I am a total loser b. I have been a beta for my entire life and my parents absolutely despise me...

I am a total loser b. I have been a beta for my entire life and my parents absolutely despise me. I am so sick of being alive and my parents want me to leave or dispose of myself.

What is the most painless and cheapest way to commit suicide? If the ingredients are cheap and readily available I will show pics.

Other urls found in this thread:


Want to go have a beer or something man?

max out some credit cards and live it up before you do it

the best way to prove your parents wrong is to form a successful, happy life and cut them out of it completely. I would make that your life goal.


pass the 8th grade beta fag, then do it

Do this.
The best parts of life are yet to come.

>What is the most painless and cheapest way to commit suicide?

This is posted like a hundred times a week. How did you avoid seeing all those other threads?

Sorry but I dont drink.
Parents wont co-sign on my loans for college
Ive have been on b for awhile dont see lots of threads like these

Dont want it go to my parents name and them have to pay for it

Use a gun and destroy the center of your brain

Start using drugs and overdose


do NOT:
meds. Unless you are absolutely certain it will work, it is more likely to permanently fuck you up.

Bleach, etc. is a really gruesome way to die. Internal bleeding is a slow and very painful death. AVOID.

Jumping from buildings, in front of trains, etc. It is really hard for the people witnessing your suicide, especially the traindriver. You want to kill yourself to end the pain, please don't create more pain for others in the process.
If you decide to kill yourself, do so. But think it through with a clear head. Would be kinda stupid to end your life in an emotional breakdown, mmh?

workout, there, theres a reason to live

Smoke weed

ehh..ive heard plenty of horror stories about the gun to the head not working out
im already relatively lean. but cant live if i dont have someone to live
no thanks

Cut your neck veins on the two sides. easy and almost painless. your brain dies without oxygen. in 10 minutes...


Cuts would have to be pretty deep this would be really really messy.

bumping for intrest

Don't know your stance on faith?
Many believe suicides go to hell.
I believe there are exceptions .

There is a verse in the Bible that says:
Better a millstone be tied about your neck and be cast into the sea rather than to harm one hair on the head of a child of God.

If you feel compelled to hurt others then suicide may be your best choice.

BUT if as you say it is just becasue you are a loser (And fuck dude the vast majority of us humans are!) Then make a better choice.

Listen brother I am a Janitor and a broke ass loser. My parents are not particularly p[roud of me but I don't live with them. Course I am 50 years old. So unless you think you beat that do what I have done every day of my life. Look for a reason to get out of bed, and just survive. I am old and alone, but fuck it I get to watch as folks do things and to observe how their choices affect them. The world has changed and continues to change daily.

Heck I believe we are in the end times and that Trump is the false prophet who will introduce us to the Anti-Christ yet still I just choose to live so I might get to watch it all unfold. So try and stick around try to find a job if you don't have one and one day move out on your own and just see what happens. I could tell you more about myself and you would realize that you are not as much of a loser as you think. Carry on.

how are your grades in high school? have you tried applying for bursaries or scholarships??

honestly my escape plan is a train or doing whip-its then suffocating myself with a bag. But if you are an adult then you are free to do anything even illegal stuff if your safe about it. If i was you i would just do my best to get a job above minimum wage then get an apartment or something away from my parents. If they don't want nothing to do with me then I don't want nothing to do with them. I feel similarly to you but I'm a bit to young to do the things I suggested

Probably gonna get called a faggot for this, but fuck it.

Hang on, OP. Life can be super fucking shitty when it wants to, and everybody here knows that. I mean, we are a bunch of losers strolling around b, but there is shit in the world that you have to hold on for. You have to get yourself cleaned up, get a job, start working out. All of that shit, because if you don't, then you're letting your lousy ass parents get the best of you. When you get into ruts like this, it isn't easy to see any purpose, and it sure as fuck isn't easy to see any good outcome, but life, as predictable as we like to think it is, is super fucking unpredictable. You have no idea what you might be throwing away if you give up now.

You might not ever be an alpha, but who needs that shit anyway? Drink some water, get some rest, and tell your parents to fuck themselves. Show everybody that has ever wronged you that they aren't shit. You've gotta hang on to show the world who you really are, or else you go down in history as nothing.

I don't expect to have changed your mind, but I hope I've at least made you think about it. Seek out help, OP, and remember who you are.

Tfw for the first time ever/b is nice

Bumping. Because I want everybody dead.

What a beautiful rope you have there... I don't know if you know ... but I love ropes ... hehehe what a nice rope .....

I know Sup Forums thinks religion is cancer and what not but you should consider reading the bible or going to church. If you haven't already give it a try. If you've been to church and not liked it, maybe its just that church you went to.

if you have a gas stove, you should lit the gas fill your house for and hour, and the microwave a fork.

for best results do it while your parents are asleep.

