"Sonic the Sissyhog" thread 4: Two stories out

"Sonic the Sissyhog" thread 4: Two stories out

archiveofourown.org/works/11798901 (Cowritten by Omni2120 and TimedWatcher)

archiveofourown.org/works/11778270 (Cowritten by Butter-Boy and TimedWatcher)

Feel free to still post ideas for fap fictions

Other urls found in this thread:






I think i can fap to that.
Wish me luck, iam going in.







Go kill yourself







stop posting



nigga what kind of faggot shit am I looking at?



Sup Forums was never good


absolutely degenerate, man so why is my dick hard

the product of god's design, or the result of trillions of years of galactic movement and biological evolution. Either way, its disappointing






It's fucking everywhere, newfag.










This is terrible, but I cant look away.




I cant tell what's more funny, the sight of all these summerfags that are cowering over this, or that someone on /bant/ made a thread for this thread.







pretty lewd.

pretty great.

What did you think of the stories?

sorry user.

Yeah I haven't read them either, but maybe I'll give them a whirl later.


i just saw this on /trash/


Anyone who considered fapping to this is obligated to kill themselves and go back to the depths from whence they came.

Make me, nigger

googled it and it looks like some weirdo has a twitter account dedicated to this
