Do girls actually poop, or is it just a meme?

Do girls actually poop, or is it just a meme?
I can't imagine something as disgusting as shit, coming from such luscious butts.

When you grow up user you'll realise women are literally full of shit.

And shit not only comes from their ass but also their mouths.

Full of shit or they just are shit?


mostly just shit

Myth busted user, you're welcome

Sauce tho plz

how can you even shit that much?

obviously a mentally ill dude in panties

>full of shit

Like I said...

Because that's not shit. How gullible are you ?


Your lower intestines have a lot of shit in it. I've heard from people who have had polyps removed that pre surgery they give you something that makes you shit your guts out for an entire day

>implying shit is a bad thing

All the time, they just act like they don't

It's a meme.

that shit is more manly than any i've ever taken







Post the pics of her shitting. So hot











hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot










Bump, moar!
