OMG over 56 National Party signs have been hit in Northland. In Dargaville and Whangarei...

OMG over 56 National Party signs have been hit in Northland. In Dargaville and Whangarei. The Kaipara ones still haven’t been repaired, showing what National really thinks of the rural regions.

Some had a massive pink NO
Others with a yellow X
And just South of Whangarei on sh1 and in Maunu 2 signs were totally burnt down!!

Is this some kind of pigeon English?
Wtf are you saying?

You what

Its an updated of the new Zealand election campaign.

Who cares, fuck off.

speak english you foreign retard

Man no one gives a shit, just post porn or something

You should. It's one of the few free countries in the world.

Brazilfag here.

Dargaville, whangarei, kaipara

I think you're making these names up.

Hi brazilfag

Its not free at all mate, after they passed the GCSB bill they are allowed to spy on us now. That was brought about by the illegal Kim Dotcom raid.



Google them dipshit. We have to learn all your bloody international place names. Just shows how obtuse you are.

Are those places anywhere near hogwarts?


> New Zealand election in five weeks
> 9 years under awesome centre right National party
> economy going great
> National on target for unprecedented fourth term
> OP advises in Northland the peeps aren't down with that
> Northland, population less than 100k, most of them maori therefore illiterate, violent, jobless
> even in NZ no one cares about the province that refuses to join the 21st century

M80 do you have even any pictures of these billboards or whatever?

Is that an old Final Fantasy map?


You really think National are just gonna clean sweep it again? for what it's worth I'm going nat too but there is actually a chance this election that labour takes it

Nat have been shitting all over the middle-lower class while also doing nothing for the upper class

The coons up in northland don't even vote anyway they're all fucked from blowing their benefits on P and codies every week

Well Northland is where all your fuel is refined at Marsden Point. Which every ignoramus forgets. Also Russell was our first Capital. And Whangarei is very much in the 21st Century with the whole city wired with fibre optic broadband. Oh and the Hawaki Fibre undersea cable is to land and connect to NZ at one tree point. So I'd say northland is quite important.

>economy going great
sorry, what? do you even know your shit? do some research mate. while we are in a better place than we were a couple years ago, we are still in the shitter and national has done sweet fuck all to circumvent that

hamilton has fibre

that doesnt mean it's not a backwards shithole

We don't vote?
Heard about NZ First kicking National in the by election?? Haha

It'll take a monumental cock up for Nats to lose this. Labour have peaked at 36%, they can't rely on greens anymore as that party destroyed itself this month.
Maybe NZ First could go into coalition with Labour. But I can't see Winston Peters working with Jacinda Ardern.

Besides that woman is a car crash. She is Trudeau tier. All sjw memes. We don't need that shit

I'm not sure who I'm voting for yet. Possibly NZ first. What about you man?

Are we debating Hamilton?

NZ First all the way.

At least Winston stirs shit and keeps the rest honest

Good ol' Winny.

Can't bring myself to vote Nat again and I agree with Jacinda being an SJW sheeple

Why would I keep incriminating evidence?

No but you used fibre as some kind of point that the city isn't fucking worthless

all having fibre 100% implemented means is it's some under developed almost rural shithole of no importance


You live in a cave?

> Based Winnie

He's really gaining traction. Im Australian. I love the idea of a maori party leader who says there's no such thing as racism. And calls out poor maoris as just being lazy. A white guy can't say that but he can get away with it.

And he loves debating that shit with the media. He destroys them. Especially new graduates with their heads pumped full of cultural Marxist ideology. They get arseraped so bad, you almost feel sorry for them.

user speaks truth. fuck northland. beautiful place tho xx

Surprised anyone in northland can read.

Well Northland is where all your fuel is refined at Marsden Point. Which every ignoramus forgets. Also Russell was our first Capital. And Whangarei is very much in the 21st Century with the whole city wired with fibre optic broadband. Oh and the Hawaki Fibre undersea cable is to land and connect to NZ at one tree point. So I'd say northland is quite important.




Saying it twice doesn't make it any more amazing.
Just coz there's some amazing golf courses, beaches and industry doesn't change the fact 80% of this province are complete retards who need to be shot.


Two New Zealand threads....lulz