Fight the racism /b. Post white women breeding with black cocks

Fight the racism /b. Post white women breeding with black cocks.



I wish I was her.




Occupy Wall Street will return shill. Once we unify the left and right were going to eat the rich.



Nope. Identity politics will keep you goys at each others throats. No capital gains tax for you. Now check these nigger dicks you cuck.




>ITT: triggered black boys that can't get a white woman
>Also ITT: self hating white men

Either way, you're all faggots








Well.. they technically can. But it's called rape from what I hear

>tfw I'm never going to be her

Cry more black boy
Gonna colonise your black bitches


Tell me white and black doesn't look good together







I'm looking for pictures of sexy black women. The best way to do that is post cuck stuff. Works every time.



hi /pol




keep this thread alive! #rejectwhitedicks2k17




I am white (Anglo) and it feels good.

If I feel bad about my circumstance I just remember I have green eyes a huge dick and my whole life ahead of me. Going to have me lots of white children.

One love.






I'd love to eat her creampie.













That tattoo looks shooped


I'm not John, and he's not crazy.



allow me to qeustion mark this thread













I wonder how that tastes


















