No loli thread? need to change that. spoderman also welcome here

no loli thread? need to change that. spoderman also welcome here.








ey yo spoderboi wutz up!

New loli discord server, looking to be chill
discord gg/656nGYV





hello fellow pedophiles


Links to any loli vids?

give me (you)'s and ill post some stuff guys

What kind of stuff?

They're just kids...

You guys are irredeemable. For the rest of your life I hope you can live with the fact that you're a pedophile.

what do you want


>lines on a piece of paper are kids

Realistic proportions, but with clean lines and color. Sick of seeing these pencil drawings, i like em but they're too common. I want something with a little more polish.

"pedophile" here

I have a kid and I would never do something like this to her

>"They're just kids"
no, they're just DRAWS


i live with it by being here fapping, instead of outside prowling the streets for kids to rape.
Isnt that a good alternative?

i agree

Would also prefer less anime styled ones, again, like em, just see em too much.

more gifs/webms?


Haha yes friends! I love fuck children too! Haha but is not children, drawing! Not pedophile, girl 18!


No, rape all the kids you want but leave these drawings alone, I'm serious!

western good?


Yes, amazing, thank you.

>just drawings
OK, videos of child porn are "just pixels in a video" then, nigger. It's still a depiction of a child, regardless. You ARE a pedophile. Just because it's "legal" doesn't mean it's perfectly fine.

Well if you had any decency you would look into chemical castration.

Oh this is just a lines on paper thread? Okay I'll dump my best line on paper folder.

any good sites with loli sex stories?

What choice do any of them have?


keep the you's coming guys


Fuck those are some hot lines, sauce?



Nice thread


nah, i want kids of my own some day.


Loli is immoral

it's a depiction of a fictional character.
not a depiction of a real person

It's ok user. 2 whole generations of morons just like you were raised by tv and can't tell reality from fantasy.



any one got the pic of maggie or lisa simpson being fuck by santas little helper


This please.

TOO FAR user

i require (you)'s

That's sad. They will probably turn out demented if they're raised by you.

Point me to the person that was harmed by this drawing, that's the difference dumbass. Just because lines on paper make you butthurt doesn't make them illegal.

Aaand so is /b, dumbfuck.
This isn't a church group website.
Go find Allah.

Yeah, this! People just don't realize this is hurting real people. It's the same reason I'm a dragon's rights activist. Those damn furries are abusing and hiding them from the rest of the world.

(you) are doin a good jorb user, keep it up

in a toilet stall I think, also it might be from apostle

Shhh, don't tell them about the dragons


brb, gonna go dress a child up as a disney princess so i can take pictures since it's "a depiction of a fictional character"

god damn kid fuckers

Why are you attracted to kids?

Because you don't have a shot with real women?

ya, but i want kids so i can have them if i find a suitable woman.

sure man

plz anyone

You would think liking lolis means being a pedophile, but most of those who like lolis don't like real children. So that would mean someone can be a pedophile while not liking children. You think this makes sense? I'm actually curios

Anybody can find that dumb shit on Google Images anyways


post fun stuff

I get what your saying, but it's still an attraction to children, which is fucked up. I like white women, I don't like black women. I still like women, just not ALL women.

It means you want to fuck toddlers but are too dumb to find real cp.

So you jerk your tiny 3 inch penis to pictures of Lisa Simpson and get semen all over your man boobs.

I have a girlfriend of 4 years, who is also into loli's.

But then it's an harmless attraction, because no child is getting hurt in the content they consume and no child will be hurt because of their needs. So why should you care?

That isn't true.

And if it was true, then she is probably a broken individual who was molested as a child. So it would be gross of you to take advantage of that.


>irl children
Learn the difference

I mean, whatever you wanna believe man.

The same reason I care when people have other mental disorders, they're messed up in the head and need help.

plz oost all his simpson pics



It doesn't matter what you fap to. What matters is that you have a desire for children.

And you're obviously too timid to share these feelings with the real world. So you silently go out in public and lust after kids.

That is what I have a problem with.

Looks like we got an armchair psychologist over here.

My ex was into shota, she was never molested or anything. She was more pedoy about it than I was even. Was pretty hot.

no all of apostles simpson pics plz

keep you's coming mayte

Thank you, user.

Except mental disorders cause distress both for the patient and those around him, while jacking off to drawings doesn't cause either

That's really gross, user. I hope you and her both get the help you desperately need.

The rapeiest countries are the ones without porn. Do you want to get rid of one of the few healthy outlets that people with these urges have?


Unfortunately for you, you'll never know who I am.
Live with THAT fact, faggot.

The only healthy outlet that would satisfy me is chemical castration.

When they are not castrated they lust after kids. When they are, the risk is gone entirely.