What ethnicity are you Sup Forums?

What ethnicity are you Sup Forums?

I am Greek

I am Greek

I am greek

I art Hellenic

Baltic Prussian

I am Greek

I am Greek

Ich bin ein Grieche


Well, actually...

I am Greek


I am a Greek.

Why would I lie?

They do not exist any more


We literally do though. We are the blue.

Am Turk.

Do you have a penis?

Hm, okay

Tatar. I have lots of feminine features, could've been a really qt happy girl if one fucking Y hadn't interfered.

I am Greek

I am Greek (iirc)

I am Finnish (masterrace)

I am Byzantine


I am Finnish (masterrace)

Finns conspire with Germans. Kill yourself G*rmlover

you are snownigger subhumans. I am Greek
hello Greek brother

I am Greek.

I am Finnish (masterrace)

I am Finnish (masterrace)

I am Hitler.

whoah m8

I am Spartacus.

I am Constantinopolitan.

european aryan


fuck you nigger i am Constantinopolitan

you are Greek

I am Spartacus!

Go back to Istanbul, Turk. Constantinople is for the Greeks.

Yo soy griego


but istanbolian doest not sound as cool as Constantinopolitan

I'm a kang

I am Greek

pay debt

I am a white ( black ) man

I am Cypriot (Greek).

I am Sportacus.

Ur waterppl??

White Latino :DD



Greek mestizo

I am Trojan

I am Greek

Ching chong

I'm a swarthy with south italian, northern Spain and central Portugal (Coimbra is central Portugal, right?) blood.

But I'm not sure about the italian part of the thing, Thet where from Calabria, but most of them had blue eyes, pale skin and was 2 meters tall.

If my mommy wasn't portuguese jewish I'd would be perfect...

Half Chinese/Half Dutch

Ich bin Deutsche

100% American

err...alpinized dinarid?

I am Finnish (masterrace)

get out sha bi ching chongs

I am Greek

I am Greek

ah you got me dui bu qi

I am 1/8 Greek

dutch dad?