How prepared would you be if the grid went down? Do you have any survival experience, medical knowledge, supplies, etc...

How prepared would you be if the grid went down? Do you have any survival experience, medical knowledge, supplies, etc? Are you physically and mentally ready for one of these scenarios?

i'd be very fucked tbh

i don't think anyone is really ready for such a scenario even if they've 'prepped' for it...if such a thing happened to the US the global economy would be brought to its knees and would see all sorts of terrible things occur. (not implying the US is egocentric to the planet, but it does account for a lot in terms of the globe functioning properly)

>How prepared would you be if the grid went down?

I have enough food supply stored around my waste to not starve for a month or so.

Good excuse to an hero and not upset too many people.

Part of me feels like I'm just waiting for something like this to happen. I'll go all Shane Walsh on these motherfuckers. Let's fuckin go.

once the grid went out there would be hordes of gangsta niggers looting everything, so forget your Bear Grylls survival, you'd probably get shot and raped to death in a heartbeat

It still is good to be as prepared as possible rather than having to improvise

rofl, there will be tards looting big screen tvs and other silly electronics and there will be no way to use them.

I'll be fine. I grow most of what I need to eat, live on tank water, do my own preserves and have massive excess solar power with batteries to last a week if I'm careful.

All I gotta worry about is marauding bands of crazy-ass city refugees. Should be ok though... they'll probably never find me.

What plants do you grow?

Food plants.

Grains, vegies, fruits, roots... whatever's in season and I have seeds for.

>grid went down

as long as I make it home from work im good.

>300 acres
>not on the major highway
>covered in trees
>property is VERY hard to make out from the road even if you know its there
>50%solar coverage
>10 acres of food forest, 2 acres of garden
>50 chickens, 3 roosters, 50 rabbits, and 20 goats

im pretty set.

for the ones who boasted about being prepared you do realize there is a whole other world out there that runs on electricity and all sorts of terrible shit would occur. (nuclear meltdowns, planes falling out of the sky or crashing into each other and things of that sort)

> planes falling out of sky

Yeah no. Planes don't use the grid.... extension cords don't handle the strain very well.

> nuclear meltdowns
Not all that dangerous so long as you aren't within about 50 - 100 miles

you're a special kind of stupid, huh?


I got 4 guns in my house hold one for each family member but I really don't think I'd be enough for all the niggers in this hellish state the call Louisiana ....I'm scared

Depending on winds and concentration of nuclear power plants, it would not be unlikely for large parts of the US to become contaminated with fallout, just look at how bad chernyobal got

did you for the global impact fukashima had? (and that was just one reactor) planes running out of fuel or crashing into one another waiting to land

Chernobyl was relatively contained.

I'd imagine large-scale damage to livestock, what with birth defects and shit, as well as large hot zones. But its not going to wipe out half the US. It'd take them all literally exploding at the exact same time to really cause a shitload of problems.

It won't be nice, but it won't be Fallout

You can just slaughter the meatball on the left and survive a nuclear winter.

About 10 years ago I felt really compelled to get into the prepped mindset. I've also been hunting and fishing in remote northern Ontario for over 20 years. This doesn't mean I'll make it, but I have enough experience to not be one of the first to die.

Yeah, but you have to remember the amount of government intervention that went into chernyobal, including building a massive concrete "sarcophagus" around the plant, and with the grid down and multiple meltdowns, reactors would cause widespread damage

Some of you older dudes might have experienced the Blackout of 2003. Millions of homes in New England and southern Ontario were without power for like 24 hours

Only mentally, i can finally kill and rape with all the panic, those human worms will pay with blood.

You realize that you may also be raped and killed, right?

I've got me a steady supply of food. Enough to survive just barely but indefinitely. If lawlessness occurred I'd obviously expand.
Trouble is - it'd be robbed pretty fucking quick as it's in the middle of a city.

I'd need to get a hold of guns asap and move everyone there to guard it
So yeah. I'm fucked.

Best case scenario winter comes and starvation claims us since there won't be enough food stored.


I'll be fine. Killing is gonna be easy and I have a plan

Stockpile ammo and reinforce doors and windows. I'd work with immediate neighbors and get together to defend one another. Strength in numbers.

Also advanced firearms training and some sort of urban tactical training with family