Justice thread

Justice thread.

Basically itt we find shit that is fucking terrible. ( Animal, child, abuse. Etc) and we try to fuck the people who did it as much as possible
Let's bring back the old Sup Forums

yeah like the mods will allow that. its shitty it seems like borderline cheeze pizza is allowed but not doxxing fucking niggers hurting kids and animals

Not your personal army. Fuck off b

Read tabs newfags



>we find shit that is fucking terrible. ( Animal, child, abuse. Etc)
>( Animal, child, abuse. Etc)
>Animal abuse

always these fucking idiots thinking that animal abuse is one of the worst things you can do

That's pol's rule. I'm also not asking u to go on club penguin going and spam nigger a ton. I'm asking for fags who need to be fucked up to get fucked up. If your not gonna do shit fuck off. Don't you wanna relieve the good ol days?

Jokes on you she's already dead

Kind of is dood. Humans get killed every day. On top of that Animals don't do shit to be mean. They are actually innocent.

Fuck off reddit

absolute CRINGE

Animals don't get killed every day? Have you ever been to a farm? Do you know where meat comes from?

Chickens are stupid as fuck. Not dogs. I was talking about dogs. You can't call animal abuse on a farm you fucking retard

>mass killing cows, chickens, sheep and pigs is fine
>touch a dog and you're a monster

Makes sense.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all for killing animals. But don't go drawing these lines because you used to have a pet dog and you're emotionally attached to the species now.

Thats some awful newfag shit.

Old stuff would be cp and bullying people into sucide for lulz.

When you jump off a bridge later in life make sure you do a flip, faggot.

Alright fag. Kill a dog and eat it

Not op but your harmful words mean nothing to me. I'm the future of this dead board. You know shit you fucking retard.

Op wants the past and you're ranting on about the future like some fucking potato. No wonder OP wants the old days.

Mom will live another day

newfag here, Sup Forums kind of sucks?

Theres nothing interesting. No adrenaline rushes. Not like the other chans :p

Because nothing gives me a rush as much as anime image boards. So exciting.

Get out've here

I'm with this user. Mass killings make me sad, but that's the way nature intended, and we're not smart enough to beat nature's efficiency yet, just smart enough to improve on it (thus, farms).

The only people who should be shamed and attacked, are those who torture living things for the hell of it. If it's a simple killing, unless it's human, it is not a big deal


What do you expect out of a mongolian basket weaving forum?


Doesn't justify shit, either way if it's mass killings or if it's kicking your friends cat, still abuse. Just goes to show that mass killing however many innocent cows and chickens and shit is in itself it's own form of terrorism nigga. Animal abuse imo is one of the worst things a person could do. Fuck it imma take slapping a child over feeding a puppy to a snake or cutting of a mouse's dick for no reason at all any day