Double Brain Slushee to each opposing temple.

thanks so much for giving a great life connection, but i have very little religious background. always saw religion as something for people who were afraid of death.
i was top 20% in high school not sure if thats considered good but i tried my best. probably not because i hardly got anything from my stateschool.
apartment rates are crazy in new jersey
i dont know how to do anything in life without parents, i dont own a penny in my life my paycheck goes to my parents
want to do it with as minimum damage to parents as possible

why the fuck are your parents claiming your paychecks?


because my job is from my uncles liquor store and they want money for me living in the house

do it when there not in house, or give them a 30 second head start.

thanks but im looking for something that would effect me individually without damage to property

Killing yourself will do a ton of damage to your parents regardless of how you think the feel about you.

have you asked to try to live by yourself? maybe ask to keep paycheck for a while and pay back in a few years?

what is god?

i dont believe so

at the current rate i think they only value me as a source of income i myself am very miserable in life and dont have any solid future prospects in their eyes and mine

every month my uncle reports to my parents on how much i was paid and they verify it with how much i gave them

misread the question

tried but i dont have a dime to my name, they want the money

how about getting a secod job? won't that make it your own money?

have you considered the good old toaster, bath trick?

If your parents are that bad then why do you care if you max out their credit cards and burn down their house with you in it? If i knew for a fact my parents were like that i would either do my best to get a different job and get as far away from my family as I can and lose contact with them. Since you want to kill yourself then you must not have much to lose so why not try to better yourself. If you feel you have nothing to live for you have nothing to lose so failure won't be nothing to you if you can't figure something else out.

that's actually a very good suggestion. OP, you should just keep on trying new things like user here said

Put your head in a plastic bag and with a belt in your throat make sure that theres no oxigen coming from outside the bag. Like that youll die from lack of oxigen. Cheap and easy

Send this photo to fifteen people and say "plz send vagine pic"

right there with you OP want to do the same but im to beta to even kms. I have a sad life

You won't smoke weed but you'll kill yourself? You really are pathetic

suggest trying to hold on. if parents treat you like that then fuck them over right back and get out of there as soon as you can

If OP really chose to end it, try the three day rule

This has saved me a couple of times, but I've decided to start the timer 2 hours ago and am already writing my will

If you want to die, try the methods here
Chances are you just might hang yourself, but if you have access to anything else less painful go ahead

About the 3 day rule, OP should first consider for 3 days before ending your life. After all, if you're really choosing to make it all over, whats the difference of 3 days?

It might help you rethink things, like I did in my 3 attempts, but take note that you should NEVER KILL YOURSELF ON IMPULSE

Write your will and any other legal document before you're commiting suicide, especially in case if you fail, what kind of treatment you'd like to face, and so on.

Otherwise good luck, I hope things will look bright for you cause they ain't for me

prove them wrong by going to college and getting a good income in the future.. hard work pays off and once you get to the top your life will be way more fun and worth living. suicide would just be the easy way out.. im 38 and started out at the very bottom and now im making 65,000 dollars a year and still working my way up as a stock marketer. trust me when i was at my wits end i thought about suicide all the time, but me deciding to keep pushing was the best decision of my life

i very tired after working at the store i dont think i can hold another job
too dramatic dont want them to die just myself
I feel as if I would just wake up from a massive headache from doing that
nope...never saw the appeal....
Doesnt seem likely right now
ive been thinking about this for a while man ive already made up my mind, i just need the method

Read the whole website first

What did you major in? As per my parents if it is not a biology major or engineering they will not cosign my loans.

c'mon op you have nothing to lose so why not at least make one more attempt to get out of your situation and live a better life.

He was such an hero, to take it all away. We miss him so, That you should know, And we honor him this day. He was an hero, to take that shot, to leave us all behind. God do we wish we could take it back, And now he’s on our minds. user was an hero, to leave us feeling like this, Our minds are rubber, our joints don’t work, Our tears fall into abyss. He was an hero, to take that shot, In life it wasn’t his task, He shouldn’t have had to go that way, before an decade’d past. Now he sits there in my heart, this hero of mine, Always there to make me smile, Make me feel just fine. He had courage,that boy did, courage in his heart. To take that shot, To end his pain, To tear us all apart. But in the end, he died in courage. Lacking, nevermore, He died a hero, Mitchell did, And we’ll love him forevermore. We love you like an brother. We miss you so much. We will always love you, kid. Rest In Peace user. ~Sup Forums”

Great that you posted this I can give a little bit better insight on my situation

I want to go to business school and major in supply chain management, i have always been interested in that starting from when i went to a workshop from hs

i do not have money for that and there is 0 way i can get a loan for college. i talked about going to community college for two years and then transffering but they said i could be automatically kicked out from the house if i every considered that and I dont know what I would do or where i will live while im attending class

nah thats a very spiteful way to die i would rather do it peacefully

No idea how to use this site correctly yet.
Look man, life has its ups and downs, right now you are at a big down and are focusing on the bad. If you don't mind me asking, do you have any friends that you trust? If not then make some on the internet, that's how most of us get by. I myself was born with depression and anxiety problems, i'm sure its not as bad as what you're going through but i hit some really bad lows, if you want to talk then just ask.

