Which one would you bang?

Which one would you bang?

The one in the back




Right's body looks really nice. Left not bad tho

I'd fuck both, then marry the brunette and keep banging blondie on the side.
Rate my plan.

Yeah, some great bodies!

10/10 mate!


Here you are!

her tits are nuts... more! How's her ass?

We gotta have her nudes!

Which one would you fuck?

hard to tell, probably left

You must have nudes, no?

Idk i guess id just piss in the pool discretely by their side.

Right. Bigger tits.

Ass is the deciding factor

It's ok, but not as dominant as the tits


The left one also has nice tits



You're posting too slow this thread is lame



She's hot in this one.


Brunette. She has an odd mummy look about her. Love that.

Yeah, she is!

Got any without resting bitch face?

right one, cus boobs and prettier hair

Same girl? Hot but better with long hair

Yeah, it is the same girl

Both seem to lack a healthy dose of ejaculate.
