What do think of Southeast Asia in your country?

What do think of Southeast Asia in your country?


> Thailand
Sex tours, colorful architecture, shit language, Cheap tourist destination, Tom Yum Goong

> Indonesia
Too many population, Islam, opec member, large territory.

> Malaysia
A multi-racial, most developed country

> Vietnam
Confucian culture, shit language, many economic cooperation with Korea, Young wives

> Cambodia
Angkor Wat, Killing Field, One Dollar, Khmer empire

> Singapore
Many chinks, the richest peoples, Cool skyline

> Myanmar
Dictator, Aung San Suu Kyi

> Laos
I do not know anything.

> Brunei
Too small a country, a lot of oil, Islam

> Philippines
Too hot weather, banana, Duterte, South China Sea


the philippines sounds A LOT like the sillypenis

>Confucian culture
Respect your parents and other elders is good. We're trying to remove the rest of it (the shit parts), and we don't want to be associated with East Asians.

but you are chinese

Nobody wants to get associated with Chinese, if a Kinh says that he respect China, it means he respect Chinese arts and inventions in the past, not that he like China. I would prefer to be seen as a third world shithole (what we're now) where people shit on the street than get associated with China (even if China was the wealthest country in the world).

Remember it, if you say that Vietnamese are Chinese in front of one, there's chance that you would get beaten the shit out.

Honestly, as Cambodian myself, I sort hate how most Cambodians act. Like, most people just have too much time on their hands and talk behind others bacl all the time. Other times, they make trends extremely obnoxious by repeating it everywhere. I'm ashamed of my own nationality.
Also, wonder if I appear as a Vietnamese because of the weird ass ISP.

Darn it, can't show the cambodian flag
Stupid isp

Where do you live now, friend. Just curious.

t. Southern Vietnamese

I live in Cambodia and never moved anywhere.
You're Vietnamese right? I wonder why my people hate yours so much. :/
Can't we all just be friends?

unfortunately most Germans don't care and think all SEAs are Thai and Thailand = sex tourism

fucking stupid country

shitskins. all of them.

Most Vietnamese don't hate Cambodia and want to be your friend. I find Cambodia very interesting, would love to visit.

Remove chink when?

Noone in SEA is white, and noone wants to be white. Only whites and partly whites care of being white.

Oh yea, I remember one of the reasons. Probably because too many Vietnamese are allowed to illegally migrate here. Sorta similar to what's up with Murica and Mexico.
I don't hate anyone though cuz I couldn't care less

I know, I was just telling what we know about you, nobody knows about you here.

i don't get it why do germans and nordics love to buy thai mail order brides? vietnamese are the best women in southeast asia though

The funny thing is that we often go to Cambodia but literally noone crosses the border to China, in fact, most of our provinces border with China are not even populated by Kinhs, kek.

I don't know what most French people think but:

Shithole that whores out to western tourists

Poor, backward and Muslim, worse geological luck than Japan.

Very dynamic and modernizing fast, still rather backward like Eastern Europe and with the same illiberal trend

Authoritarian shithole that at least doesn't whore out to tourists, lots of potential

Worthless kleptocracy

Soft dictatorship done right, but also economic vampires on the region

North Korea but less stupid

Dirt-poor peasants and opiate farmers

The typical emirate/sultanate built on an oil field

A joke

Everyone hates Chinese.
TIL the word Kleptocracy exists; thanks.
Anymore politically related stuff, I'll probably disappear tommorow

I will answer like the average German might, even if I myself have different opinions
Sex tourism and trannies. There's actually a fetish for Thai trannies found in some brothels in Germany.
Sex tourism
Never heard of it
Never heard of it
Never heard of it
Isn't that in South America?
Rich country, but only a city. Some might confuse it with Hong Kong and Shanghai because these 3 are known to be big special cities in Asia
Don't know much about it
Missing airplane
Famous because Americans keep going on about muh Vietnam War muh war veterans muh "I killed innocent women and children in the Vietnam War so you better give me some respect I'm a war hero"