Is college worth it?

Is college worth it?
I know it's expensive as fuck and really liberal but I'm tired of living such a shitty, sad and pathetic life.
20 years old working at shitty fast food job and still live with my parent.

what would you go for

Only if you do something that will actually land you a fucking job. Do your research beforehand and understand what will and what will not be worth your time and money.

College is the way to go if you know what you are doing.

Something with film. It's pretty much the only thing that stands out for me

it is, but only if you know what you want to do. I would start with community college for the first 40-60 credits, until you find what you really want to do, then transfer to a state school. That will save you a lot of money.

I'm 22, making 24.18 with health insurance and retirement benefits.
No college degree.
If you're so inept/lazy that you can't find a better job than fast food, then you deserve the job you have, and a degree won't help you.

A film degree is pretty much worthless unless you have the right connections, however if you are in a GOOD film program you will get those connections through internships and the alumni association

yeah don't go for that. go for something practical.

also this

What would recommend I go with?


For example: I have 2 good friends from high school who both majored in film. friend 1 went to Edinboro University, and friend 2 went to NYU. Friend 1 now works as a server at a country club, and friend 2 works for Illumination Entertainment.

Don't go to college. Learn a skill and start your own business. Or get a job doing something easy like cutting hair

Not him but I'm going into psychology and gonna start my own private practice. I guess something that helps you become self employed.

If you REALLY wanna go, bust your ass for scholarships and get a free ride. Otherwise it's not really worth it unless for the specialization cases.

If you're 20 and didnt have the gusto to enter college when you graduated- that probably means do you have a career in mind or the qualifications to get suitable aid. Not being mean, just trying to save you a buck.

If anything, you could go to trade school and learn an actual skill instead of wastkng both time and money getting what will likely be a worthless degree.

If you insist on going to college, major in STEM. If you're not in STEM, don't go to college.

>State school
>TFW live in Illinois

Pretty much anything considered boring and normal would be good. Pick the worst thing that you could actually imagine yourself doing as your body withers away.

Dont go to college then. Its not worth it. Youll just saddle yourself with 100000 dollars in debt and be in tje same position as you are now.

IPR in Minneapolis.

Have you thought about trade school? You can make really good money after a couple years experience, and from the start you'll be making more money than you are now

Go to community college and have a long term goal even if it's vague. You dont need to know exactly what you want to do when you're done but knowing you want to work in an office or work with numbers for example can help immensely so that you can more easily self motivate and get a degree.

you sound like somebody who should stay where he belongs

what would I do in Trade school?

A film degree is pretty much worthless unless you are a jew.

Why would I stay? I hate this job. My boss treats me and everyone else like an idiot and I'm tired of rude customers and coming all hot and greasy

learn to trade

It's worth it if you don't have to pay for it.

Either cop a bunch of scholarships or do a hitch in the military to get GI Bill.

Start my first day of community tomorrow. Financial aid has pretty much made college free for me. I'm going to be studying programming, I really hope I'm not fucking up here.

Ok, this is from an old fag.

Back in the day, you could get away from not having a degree. Well, now days, with all the immigrants coming in and HR being increasingly a minority, you will be passed over by every marginal person with a "degree" from the University of Phoeix, Manilla or Wherever. So you go try to find any job, hell, I saw a job for parking lot attendant and they wanted a 4-year degree! And don't depend on lower end jobs, as you will be quickly outnumbered on the job, you complain that Jose is not pulling your weight, then all the others gang up on you. Not trying to be racist, just telling it like I see it.

So, get a degree. Yeah, they aren't worth much, but you'd be surprised at how employers only will hire degreed people, even if they sat there drugged and drunk and didn't learn anything and depend on the non-degreed old timer to get things done. Oh, shit, I have to get back to work, here comes my boss, Raul, 22 just out of college.

An actual skill that a firm will hire you for instead of some bullshit humanities degree.

Trades include: Welding, crafting, mechanics, etc. You will find a better job with better money.