Hey bro look when I was in grade school I had some problems with insomnia and went from an A student to failing. This happened again in highschool school. Look user I have had lots of ups and downs. Have you ever gone days without sleep, so tired your body barely functions? I did, but I powered through I talked about it with friends because I trusted them. They made me feel better for the first time in years I could sleep knowing that people cared I knew I had a place and that gave me the power to move on. I also had anger issues and broke my hand once pinching my desk after failing a test. But with the help of friends I got through it. And even if you have little friends just make ones online like me or others in this thread.

join the navy , just pack your bags and go

yes but they are not relatable
i dont have a shoulder to lean on
Cant, self harm scars from when I was 10. probably the worst mistake i have ever done in my life i regret this on a daily basis

Nah man I pulled through I'm in a better place you know. Life looks up, I'm happy.

this isnt me

I also made mistakes when I was 10i bought a hundred dollar butterfly knife and hardcore fucked up my thumb.I almost cut it in half like I don't think you understand. I couldn't let my parent know either so i wiped that shit and went on with life. Just like you should OP wrap it up, let it heal, get on with life, it'll go away, but there will always be a scar.

the wounds are white but they are puffed up so they know its self harm im so fucking stupid for doing this i never considered the consequences that come after it and its ruined my life to the point where i must always wear something at least close to long sleves to feel comfortable on social situations im so worthless in general i cant even do anything right

Join the army and lie about the scars no one needs to know


They are too visible I asked around on some forums as well.

if i ever get enough money ill try to hide them and then join the armed service but as of now im totally fucked


Drink clorox Dumpass. Its gonna Destroy al ur tounge AMD if u still a live u cannot talk AMD u gonna be un a Coma bruh AMD is not very expensive

listen mate, there's no point to suicide. Life's hard and there might not be a point to it all, but there doesn't really have to be. Living life is something you do once, and to not see how it ends in its own time is relatively stupid

If u kill ur self , how u gonna send the pics faggot?

>Sorry but I dont drink.
And that was the moment I agreed that OP should an hero.


lol I think when you want to kill yourself you just don't care if some other people get trauma from your suicide.

The last thing people realize before they commit suicide is regret.

Here's an article about it: abc7news.com/society/second-chances-i-survived-jumping-off-the-golden-gate-bridge/2010562/

If you kill yourself you will end your life as a loser and a beta.You still have time to live the rest of your life and change this. You can become a winner and an alpha and independent of your faggot ass parents.

cheap shotgun with 00 buckshot
put the gun in your mouth and aim up
use a mirror if you have to
or you could get a fucking job and start a career

But how? I really want to move out myself but I dont have a penny in my name where can I stay?

How old are you?


Your parents already hate you, go for it

got fakes?

You don't really want to die OP. You just want your situation to end. Killing yourself if the final solution. Game Over. There are other solutions to your problem. Ones where you can eventually be happy. Avoid all or nothing thinking.

Cut the vein of your wrist in the bath man, almost painless and that is how Hannibal Barca and many other great ancient died. Or you can cook cyanide with some apple seeds.
But if you want to make a video you will need something quicker.

That's just plain stupid. Move somewhere where rent is cheap and you can get a job.

Why are you worried about cost if you are gonna end it

Don't drink, don't choof..................the fuck is wrong with you nigger?

true ?
>Wtf watches at $0 ?

If your not lifting weights start doing that.
No way to be a bigger beta than being overweight and/or weak ass fuck.
Weaklings are not respected.

Why don't talk whit everybody here about youre problems? Maybe we can help

Youre literally tossing everyones advice out the window giving yourself am excuse as to why you shouldn't or won't take it. Hell write some of these things down for future reference since you dont really seem like you want to kill yourself if im being honest.. people have been through worse than you have and are still plowing through life man. Take it from me, i pretty muched raised myself in the streets, coming from the nasty parts of Chicago ive seen a lot of shit, and im barely 18! I dont really have much of a future and honestly killing myself would be an easy way out of dealin with bs up ahead but you know what fuck it im gonna keep on moving forward. Shit run away, go to church, do something. Change your life, don't sit around and complain when shit doesnt go your way. Otherwise just slice your wrists or neck or something. Be creative. Pay a hobo to kill you... man i hate people who sit around and complain rather than taking action. Do something man.

1. get as much money as you can
2. buy NEO (its a cryptocoin, google it)
3. wait a month and at least (!!!) double up
4. enjoy the money as an alpha now (money = alpha)
5. ???
6. profit