So I'm seeing a few threads on Daisy's Destruction for whatever reason. Anyone remember 3 Guys 1 Hammer?

So I'm seeing a few threads on Daisy's Destruction for whatever reason. Anyone remember 3 Guys 1 Hammer?
I watched that shit back in like, middle school and I remember being completely unphased because my small pathetic brain could not comprehend the seriousness of what I just watched.
It's also funny how I can find videos of a man getting murdered with a quick google search but when it's a little girl suddenly I gotta pay 2 grand :^)

I think the real issue is Summer is wearing stockings more in the third season and that's sexy as hell.

lmao people keep bringing that pedo shit up, everyone's hunting for the video now. I'd say it's just out of curiosity but still.

Where's the destruction at?

Go read a book called:
"Fox tossing and other insane sports"

Your bitch ass ain't got nothing on four blind men and a sow.

go to weird pedo youtubes
there are videos with daisy vid megaupload link in deacription
Which is where the guy who streamed it on twitch got it
fcking weird pedos

link tl /16AQJ
Watching someone die isn't too bad

Nice try, fbi

People just love the thought that being seeing people being cruel will mean something significant. Like all you need is to get that nice weird high that makes you different from errybody.. Really you just end up fucking a bunch of dead meat in a medical collage's morgue at 3 Am high off adderall and prescription antipsycotics and you look at yourself in the mirror and wonder what the fuck happens to your life....

>Nobody actually mentioned 3 guys 1 hammer yet
So that video really has faded into obscurity, huh

?? Literally, there was a guy on twitch who streamed part of it, his channel got taken down, this was like a month ago


screwdrivers really fuck up your brain mate.

lol that isn't what you say it is

Alright, where can I find it?

Fucking reddit

I'm from Slovakia. You can literally pick up your own daisy here no Amber Alert

What do you mean

Redit onion links 3 guy's one hammer or redit onion links death/gore .

Google search and pour through >10 minutes and you've got a workable link.

If you can't figure this out you can't be old enough to be on here. Maybe go play with blocks or trick one of your friends to play in traffic. Record it for us.


thanks i go search now!

Same with daisy tbh. Prowl through kik groups and Bang, you got it.

this is 100% true

It's easy when you're friends with all the retarded pedos on Omegle

> Is going to go onion spelunking for ancient gore without knowing how to find anything on onion.
> Laughingcamerajerkers.jpg

Is 3 guys one hammer co? If it's just gore I'm fine with it, but I'm not going to look for cp. I'm on my phone, I don't want the fbi carting me off.

If your friends with anyone on omegle they are in fact pedo's. And so are you.

i downloaded tor and i visitdd the onion chans for my cheeze.
>and so are you
Are you trying to seduce me?

Couple of teenagers fucking up a hobo with a hammer and screwdriver. They sort of just bash his brains in and scramble it around from the eye socket with the screwdriver but it's funny if you set it to the Benny hill soundscore.

Old shit but fun. Watch at 2X speed for maximum lols.

Depends. Are you a >11 year old girl/boy/tentacle monster?

IF yes Asl?
If no, then good luck finding the old gore. Time you enjoy'ed wasting and all that....

What is it? Go on tell us, im not lookin

first option, hey boys ;)


fck forgot about that

how to use that link

I am Heaven