Racist anti-korean in japan

A Korean tourist asks restaurant owner.
"Is it restaurant?"
Japanese owner reply
"Fucking korean"

Other urls found in this thread:

theunbrokenwindow.com/Development/MADDISON The World Economy--A Millennial.pdf


I can see why hitler declared them honorary Aryans. These guys are a fucking riot. 10/10!!!

how can he tell him from a japanese?

Arr rook same

Oh i forgot link

white people are the least racist people in the world


pretty rude

fucking disgusting... this country is sick
probably his accent



i didn't know jap can speak engrish

Shame, lad is a cutie with a nice voice

Is English the universal language to insult other asians?

since when koreans are allowed to set foot on the land of rising sun

maybe? but since most jap tourists in sk are young women and old women that who fond of k-drama and k-pop we don't rude to them here in sk

>is it restaurant

Japan should accept more immigrants so maybe then they would learn to live with other cultures/ethnicities and not be so racist and xenophobic

serves you right

t. Mohammad Ammar al Zafran Abu Sayyid

What did the Korean guy say as he's walking away?

He said that he was looking for his long-lost father whom he hasn't seen since he was 4 and that he had been told his father spends time in that little alcohol-serving diner.

he said
"i tolerated very well
i wasn't intimidated at all
i replied"waht?" to his "fucking korean"
just didn't want to go police station for fight

SO do you love Japan?

we love and hate each other

this is not racist

>just didn't want to go police station for fight
Smart move. Japan's police are pretty third world and would take the Jap's side no matter what, even if he's clearly the offender.

Asian immigrants should appreciate us for how we tolerate them.

Literally had this but they go fuck chink aka shina
I sure love Japan

No. You hate. Love is only a chemical reaction, hate is logical action done by superior human being to eliminate enemies.

Lol, nips are savage as fuck.

It just a bantz tho, you two Japan and Korea hate each other so no need to keep a facade.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Average Australian is a dick towards Asian but cops? They're just treating them fairly. Unlike Japan where speaking Chinese or Korean leads to racist hate speech

Well korean puts anti- Japanese stuff in textbooks so it's fair to do so though.
We all love abe shinzo. Cute smile.

STOP bullying Koreans!

it can't be racist. You are the same race.

Korean talks about Japan only. Japanese talks about many countries.

>Not posting link in first post
Are you actually retarded?

Why does Japan hate Korea so much? Shouldn't Korea be the angry one considering how bad Japan treated them?

the Japanese guy will probably pick a fight against all unfamiliar customers
actually there are many shops (and bars/pubs) who refuse first-time customers
anyone who doesn't have some reference will be treated badly like that, it's not a matter of customers nationality


>Speak Japanese in little accent
Fucking savage. I bet they have never been out of Japan.

>Average Australian is a dick towards Asian but cops? They're just treating them fairly.
That's what I said gook. And

>Average Australian is a dick towards Asian
Your average Aussie doesn't give a shit about you and would treat you fine.

Ijime(イジメ) culture.

B…but my superior australiano ainu jomon yayoi mixed superior yamato aryan race

They why are we in Sup Forums instead of /jp/?

What did he mean by this?

He just picked a wrong shop
I'll never visit such a low class restaurant

Anyone who brought a selfie-stick into a small bar in my town would be told to fuck off.

>absolute number
Why don't you post percentage, or else abe is going to spray beam and kill Japanese kids

About what?

I think as an Asian, we are simply hating each other. I liked it tho, no need to be fake it like how the West usually is.

There's nothing bizarre about this.

But Germans don't hate french and British and vice versa.

"1910 japan ate korea"
why putting fact in textbook make it anti-japanese stuff?
oh right, maybe japanese know it's anti-japanese things that they have done ago

Very self-reflective

sounds a bit retarded

do the shops do prostitution, drug dealing, etc?

60 years ago they did. My grandparents were almost turned away from a French inn for looking German.

but it didn't happen out of the blue.
we put a lot of effort and 3 generations of work until we became friends.
Just look at the slavs, they still hate each other

No Japan didn't du nuttin
Ianfu is a lie
They're prostitutes
Japan provided jobs for them
Korean GDP grew by 20000% under japanese occupation
But 2 nukes are not enough though, need 200 to eliminate yamato

I think that owner doesn't know English word 'fucking'.
what conversation is it?

>dindu nuffin

Are you talked about their real feeling or just a facade? Don't be so naive, these are a lot of things you can't see unless you are a German.

Hate is good, that how a human would feel when facing something different, especially it has ties with bad blood.

He is joking you retarded fuck.

pretty patient guy. i would have slapped the shit out of that jap

not really. it's actually japanese who are so obsessed with korea that they are in search of korean thread 24/7 to shitpost faster than anyone. They can't also stop speaking of korea even when noone is speaking of korea.

based jap
koreans BTFO!
>jap man says "NANI!?"
>korean gook " n-n-nani g-ga?"

>this notice says "fuck off if you are 1st time customer!"
no, such a small pub is nearly reserved for regular customers (like friends of the shop owner)
so you have to be a friend of the group at first

Holy shit. 10/10

>Korean GDP grew by 20000% under japanese occupation

that's not true, Hirohito

theunbrokenwindow.com/Development/MADDISON The World Economy--A Millennial.pdf

>N-n-n-nani ga
>Ohhhh chongnam silmnida imjui gook dook etc

weird video

and japan has never apologized?

I feel bad just for him

Beat them down nippon

What I don't get is that even shitskins like me aren't hated in nipland. Why the fuck do the Japanese hate koreans so much? LMAO.

Also met a Korean immigrant here and he fucking hates the japs too. Whats up with that?


>per capita

but Korean population also increased desu
1910 13.1million
1945 25.1million


would europeans get treated like that in Japan?

but the problem of the shop is even a Japanese guy from Tokyo also will be refused badly

Japan is a white country, so of course it's racist

if they were anglos yes

What kind of shop was it?

>Flag of America
>Nazi Salute
>White Pride

that guy is 110% not-right-in-the-head, he posts a lot on youtube

No wonder jews fear the samurai


>tfw first found him when he had like 300 views

certain small pubs/ bars/ restaurants/ Geisha houses, etc

>ling anderson
afwf swedish father...

>What I don't get is that even shitskins like me aren't hated in nipland

You haven't tried eating in traditional sushi restaurants yet.

Or go in a non-touristic place in the countryside.

Or work as the lone gaijin in an all-Jap office.

You will get rejected because you're not one of them.

Japanese are pretty fucking retarded.
They are jealous of south korean economic miracle and the fact that korean culture is getting more and more popular than japanese at least to normies in the west


confirms wm swedish father

to be honest he looks adopted with dyed hair

I've heard of these, guess the guy was just unlucky.

I know how racist the nips are especially if you're in an office scenario.

I think he his half japanese, half chinese if I remember right.

>traps in actual world
Just kill this person please

but from what I can remember I think he said he had asian sisters? so that would exclude adoption if they didn't adopt the whole of east asia

there are hicks in every country. don't pretend like a japanese wouldn't get curbstomped in some countryside restaurant in korea too

but japs always hated us, since when Silla unified to Korean Peninsula

yeah but japs deserve it for colonising korea

whereas korea dindu nuffin