Be me, in love we feet

> Be me, in love we feet
> Have a gf for 5 years now
> Gf's feet gave birth defect
> The two big toes are normal and all the others are ridiculously smaller.

How fucked am I?

Do you mean smaller than the big toes ?
That's gross.


That sucks, although I would have considered that before dating her.
My wife asks me all the time what if she had gross feet, I swear to god I would not have dated her because of it.
It's kind of shallow I know, but... fuck it

Nice feet

Nice feet

Thats cool yo

Nice toenails though

Really man?

I didn't thought about the feet at first, cause she's my first Gf, but after 5 years, I'm starting to find them cute.

She's gonna appreciate that man

it's been five years
havent you gotten over it yet

Like I said, i'm starting to get used To, I kinda like it now.

post more of them. i actually like them quite a bit

Does her toes have dwarfism?

>How fucked am I?
kek. i also love feet and the love of my youth had very similar feet. i don't consider them ugly, just a little bit strange but still suckable.

where are you from?

Got it man, brand new it has precisely one minute.

And dwarfism? I Don't know, I mean, is it the official term? In that case i would say yes.

Yeah, got the same feeling, and I'm from france.

nah man.those are ugly as fuck.i couldn't take it i would break up

People would pay good money to cum on unique feet

look like normal paws to me

>dating sissy hankshaw's twin

I'm from France, not sure to understand what you said, some inbread shit? Kel

And yeah, kinda Lucky to have some unique feets.

Btw, that looks normal for her kek.

Im from France to, U have kik ? I Share ma salope if U want

Ah non j'ai pas Kik !

Je ne sais même pas ce que c'est !

Nah man take it and own it, my gfs feet aren't that sexy but you get used to it

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