Why doesn't Trump condemn White Nationalists, Is it because he's actually a part of the KKK?

Why doesn't Trump condemn White Nationalists, Is it because he's actually a part of the KKK?

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He did dumb ass.

he has, multiple times.

now fuck of back to your safespace

proof? The words he chose didn't explicitly say white nationalists or nazis when speaking about the recent terrorist attack.

You are and idiot who where involved in Charleston this weekend, alt left antifa facist and white supremacist. He said we cannot tolerate both sides.

I'm fairly sure it was the fault of many sides when it's clear it was the fault of one side and only one side.

why would he? white nationalists are 99% of white people.

white supremacy =/= white nationalist.

Because the kid smashing in to the lgbt was jewish too

explain what a white nationalist is because i'm white and don't identify with that hate group.

Your right that antifa should not have been standing in the middle of the street throwing rocks and bottles at people and that guys car.

Fuck you shills.

You are blinded by revenge and you are not listening or thinking.

Calm down and rationalize the events.

Anybody who is white and not a cuck



They where chasing that car down the street , you can see dents all over the right rear panel in the bumper and below the brake lights


they're not a hate group, they're just proud to be white and to promote the white race, they do no condemn other races as inferior.

Car will win every time. Stupid antifa fucks. Attacking/chasing someone in a car.

Few of his family members were in the KKK

just like BLM is proud to be black.
and ISIS is proud to be savage rapists.

but when white people do it, IT'S FECKING RACISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


Being "rational" would probably understand that the scale and scope of activities were not congruent. If I throw a rock and you run over my whole family the idea of "well both sides do it" is pretty fucking stupid.

They felt empowered chasing the car making the kid scared.
Not realizing that in the kids panic he is still driving 2 tons of american steel.
He was chased for blocks.
The cops blocked some of the exit roads leading him in to the protesting antifa who where wrecking cars driving by

"Yeah but those protesters were saying some pretty mean things about the Neo-Nazis so when you think about it, both sides are equally responsible for this fucking nutcase running over a bunch of people in a car. This is my _rational_ viewpoint."

don't try to lump us all in with you faggot. Not all white people are on your side.

There's no way you really believe this. I refuse to believe anyone in this world is this dumb.

He also has strong ties to David Duke.

pretty much, except the white nationalist at the rally did everything in their power to stop violence, they asked for the right to protest the removal of the statue, they asked the police to attend and keep the counter protest separate.

and the police didn't do anything. and half an hour before the rally was meant to start the police broke it up and the white nationalist tried to leave, antifa and blm did not, they kept rallying in the streets stopping people from being able to leave.

Some of you are cucks that like their race to be genocided

So Shillary is still paying for these half-assed attempts at fake news? I'd ask if she's wasted enough money but after assassinating a handful of people that could've ruined her she's probably doing out of bitterness. What a great woman.

you refuse to believe information based on source bias. typical

Like Hillary? Small world

>what is it like to be a minority in a culture that has always treated minorities different

the post

How the fuck can you be proud of your race? Be it black, white, hispanic whatever.

you can't be proud of something you had nothing to do with.

if being born white is your biggest accomplishment, maybe you should actually try to achieve something instead of being content being who are.

this is a looser mentality


antifa and blm kept body-blocking people. and then if you touch them, the cops see it as rioting and fighting.

seriously Sup Forumsros. the "extreme right" was anything but extreme here. i implore you to look further and not just take [insert political affiliation]'s spin on the event.

we're not the minority, we're the vocal minority.
how do you think a republican even wins an election.

Fascinating insight, you dullard.

He was smart to condemn all sides, as the counterprotesters were generally the most violent people there, excluding Speed Racist.

voter suppression is one of the tools

Bu-bu-bu the driver was soooo scared! That's why he drove into people. Those mean protesters had him scared witless! Poor scared boy!

dat clown tho
also, the people he backed over deserved it

>saying some pretty mean things
here's how antifa exchanges ideas, by sharing newspapers

>Why doesn't Trump condemn White Nationalists

Fuck off, snowflake. You have 24/7 NPR Jew coverage, what more do you want?

Fuck the snowflakes, including land whales and niggers, any guy with a 'mun', any 'leftist' carrying a stick or a club... fags, dykes, any freak on the street marching for any faggot leftist reason. Fuck them hard.

condemning all sides / pretending to see both sides of an argument is a pussy ass stance.

it's called playing it safe and it's what gutless people do.

I bet you know someone personally who is like that and never takes a stance on anything since they are so "above that"

>counterprotesters were generally the most violent people there
I take it you were there to gauge the crowd?

I dunno, the people getting run over looked more scared...lol

so many outside agitators

It's pretty stupid to pretend the violent counterprotesters don't deserve condemnation.

Let's ponder this instead.. Sjw=Antifa=Libtards=Democrats who might add.. Fought the civil war to Have the right to own slaves, voted against the 13, 14, and 15th amendment, against integration, and Created the KKK to fight the Republicans effort to establish those amendment. The Leader of the Kkk even ran for president on the Democratic ticket. Democratic President Andrew Johnson only avoided impeachment by 1 vote for trying to veto the 15th. Learn your fucken history...

Because white is right.

yes, all those republican celebrities and news stations shaming liberals out of their vote.

Ur hate is delicious

You're a total dumbass if you think this is a justified response.

At the same time, I'm glad the guy in the car was a retard and took it to such an uncalled for level because I enjoy seeing degenerates get mowed over for fucking with people's cars.

its because the altright arent white nationalists.
spencer has done nothing but made white nationalism look stupid and dangerous. from his barkley interview on CNN to now. he's controlled opposition and a jewish faggot.


