. i kinda think it has this childish feel to it. the way its drawn is really primitive and minimalistic and has not much to offer to a creative mind but thats just taste i guess. undeniably tho that the characters always transparent and predictable. not much to offer i'd say. pic related its my taste when i grew up.

Dumb animeposter

growing up in the 2010's, eh ?

what did you think of steven tyler onion rings

Though I'm laughing at the irony of this question, I'd love to know the answer to it.



What's it like to be so thoroughly hated?

Yeah you tried to force a meme and it was never funny. Good job man. I hope you die a painful death.

It's still forced you dumbass. If you force it for 2 years it still doesnt become a real meme. Nobody likes it. Yoir "thinktanking" failed. Learn from it and let that shit die already. It's around for too long already.

So I got this female coworker right? She and I get on great we talk about nerdy stuff frequently and she frequently goes on about how much she loves that I am around to talk about these things with her. When she is very happy or sometimes just for no reason at all she will tackle hug me, almost knocking me off my feet. We go out drinking most Fridays with other coworkers and regularly visit the movies together just the two of us. When she is really drunk she gets much more lovey with everyone but this last Friday she drunkenly repeated she loves me. Obviously this can't be taken at face value since she was drunk and even if it can I am not sure what kind of love she meant. Afterwards whispering in my ear self-consciously that she thinks out coworkers think we were going to fuck on the way home.

Most people would read this and say she is obviously DTF and that I am a pussy and should fucking go for it. However, when the topic of relationships come up, she says she is not really ready for one and is fine with her life as it is right now. I never asked if she wanted to get into one with me, it just came up in conversation. Indeed, I am reserved as fuck and have a hell of a time striking up conversation with women in general. I have told her this much during one such conversation with her mentioning my hang-ups with initiating conversation or any sort of intimacy. So she knows that I likely won’t be the one to start up anything. Granted, this conversation may have been had when we were both drunk another time, so I am not sure she quite remembers it. In addition to this she is also bisexual and has been on a bit of a lesbian streak recently.

I'm not terrible looking. I have just never been good with human interaction. I was really making peace with that before she showed up. I do truly value her as a friend so I don't want to fuck any of that up, especially when we both have to work together. I guess my question is, what the fuck should I do?

pretty much this

how it is to bath in the hate of a thousand minds?
you are right. i tried to force it too hard i think. maybe even the meme itself is stupid. i really dont know what to think anymore. this one guy today.. the guy that derailed all my threads. he really got to me.

You must think so highly of yourself

Your family must be so proud of you

Look man... these faggots here love retarded shit. They even respect a guy for jerking into bottles and showing them on christmas. The same guys who like that shit dont like your meme. That should tell you it's complete and utter shit. Ive never seen it posted somewhere else than here. A real meme doesnt require work to take off. People just like it.

Jesus just KYS already.

He got to you cause he is right. Just stop. You are wasting everyones time.

>hits the spot of our generation
Are you 12 or a real dungeons and dragons playing neckbeard?

The people that like it post it.

that's fucking funny.

'cept i am the serial log poster. but I consider your explanation to be "fan fiction"

friends with benefits

damn youre right he really got to me


Who's Andy Sixx?