Hey, 'muricafags, how does it feel not having foreskin?

Hey, 'muricafags, how does it feel not having foreskin?

I'm from murica and I'm untainted

Feels pretty alright. I mean, at least Smegma doesn't collect.

How does it feel to have a dirty cock that no woman would want?

Your mom thought it felt great

How does it feel having to pull back your excess skin and clean your dick cheese every day?


Must be horrible to have to defend yourself on the daily about being circumsized.

I aways found it funny the way that it is the norm to be circumcised in America.
What is it like to have it natural there? I'm considering moving to the USA, would I lose anything for not having the sign of God's covenant?

Where from OP?

Normal, since i have no idea how it'd feel otherwise.

Nope. Quite happy actually.

It's pretty neat, actually. Kind of jerking off but you don't go to Hell for it.

Defend myself on daily? The fuck are you on about? This is the only time in my entire life I've ever even talked about being circumcised. Least my cock isn't crawling with fucking maggot cheese you filthy fuckin euro fag nigger boy. Let some more refugees in to rape your dumb asses.

Well I mean don't you wash your dick in the shower in general? Why would it be a bad thing to take a quarter of a second to pull skin back and then doing the same?
How does it feel to be hygienic? Pretty normal since I don't live in Africa.

Yup. Same here. I'm fine with the circumcision.

Lmao refugees


Only in america that girls prefer circumcised cocks, no problem getting girls... oh, and the difference when erect is quite subtle.

i feel like killing myself, i hate being circumcised

Aren't you circumcised so that jews are less easy to discover?

Youmare fully aware that today even the poorer nigga have acces to cosmetic surgery and medics rigth, i mean you can put or ake of the foreskin, is no big deal

Thats funny, I'm in Australia and they seem to love it here aswell. They put up with uncut but love it cut.

>Trips of truth
Hey man, bitchs love my uncut cock. I've been told they like it better

Trick is to grow enough to stretch all the skin out. That way you can be uncut, but nothing in the way when doing fun stuff.

Pretty good knowing that I don't have to make a post like this compensating for my smelly dick

Feels great, whenever I go to Britain all the girls are interested in seeing my big dick that looks cute instead of looking like ground sausage shoved in a sleeve

It feels great eurofag

here here

Wow I'm a circumcised American but holy fuck how much more butthurt can you get, little guy?

These English cunts love the mushroom

What are you gonna tell me now... that shaving your manhood is also mandatory?

Listen up faggots because I;'ve said this before but homos on b love comparing dicks under the guise of demasculity.

I got snipped a few years ago (was 21 at the time) due to complications.
There is no fucking difference, beside I prefer lube now whereas before I did not.
Staying clean wasn't an issue before, its not now.
Jizzing feels the same.

how does it feel to have decreased sensitivity? Well, I guess you'll never know.

Why would I want to though? Women love it cut the way it is.

This guy is pretty cool

Are we really having an argument on circumcision

Yea, its a daily occurence. Uncut fags trying to convince themselves their dicks arent pathetic.

other way around

Amazing, and I last as long as I want. Hours, 1/2 hours... it's all in my control. How about you, is uncut very sensitive? Do you last long?

The sensitivity makes it even better.

true ?
>Wtf watches at $0 ?

Do you seriously care about women's pleasure? Female opinions and feelings are not valid.

>Basing your entire value on what women think

It was an insecure foreskin fag who made the post, i'm pretty sure thats proof enough.

Not that bad tbh

There is no reason to be upset

Sorry dude, its true.


It feels bad.

Pretty sad existence man, glad I'm a faggit.

Don't fap for a substantial amount of time and tell me how long you last. Works literally the same with uncircumcised.

everyday lol, smegma doesnt just apear instantly. if you shower a couple times a week you will not get any dick cheese.



I don't understand why any circumfags are trying to defend their cavemen lifestyle

Like freedom. Plus foreskin makes your dick look like an over cooked sausage.

wannabe troll is obvious.

No circumcised guys post threads about their cut dicks. It's always the depressed smelly uncut fags that are looking for attention.

