Give me one reason not to move to Miami

Give me one reason not to move to Miami
>Sexy latinas
>Great weather

Other urls found in this thread:

global warming (hurricanes, rising sea levels, flooding, etc.)

Do you speak spanish? Are you into nigger and spic gang culture? As a norwegian I doubt you could even imagine the kind of poverty people live in certain parts of Miami so there's that too. If not then don't move.

>Hot all day with no clouds in the sky, then heavy rain and thunderstorm out of no where and then hot again isn't "great".

I mean there is poverty and some kind of flavor of
a ethnicity ruining shit in pretty much every city.

>Give me one reason not to move to Miami
you'll melt you idiot

You can move to my bed and I'll show you my big pedro

It's sinking

you'll get sunburned

It's weather is worse than Bergen

> those commieblocks in denial

Is California better than Florida?

It´s filled of latinos and reggeton dont go


Capitalistblocks = commieblocks.

Miami is a shithole outside of South Beach

Hurricanes, Haitians, rising sea levels, death humidity, mosquitos like you've never seen.

it's not even close. Outside of southern Florida, the rest of the state is basically Alabama.

There's something else in Florida besides Tampa and Miami?

It has more Juice an crazy ppl than any other city.


reggaeton is the GOAT party music

If you're 17 and under maybe

What music should he listen to?



It really gets annoying fast, especially since it´s played loud all the time everywhere, and the music itself is repetitive and loud

florida is the public masturbation capital of the world

holy shit I heard this song all the time when I was in costa rica and I never knew what it was called
thanks zuiderbuur

Thanks, now i got that song stuck in my head again
fuck you

even bieber likes reggaeton

Geen probleem. Did you slay a lot of pussy there?

It's my pleasure anons.

>mfw in this country only the biggest sluts like that kind of music

They're both shitty but they're different flavours of shitty.
Florida is basically just a generic southern state but with Australia-tier wildlife and batshit-insane weather.
South California is basically just Mexico but with an American flag slapped over it, North Cal is really nice though.
Also what this user said.

This. Northern California is really nice and not a desert shithole like SoCal is

Is northern California like Washington? I heard Washington is pretty much the best state.

Pretty much. Same kinda culture and lifestyle preferences.

Biggest city in north california? Because bay area and la are the only relevant urban places into my mind.

Can you meet people like Florida crackers in north Cali?

san francisco

San fran is in bay area so it is more like central cali, maybe sacramento?

but the bay area is a part of north cali

Most of us consider the Bay Area to be Northern California.

Sacramento is a shithole and the cities north of the Bay Area are small but still nice from what I hear. I plan to take some trips up north.

Tahoe is also nice in the winter

Thanks id like to visit some day san fransisco before it gets worse, i have read here that it experiences a period of decline and degeneracy but lets be honest though, cali was always a bit different from the rest states.

San Francisco is a shithole imo. Everything is close together so you can be walking or driving and all of a sudden you are walking through the bad neighborhoods and ghetto trash. There is an obscene amount of public urination, the streets and sidewalks are dirty.

I basically only go to SF to shop.

>gang culture
so everywhere in the USA is Compton? i know americans generalize about the outside world, but their own country, damn

Most Americans don't know very much inside their country either. Continent sized country without Europe tier travel results in this

Ok so i guess northern californian is good only for the landscape and peaceful suburbias out of big cities.

Urination at public is third world behavior and you meet it in very poor countries, makes me wonder if spics bring this habbit along with tacos in cali.