Who here plays with estim/TENS?

Who here plays with estim/TENS?


It's great fun, but take it slow and build up to a pulse that you are happy with.

Also, never put pads or any electro above the waist, despite what you see in porn. You don't want to be that guy who is found dead in his room with sticky pads attached to his nipples.

Oh, I thought it was fine as long as a pair of electrodes didn't cross the heart. Like a pair on each breast as my gf likes.

I have one, but I use it for actual back pain

I've actually used it for that too, as well as sex

You've got to be so careful with them though mate. I had a plug in last night and after a while decided to add a loop around the base of my cock; when part of the loop accidentally touched part of the pain was unlike anything I've felt before. That happening anywhere near your heart doesn't bear thinking about.

I hear ya. And my sympathies.
Have you ever made yourself or someone else cum with electricity?

Thanks, dude. It's all good now, but gave me a bit of fright at the time!

I've came just from having the butt plug in. How have you got on?

its fuckin great
gotta order more pads tho
i use it way too much

I made myself cum from the tens once, and my gf did on her own too. It was pretty intense and mentally amusing, what being hands free and all

Where do you place your pads?

Awesome! It's great having someone else to enjoy it with you too.

I gotta go, have fun, man. Be safe.


taint + butthole
need to buy one of the plugs. actually made my own and it works aight but im sure the ones you buy from them will be a little better

That's what I've heard. I get best results with one on the taint and the other on the base of the shaft on top.

put them on my temples, slowly upped the votage. When I took them off the world seemed a lot quieter.

Not even...

You don't believe me? Try it! Crank that fucker all the way up. Better then any psych med. lasts longer too.

Unless you have a vid to post of it, I'll just take your word for it.

Anyone ever tried these rings around the cock/clit?

really? you'd just trust someone random user? Don't be a pussy. if you don't have a TENS just cut the cord off a lamp, touch the bare wires to your temples. It'll work, I promise

I DON'T trust you, that's why I'm not gonna believe anything he says without proof of concept

It made my dick numb so i stopped

Come on, we're all friends here. You'd do it for a friend wouldn't you?

Not for everyone, sorry.

Yeah, you first "friend"

I already did it. It was great. You should try it. You'll think its great too.

I'm sure I will.