What makes the chileans different from mexicans?


They are white and Prussian + Pinochet

They have money


Chile is the most developed country in Latin America

Every country in the ring of fire gets a ton of earthquakes, but yeah, they get the biggest ones.

Chileans are cool people

los chilenos contienen el mestizaje maligno

Chileans are Germanic

this. we are just the average mestizo but with a lot of malignidad in the blood


They don't actually eat Chili regularly.


Se dieron cuenta que volvió?

they're a developed nation

kek, I wish

Chileans are god-tier south Americans.
>tfw have family in Chile
How hard is it to move to Chile?

Pretty easy

choripan, completo, empanada, pastel de choclo, and we're chileans

It's full of croats in the south

and in the north

aka. Luksic