Not American so that post is irrelevant

>United States fags defending their defaced dick
>They don't even know why they were cut
>The doctors who cut them don't even know why they cut them
>Big Pharma makes rejuvenation creams with infant foreskin
>Recent research shows circumcision is literally unnecessary
>"B-b-but dick cheese"
Unless you don't shower for months, or don't wash your dick for months, "dick cheese" is nonexistent. Uncutfags still produce smegma, but it goes all over your underwear instead.
>Insurance companies don't cover circumcision
Ever stop to wonder why? Of course not! You're in the US! Reading is for fags!

its funny

have you noticed how people in america prefer circumcised dicks

while the rest of the world doesn't

it's almost as if peoples tastes are a result of their surroundings and upbringing




Someone got his jimmies rustled.

I think you may have struck a nerve.

i wouldn't know what it feels like to have foreskin, so I'd say that's pretty bad.


Feels pretty good you petty fucking Chad

rather be a chad than a beta

Thanks. I'm not showing (you)'s for some reason.

Obsolete perception. Also, not homo. Lastly, I care about getting my jollies without protection, but not impregnating my sweetheart, thus, control is absolutely necessary. 12 years of pull-out technique, no children.

Glad to hear it!

>implying having no children is a good thing
You are literally the cause of the fall of the west. Good thing I'm a third worlder ready to impregnate american blondes.

Only happens if you don't wash.

Can happen even if cut.

Don't be that cut fag.

Sorry, I cum twice a day, once to unload the live rounds, and again after I fuck my sweetheart. Doctors have told me not to hold it in, and I supplement dhea so only 30 minute refraction period. Gotta do it.

>I fuck my sweetheart
>my sweetheart

Holy fuck, the amount of virgin here is mindblowing.

>quite obvious 'sweetheart' is a pillow or fleshy

Have at it. My gen is saving money before procreation, so we're not impoverished into debt like our parents were. BTW there is no fall, just a pause in numbers. The wealthy do not die quickly, but ensure our survival for generations to come. There is a distrust in government here, and with good reason. We don't want to "live off the system" anymore.

Most Americans are Jew sleeper agents.

Inspect an American's penis before you associate with them.

Bad guess pussy-fart. I'm 36, lost that shit at 18 in a sleeping bag right in the middle of a park in Michigan. I live in South Carolina now, and the dialect is Scots-Irish.


> implying all americans are jews or muslims

It's funny seeing people getting worked up over other people's dicks

Feels good, man.

Have you noticed that the people most butthurt over circumcision are uncut fags. Insecure much?

>mfw it's 2017
>mfw i'm not from america
>mfw it's supposedly a first world country
>mfw they have mutilated dicks
>mfw they get butthurt in these threads
>mfw they can't handle never having a normal penis again so they perform mental gymnastics to justify it
>mfw they actually defend male genital mutilation
>mfw they make claims like it's "healthy" "more attractive" and "normal"

>tell everyone about free will and freedom
>others make choices for them and cut their genitals

You know what americunts?
I can still choose for myself if I want foreskin or not, which I obviously want. It feels just great.
You cannot. You have to live with that, I pity you that you wont ever have the freedom of choosing.

No free will there mates.

I'm Canadian, but its just America v2.0. i'm restoring and gains are looking good.

I wouldn't know. Never got mine cut off, luckily

Why? Its just skin!

>Let more refugees in

Wow your so mad you gotta resort to allowing saudis in? damn you salty

Its fine imagine having a dick but just no skin around the tip and bam you got basically one


You're a faggot if you don't know that smegma (excess dirt/skin/oils from your body collected in folds of your skin) also happens and does the same exact shit in pussies dude. But you don't see anybody complaining to chicks about that, it's all about just keeping your body clean.

Clean and terrorist free.

Get fucking lifes faggots its sad how you waste your time talking about this gay shit faggots

>LITERALLY lying on Sup Forums

>arguing about dicks on a Himalayan live dog skinning forum

Not 'merican but yea, Im glad I dont. Foreskin is useless


Who cares lmao