Fact: Americans ruined the future of Europe

Fact: Americans ruined the future of Europe.

This is not a common knowledge?

Americans ruined the world*

Nope that was Europeans. You fucks created Communism.

And you amerilards allied with Communists

both the US and Europe a shit

Nope, Marx did. Hitler basically figured out who was funding the whole thing.

People are too obsessed with WWII

>trusting authoritarians for a better future
>trusting the Nazis
>trusting the USSR

Honest to god, Germany should have won WWI so we wouldn't have had to deal with this shit.

This, the true redpill

No. Colonizing America was the biggest mistake of Europe. Nobody even tries to refute this, because we all know it to be true.

Kill yourself nazishit.

Hang yourself liberal

blablabla world war 2 blablabla nazi germany evil blabla soviet liberator blablbalablalbalblffdlblblalf bantother eoic WORLD WAR TWO THREAD HOORAY

lmao, what the fuck are you even talking about leaf piece of shit.

If you believe in "NAZI SAVIOURS OF THE EUROPEANS" fairy tales then you're an uneducated trash and should die like one.

Stop wasting air, someone useful can't breath because of you.

>using reddit spaces
>hates uncle adolf
like pottery
Go back

That still makes it Europes fault

Why can't Euro's admit they're the bad guys?

Why are leafs so fucking retarded?

eat shit and die

People shouldn't idolize the nazis because they lost and idolizing losers is bad.
they should think about how they can surpass them and become better in every way or they will never achieve their goals.
But instead of that they are whining about the past.
Why are neo nazis so retarded?


It's easier to pointlessly argue about this or that event from seventy years ago than it is to work on changing the present.

>these countries

Like pottery

Oh...so now it's our fault? I thought you euronigs said it was russia that did all the work......europe ruined europe. but got a shot of hiv from us

>Canadians calling other countries Reddit
This is just low effort.

Makes me sad 2bh

Yes, Russian occupation was so much better.


But I thought America had no part in the Allie's victory in WWII? I thought the Soviets did all the work and lazy Murrisharts came in at the very end?

Is that not what Sup Forums believes?

Should have worked harder under that Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren regime and help Germany produce more panzers instead of killing Heydrich and sabotaging all their hard work. You reap what your sow.

>Sup Forums