Idk about that, but yeah he should be condemning them

No shit.

Democrats were mostly southern back then......they did jump ship to republicans until LBJ civil rights.....learn u sum history faggot......God so fucking ignorant

not yet, once he has the full story he should, he's been pretty adamant that he hates fake news so jumping the gun himself would look pretty bad i think what he did was good.

You're the reason trump will win again, snowflake

you obviously don't know your history.

The parties basically flipped which is quite amazing from a political science perspective.

But don't pretend the Republican party today is anything like it was back then, same goes for dems.

Back then i would have been a rep any day of the week, now the party is just a pathetic cult. the literally only thing the modern Republican party has in common with the old one is the name

Equating the Democrats of 2017 with those of 1865 demonstrates only the shallowness of your "knowledge" of history. The Southern Strategy of the mid-1900s essentially flipped the relative positions of the parties because the Republicans saw the successes that racist Southern Democrats were having.

That is the kind of insight you get by spending just a few hours reading instead of saying HURR DURR LINCOLN WAS A REPUBLICAN THEREFORE ...

Still does not change their history. If white people are still blamed for slavery the democrats should still be blamed for trying to keep slavery around.

Which is what I just stated Remember the South was Democrats fought to keep their slaves...

You are amazingly, unfathomably dumb.

Whites are the minority, you are dead fags walking


Good rebuttal.

you seem to think that this "flip" you describe is permanent, when it's clear to anyone that Dems work their ass off to keep blacks dependent and miserable

think as a brick, this the kind of ill informed talking points you get from Fox News

More slander from the lefty cuck, typical

liberals blame the Catholic Church for the Crusades but see the Democrat KKK of the past century as ancient history.

The Democratic part was also anti-federalist in the late 1700s. The relevance of that to the Democrats of 1865, 1965 or 2017 is zilch. It's a moronic thing to bring up and only demonstrates how little someone knows about American history.

A guy at work showed me this pic one time. He truly thought it was real.

Yes they did President Lincoln ran under the "New Republican Party"

But this justifies a white identity movement, doesn't it?

Life-long Libertarian, but have at it.


Really, they why is the car being attacked?

Look at all the dents on the car

>Dems work their ass off to keep blacks dependent and miserable

I disagree with all your former statements, this one has some truth to it though. but that doesn't change the fact that at least dems aren't as proud of it as reps

I have no dog in the fight. In an ideal world, the antifa fags would have killed Speed Racist after he took out a dozen of them.

carries a walking stick as a weapon, clearly there is nothing wrong with his leg

HA!. Antifa fag. everyone was a cunt. just let them sort it out with as many death as they can.

it'll sort itself out and simmer down into a quiet hate like before. nothing will change.

have you tried arguing with a brick? Trust me it's nor very easy to come up with counter-arguments to mindless drivel

No. I am not a retard that argues with bricks.

That car should sue for damages! I hope Trump stands up for that car and its horrible dents.

It's also hard to come up with counter-arguments when each potential one is loaded with logical fallacies and hypothetical scenarios.

No, because minority means lesser, you are not lesser so still have to pay for everything

Dont you know how we fuck with the meaning of works to make them work against you when you use those words? subversion of language much??? , noobs

i know right,

what kind of cunts just cause private property damage?

No dents. The guy swinging the club was nearly run over by this faggot not chasing him down the street.

doge driver did not floor it in to the ppl he let of the gas, if he would have floored it he would have killed 20 ppl.
it wasnt even a intend to ram them, he was runing away from the ones chasing him and his path got blocked. he paniced let of the gas and didnt react any more frozen as he was stuck with 2 mobs on either side that he seen as malicious.
They have been before

When he backed out he actually killed some one who was running after the car.
Those ppl chasing a car down a busy street should be prosecuted, not the poor confused racemixed jewboi


>Life-long Libertarian
Aka lefty cuck,

they guy swinging the club came from the side walk

when you drive a car you are responsible for it. there are no valid excuses for reckless actions.

Because i am not a nigger means that i have a high iq, im creative and i can build civilization becaus emy genetic instinct is not that of a savage.

i am of a great genetic group that created everything in this world, and they did so in the past 12k years after the ice sheets receded, whilst the rest of the world was fucking their sister.

If isis could FREELY waltz over here they would destroy you. Trump is the only thing standing in their way. Show some respect libturd

>Because i am not a nigger means that i have a high iq, im creative and i can build civilization.

delusions of grandeur, you can't even get grammar straight. Nothing makes you look more stupid then claiming you are creative and have a high IQ. That is for other people to judge, not you.

>and they did so in the past 12k years

yes they, not you. stop taking credit for something you had no part in

not true, if you are in fear for your life you are allowed to mow them down to escape. there was a thing ages ago a motorcycle group were blocking an suv and one of them break checked the driver and the driver couldn't break in time and the motorcycle group lost their shit he mowed down dozens of them before they managed to stop him. he was brutally beaten by the group and they tried to attack his family aswell, but he wasn't convicted on anything.

There is many actually, this isnt reckless, his life is endanger as he is being chased down the street by a armed mob. he would have been fine if he put the pedal down instead of cruising on idle.

Funny thing is, if the antifa wasnt blocking those cars, nothing would have happened as he would have been able to get away from the mob chasing him with deadly intend

well, there is also the Atlantic Ocean. You know what that is right?