When will you realize that whites and Christians are being exterminated systematically?

When will you realize that whites and Christians are being exterminated systematically?

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Christianity is evil, so...

Good, christians were the ones who started this SJW shit, so they can can take refuge with the jews they love so much.

how so?

>pro life

>traditional marriage
>love is love

>man is the bread winner
>emasculate men and put the pussy above men

just 3, but what are you on about?

The only real historical christian area in Japan is Amakusa in the south of Kyushu.
Don't take my word for it, google it and see for yourself.


yeah the only one left

Focuses on the "next life" instead of this one, resulting in fucked up morals. Doesn't help that it's hopelessly tied to the Old Testament, which is monstrous.

The only one, period.

Japan was never a christian country to begin with, they've had shintoism for almost 2000 years and buddhism since around the 900s. Christianism came centuries later with no root or actual cultural relevance, it ought to be minor in Japan, no mistery or planned eradication there. The shoguns themselves banned it when it arrived in the archipel...

white males are responsible for the worst racism, sexism, genocide, colonization, spree murders and planet killing.

white males are literally the default enemy of humankind and should be treated as such.

So that the rest of the world can crawl back into caves and climb back up in the trees.

Did you even read the part of the cathedral ?

Did you even fact-check that shit before posting it ?

Japan not only isn't a christian country, it's not even a white country to begin with, so anti white-christian conspiracy is a stupid idea to begin with, there are more rooted christians and cathedrals in the US than in Japan.

The question of the bomb being unnecessary is another matter. The reasons for using it were economical, practical and political, to end the war quickly and at the same time test a new weapon and make a demonstration of power to the world.

Although it's true that the bomb wasn't necessary, zionist conspiracy theories have nothing to do with it.

Christianity focuses on the current life for a superior after death. It really doesn't cause a lot of harm any longer. I'd say human stupidity causes far more and we aren't exterminating that at all.

We're doing a nice effort by eliminating the muslims though.

i am sorry, i cant hear your bullshit over the nukes falling down youtube.com/watch?v=xx2MRo3M3Fs

>Christianity focuses on the current life for a superior after death.
No, it doesn't. Try reading the Bible sometime.
>It really doesn't cause a lot of harm any longer
Wrong, and the only reason it's gone down is because it's being slowly tamed by secular reasoning.
>I'd say human stupidity causes far more and we aren't exterminating that at all.
We're trying to.

Christianity teaches you what is right which is not being a slave to the system. If you love materialism more than God that's how you are susceptible to being a slave to money. That's how the 1% profits from you.

in deed

Jesus challenged their presumption and their
power in His day and He seriously interfered with
their graft when He drove the money changers- out
of the temple in Jerusalem. That act summed up
His entire career He was an indignant, earnest
reformer. The Sanhedrin had reached the lowest
depth of corruption. The murder of Jesus ended
its criminal reign for a time. The Jews as a
mass did not understand what was happening;
they had been misled by the Sanhedrin and the
rabbis. The Sanhedrin consisted of seventy men

who ruled civil affairs. They had previously ruled
criminal affairs which power was taken from them
by the Roman government. There was also an-
other Sanhedrin consisting of twenty men, who
ruled religious affairs.- Jesus fought both of them.
Why did the Sanhedrin frame Jesus? Because
he advocated the law of God and Moses, the law
of limitation, which Moses wrote in the old testa-
ment (Leviticus chapter 25). Jesus wanted excessive
private fortunes limited by law in order to save
civilization from collapse.

Why did the Sanhedrin frame Jesus? Because
he advocated the law of God and Moses, the law
of limitation, which Moses wrote in the old testa-
ment (Leviticus chapter 25). Jesus wanted excessive
private fortunes limited by law in order to save
civilization from collapse.

Christianity literally teaches you to be a slave to God and says throughout both the old testament and new testament that slaves should obey their masters.

When will you realise that killing yourself now is better than dying of natural causes, later?

lol, kys. dont you have better insults


falling down on a non white, non christian country.

Let me get this straight, you think christians were targetted from watching a SURVIVOR who was 4 miles away from the explosion because the windows of his church were shattered ?

So all those who were at the site of the explosion and died in the blast were what, colateral damage ? You're fucking dumb.

Not to mention the accent of the guy talking, trusting a german during WWII shows just how retarded you are.