Anyone know any slutty Sup Forums traps in london? OR Sup Forums traps that escort?

Anyone know any slutty Sup Forums traps in london? OR Sup Forums traps that escort?

Reason I say Sup Forums trap and not shemale is cos I feel like it would be less awkward to lose my virginity to a Sup Forums trap than a regular shemale. Someone like lombax_fur



I post more of Shiny-chan will I wait for a reply.


Is my dick small enough to be a trap?

it's a question of if you look cute enough to be a trap.







some more new ones

Wtf is wrong with the aspect ratio

Hey, you're always cute :3

You have a buttplug?

i think its only the preview.

thank you. You don't seem bad either ; )

Yeah but don't have many pictures of it maybe like one.

Wait, are you shiny-chan? I thought it was easy for traps to find traps

Do you wear it when you go outside?

OP here, I was posting shiny-chan just to keep the thread alive.

She also happens to be in the thread.

I'm glad hehe :3

Yes wanted to wait how long it takes before someone notices x.x

Are you the real churrostrap? Heard some italian guy is pretending to be him.

Yep baby, you wrote me on tumblr :3
Oh, forget about that guy, old story (luckily)

Do you have the webms with proper aspect ratios?

I'm near London....but i'm off to bed for now.
Message me on my tumblr....
ashleigh-cd.tumblr DOT com

wew nice didnt see it yet ^^
You're a real cutie! Love your style and makeup


Where can I find more of you?

not really more but some more on my tumblr
shiny-chan.tumblr dot com

Doesn't it work for you when clicking on it?

1) thanks

2) the WebM works. That aspect ratio is wonky.

Oh, no problem, and thank you btw! >//<
I was thinking: where are you from?

from germany and you? With my luck you're probably from australia ^^

Northern Italy! We're not too far qt



*Planning trip to italy in my head*
Do you meet any other traps or you rather like to keep it private? Also from where is your wig? It looks really tidy.
Sry if I'm bothering you with too many questions (x.x)

this guy's from london iirc, you might catch him on a trap thread if you come around sometime

He looks like a massive faggot I wish I was close enough

I never met one honestly, but I'm interested to be honest, you're not bothering btw!
We could do something!

>having submissive personality/want to be trap
>am 6'2 and not correct body type

I'll try and bump into him.

he looks pretty fun too

I like your eye makeup, very pretty


His asshole looks amazing.

Kinda insane that there are so many traps on Sup Forums most are scattered across the place.

So this is why the proper trap thread was so slow. The is a secondary thread active.

Viola is one hell of a femboy. I would totally rekt his asshole.

do you remember his full tumblr name?
I agree, he looks fun as hell to be around

my bad shouldn't have kept the pics for myself

Would love to. Maybe we should chat over tumblr or something for stuff like that. already send you a message.

Yeah heres the real deal though ^^

Would you rekt his asshole with me in case I just want to watch?

I actually do remember:

littleprinceviola tumblr com

I love that crease that goes up you ass on those panties. Can do one with you cock and balls covered up so it shows a nice bulge with that crease design?

Maybe. I would need to be high as fuck, both on medical and re-creational drugs.

>I would need to be high as fuck

Well hello boys ;3

Holy shit, we actually summoned Viola! How are you today, qt?

Hello beautiful sissy slut.

Because I am not that into being watched :P

Well, it's not really you I would be looking at. No offence dude.

I figured you wouldn't, but I would still feel a little weird about :P

If I get confident enough we could spit-roasting viola. Would that be less weird?

Well of course you did! You were speaking in such high praises ;P I'm good thanks aha
Heyy! Thanks haha
You done squabbling and come to a conclusion yet or what? ;3

As long as I am high as a kite, sure :P

I think we have. I'm just a little shy about meeting you.

I would be shy as well, hence the amount of drugs I need in my system. I would need a shitload of weed and a fucktone of Viagra.

cock size is not relevant when you wanna be a trap its how cute u are

>fucktone of Viagra.

I don't you'll need viagra in the presence of a slut like viola.

Good point, but it is better to have and not need it than need it and not have it.

How many times have you met up with an admirer? You have a pretty impressive tumblr, you phone must blow up all the time.

Aha fair ;P tbh Im probs not gonna really meet until im through with uni... and if I dont get a job within a year of graduating I'll just become a full time whore/escort ;D
Flatterer ;P

Any in Maine? I've been wanting to fuck a trap for a while now behind my wife's back.

>Im probs not gonna really meet until im through with uni
Aw :(

>I'll just become a full time whore/escort ;D
How much for just an hour (and a half) of you time?

Never actually aha (for reasons stated above) but yeah my phone can blow up sometimes, but thats fun, chatting and getting tasks
Yknow, I've never even thought about price? Whats standard? What would you pay for me? ;3

I would pay a £1000 but let's settle for £100-150?

i would pay £250+ easily

Why every traps are from Germany or UK ?!?

Did i hear german trap (that is not me) ?

They may be in Germany or UK but I assure you, they're in most remote parts of UK/Germany.

There are also some in the US.

this nigga knows


Compromise at £200? But heck if I could legitimately be making £1000 for an hour :')

>Compromise at £200?


*Cough*Let's split the cost*Cough*

But seriously I would pay £200.

Not them, but did you try looking at the cuteboys map for people near you? Might be worth it if you haven't!

>cuteboys map

It that shit even updated?

>Aha fair ;P tbh Im probs not gonna really meet until im through with uni... and if I dont get a job within a year of graduating I'll just become a full time whore/escort ;D

Real talk: I genuinely hope you do get a job, and I wish you good luck with that.

Not so real talk: But if you do end up as an escort, I might just resolve myself to make a trip to the UK :3

Not yet i tried the trap map but there are only trapchasers there.

Split the bill?! Excuse you, each person has to pay their fair share... though I could potentially do a buy one get one half price type thing for each additional cock ;D
Aw thanks! And, unf, thanks ;3

>though I could potentially do a buy one get one half price type thing for each additional cock ;D

Could be lucrative ;)

Notice you have you Tesco Clubcard there, did you go in that cute outfit?

Aha no it was just my keys in case the door closed behind me :')

...sooooo, there's no real chance of meeting up till you finish you studies?

How do you dress in your day-to-day life? I reckon you don't use skirts, but I imaagine you also don't wear macho clothes either.

The associated thread seems fairly active; also lots of lurkers who contact but don't put their deets up.

Definitely looks like there are lot more fems/traps on that map. It's nice you can sort by marker type too!

I mean, there looks like there's more on the cuteboys map rather than the trap connector, if that wasn't clear!

Nah sorry!
How'd ya guess? ;3 yeah im nonbinary/have always loved androgynous/fem stuff so try look pretty a lot and really push it at uni where its safer to do so aha

And do you get hit on by guys in uni? Did you ever stumbled upon a homophob there?

Aw balls. Guess my search for trap ass goes on.