Run while you can, programming is cancer

t. 4 semester into it and hating I wanna off this ride

Trades are fine, when you are young and healthy. Remember to always consider progression in your career.

Seriously enough of this fucking trades crap.

Nobody wants to be a fucking electrician or a plumber when they're in their 40's. Go to school to become a scholar and study english classes or math classes or science classes. Enough of the trade trap.

Think about your future when you're older, and wiser and don't have the energy to climb up poles and attach basic shitty wires to garbage antennas. Whoever is reading this, do yourself a favor and don't fall for the trade trap.

You sir, are an idiot

Exactly, I'm 19 and I make 40.12/hour doing commercial roofing. You get what you fucking deserve.

don't reply to my post ever again you fucking low life welding faggot. what seperates you from Jose entering this country illegally? The fact that you can weld or attach 2 wires together? Or maybe that you can write basic computer codes? Get a grip. Learn to better yourself through education and you'll never say a degree is "worthless"

Trade plebs commenting on poor OP's post lmao

>OP hasnt shown interest in that shit
>OP didnt immediately enter college so academically I doubt he'll be terribly competitive
>study English

Know what, OP. If you don't have an physical deformities, just join a branch of the military. It'll set you up for a future career and pay your way through school once you figure out what you'd like to do.

Military turns worthless degrees into jobs... Unless its film. You have to be a jew to get a job in film.

>t. Someone who has never welded

Not my fault im a fucking autist

whats so funny about studying english, trade pleb?
>inb4 hurrdurr no job after

Do 4 years of service (something easy like air force or Navy) during that time you can get online schooling for free with the GI bill

Op here, no branch of Military will accept me because I have scoliosis

Because hurrdurr no job after?

t. Law school pleb btw

Had bad is your curve?

t. A guy in the military with scoliosis

good for getting pussy but that's about it. waste of money. learn a trade.

I am too, I go on Sup Forums, I saw this situation as either roofing goes well and I make money, then move on and go to school, or I would kill myself. So I worked so fucking hard, and am still worling hard and holding this against myself. What trades want to see is you putting 100% effort and to see you improve. I've been doing better everyday roofing and they see that and that's why I'm getting the 40.12/hour job. All the other young guys get shit jobs because I have been improving since I started here. I started in may

I can't really remember but it's noticeable. I spoke with a Air Force recruit a while ago and they couldn't let me in

i'm sure theres plenty a jobs regarding Law & English degrees. in fact i'm positive. You're not just limited to ie. a lawyer and a teacher. lifes not black and white, theres grey, beige, some blue

The ending was hilarious my man, kys

No, it's not worth it. get a speciality

Dawg, you'll never be in such good shape, hard work like this will never be this easy and this seems like your only option. Film???

Do good in college to get a good career. Otherwise your life will be shit

Thanks dad

Would you guys say graphic design is a practical choice? Or I'm also thinking about doing medical translating

As long as you study a meaningful subject, yes. Go for a degree in math, medicine, or science, and piss off with the gender studies, political "science", and stupid shit like that.

Op I'm a pretty artsy person too but even o know art and film majors aren't practical and you'll just end up wasting money. Figure something else out you don't totally hate and maybe major in that if not just out yourself out there and find new connections and try to land a better job

Go for technician.

pretty much this

majoring in russian and philosophy at top 30 US university how fucked am I

What are some good schools in Texas?

For me it was worth it

Old fuck here, yeah, was making 25, 35, 45 an hour. Wait til you are 40 and you are priced more than two young people and you'll find out you should have got your degree no matter if its basket weaving.

Engineering, electrical or mechanical, you'll always have a job. Don't even have to know anything as long as you have the paper.

Not that OP, but what happens when you hurt your back or your eyes are gone and you are a welder? I'll tell you what, you'll wish you had your degree then. I know I do, even though most with degrees can't find their ass with both hands, they frequently become the boss because they have the "paper"

Stop being a lazy fuck and find a good job. There might be something good for you