Trap and all asociated mental illnesses thread

Trap and all asociated mental illnesses thread



God... what an ugly trap.
This is why I'm not attracted to them

Go on.



Nice, go on

Get a better camera




Hey Sup Forums, I've actually got new stuff for once


I haven't even seen your old stuff, nice ass

Go on

Thanks, I could also share some of the old stuff if people wanted aha
Gladly ;3

Love this one.... would wife

Love that bulge could use a little more lighting.

Yeah I want her to post more

Touche, but doing late night reading atm and cant be assed with amything more than my bedside lamp lmao

>Trap and all asociated mental illnesses thread

Fuck off with this faggotry. MODS come back from the dead and clean Sup Forums up. Send the faggots to a happy place where they can run wild and free.

At least it's not bait shit

I don't understand why do you 110% straight people get to be so homophobic. More faggots like us means more women available to you. You should not be wanting us dead, you should be wanting more guys to turn to faggotry.





Tits are too high up. Already knew those are man grown before seeing the rest.








those lips!

Thats Chloe Salpa, a camwhore.





This has always been the best one I'm
But I've never found sauce.

Who is this?





Seems like it is a slow thread today.



Pretty cute user

Should migrate to the REAL trap thread

Thanks :)


Isn't this supposed to be the real one? The other thread is about an user looking to look his virginity to a UK trap.




fuckkkkkk, moar


No problems, you chat to people from here or just like showing off?

Thread has me hard as fuck

You shouls check this one too:

I like getting a little feedback, just relaxing and lurking

I'd be happy to Kik if you want, but otherwise I'm happy to just let you post here


very pretty

>the chad that all girls want
>becomes a faggot


Sauce on this niggers


Alexa Castano

Agreed want sauce, Don't like apple or cranberry but maybe some A1

i'd love to fuck the mental illness out of your breeding hole

Well that can only come from a union.


Lmao true

Finally done suppressing my sissy urges. What should I do now


No shadow I think is better cause I'm not something, More like the absence of something so shadow am I.

^_^well aren't you enthusiastic,

Hello Elizabeth. How are you today?

True lmao
See what i did thar?
? Reference this gif.

get a chastity cage, lock yourself up and train your ass like a good sissy slut

Oh hello love, I am always surprised when people remember my name : o : )



I am doing fine. Even better when you sweet, smooth ass pops up in the thread.

SO fucking hot, Why whyyyyyyy can I not find anything even close to this *cries*

^_^ oh you

How about an update to your erome profile? I want to see how much you improved riding a dildo ^^


Unfortunately I recorded the other day but it went awful got interrupted a billion times couldn't get a flow going and when i got into it got interrupted again. So I'm sorry love I'll have to try again soon, But i have some newer screen caps 8)

Also cameras exposure was set super high so came out shiny and not best quality everything went wrong >_

California ; / and yet still cannot find one trap (or boy) near me who wants to play. Either they are scare or 50. Or if attractive live in china

spanked red

That is also good enough... for now. Eventually I need to see a new video :3

that smooth booty needs to be filled up with cum

Isn't supposed be loads people in alt-sex, but I guess it's like London that has no traps.

Put yourself out there, there's definitely some user that wants to pound you.

Goddamn that is sexy as fuck. Love seeing my handprints bright red on a sexy sissy ass

You have such a smooth skin, Elizabeth. Do you take any pills to make it smooth? Or are you all natural?