How do you guys cope with depression?

how do you guys cope with depression?

I kill myself

One drink at a time

Murdering a people


Very poorly.

I just resist the urge to shoot my self in the facenter everyday and keep on living

with great difficulty

With gets


I keep a thick veneer of false hope, and SSRI's

xanax and other antidepressants, gym and running also do a lot. Trying to focus on positive stuff like friends and girl and not to think about shit. Most important thing is to be aware that you can come out of it

Video games, just escape into them and dont think about anything

Who's this cute arab girl?


This is terrible advice. Grow up, idiot.

I masturbate 5 times a day.

65 hour weeks, porn, and whiskey.

It might be that I'm just not properly depressed, but I basically keep reminding me noone is truly happy in this shitty world. It was actually a documentary on one of the Bruce Springsteen deluxe reissues, where he said something like "why do people suffer? Well, what's the alternative?"


Effexor xr, Xanax, and lots of counseling my dude.

I jerk off a lot

3 essential things; weed, alcohol and bitches

Also it wasnt an advice so youre the only idiot here

Exercise and a healthy diet

I jerk off to my ex a lot

Just got dumped by the first chick I've been comfortable with for years, really started to develop deep feelings for her.

Apparently she doesn't have the space mentally for a commitment, she does have alot of shit going on, but it hurts how at peace she is with it right from the get go.
Feels like she had none of the same feelings.

Havent been outside a door for 2 days now, sitting with my last glass of whiskey but aiming to get something else tomorrow.

What's your story?

Pics ?

video games/internet and exercise

I don't. I don't know what keeps me going every day.

just stop it

its that easy

why does it matter, why does anything matter

depression only exist if you care so stop caring

no not that stupid edgy I DONT CARE bs

honestly and truthfully stop it

Get on lithium.Boom 90% of the depression is erased.

You just dont get it, huh?

Yes because i can "care" the 4 chemicals in my brain that are out of wack.Its not hat easy retard, if you knew anything about depression then you would understand its not just something you contro


I make juice for orphans

underrated post

Stop becoming a product of your environment and make your environment a product of yourself

The rush of murder

Effexor is not worth the side effects and withdrawals

Match my levels of creativity with my levels of consumption (study). And get outside

That's bullshit I just attack people on Sup Forums and feel great about myself

By being rich.

Not really. It's a wonderful way to cope with something, especially something you can't help like depression. So kill yourself.


there's literally nothing to be proud of when gaymen
nothing to achieve
you just waste your time and further entrench the idea that you're worthless and wasting your time on this gay earth

smoke weed every day

I lift
Lost bout 25 kg
Got a gf

Lifting made me a better person, both physicaly and mentaly.
That endorphin high is priceless too.

Only if I owned a gun


f u have it, u clearly cant deal with it

drink more water


Depression often happens because of learned helplessness: You do nothing to change your life because you think you can't. Because of this you experience no changes and keep believing you can't change your life. It's a never ending cycle.

I recommend just setting yourself a task: try changing the world around you. Try doing something that you think a slightly better version of you could handle. Cleaning a shelf in your room is usually still doable.

Spot on man.
Diet and exercise (mainly exercise) are the best antidepressants around. Should be the first line treatment.

Go the the gym and eat shit loads of raw vegetables. After a month drop some mdma with some mates. The endorphins yoyve been building and the seritonin in you litterally force you to be happy.

i drink a lot of cheap vodka and play videogames lmao

24 year old kissless, friendless virgin reporting in

suicide is something I think about often but it's not all that dramatic or scary anymore

I don't.
I drown in it.

Masturbate and a lot of music

also I hate myself at my shitty work (dishes in a restaurant) and it passes time

OP not a hater here....depends.
Deep bad...took anti-depressants 6 mos and after 3 mos glad I did. Just wanted to sleep 24/7. Before fuckers judge my wife of 2 years that I loved more than anything killed in car accident so yes, looked in abyss at least it felt like it for me.

After crawled out of abyss edge: exercise, religion for me (hey, I dont prosletyze whatever I was maths/science major and all I know is for me personally, Christianity delivered me and prayer really helped and I dont try to logically justify or fight or hate or whatever), so: endorphins from physical exercise (FORCE YOURSELF) and if it suits you, prayer has really helped me deal with anxiety, stress, fear and depression. No preaching, yes Im a weak inauthentic existentialist I know those arguments but it works for me.

What I would say is JUST KEEP GOING. Serious, sounds like cliche but when shit is worst just keep doing a routine and things do change but you need to work, even, fight for them. Dont brood IMO.

She looks latin, and if middle eastern definitely not arab just so you know they aren't the same thing ...

By checkin them trips doe

>hurr pray jesus and do sports
let me guess
you're a citizen in the land of the brave and the home of the free

You probably shouldn't masturbate whilst washing up at work. You might drop the plates.

Is life not literally a waste of time till you die? You tell me what is the point in living if it isnt to waste your life away doing something you enjoy.

Jack off weed video games

Pretty much, that's the key

Dont. Same poster that lost my wife of 2 years, dated 4 before married. Life can be an incredible shitstorm, and I know even I haven't had it as worse as millions of others but when its your self/ego, you dont care or think statistically, and nothing wrong with that IMO thats HUMAN NATURE.

I will say just keep putting one foot in front of other and DONT GIVE UP. I can say what helped me and I put that in another post, but know that things WILL get better and F the haters on Chan.

Anyone who is a human being, who is not crushingly depressed at some point in there life, is not paying attention.

Yes I citizen of USA.

herr durr I live in non USA country, have social liberal policies that are SO advanced yet still, when shit hits fan we whine and ask USA to bail our ass out. I am a USMC Marine also and don't judge me after 1 tour in sandbox and losing my wife combined. Herr Derr PICS DIDNT HAPPEN. FO eurotrash 16 year old.

Bourbon and Anime.
Aw who am I kidding? Soda and Cartoons.

with women that look like that

Take lavender pills

by doing the same things and patterns that led me to this depression

I forget about it and play vidya with the boys

>endorphin high is priceless
You know you can buy drugs right ? Meth especially is cheap and plus you get more stuff done too so it's a one two for depression

i indulge my brain with information and it covers up my existential dread like a blanket

The gym, but I have a broken foot atm.
So cigarettes.

Depression pretty much nullifies any of my emotions, which makes me a cool chap that people like talking to.

>tfw shell of your younger self

I just keep working, studying, gaming, working out, and I jerk off a lot to my ex's nudes. That helps me keep it moving

For a few hours, plus mdma is pretty neurotoxic, stick with meth if you're going to abuse something often it's healthier oddly enough.

don't talk to me or my little friend ever again

The girl I've been talking to for years won't accept me. I'm becoming a man and growing into who I want to be. Girls around me find me irresistible and I have many friends.

The money, the looks, and the man I am don't cut it. I've told her how I felt and she says she doesn't understand why I have these feelings for her. She says I need to move on and stop wanting to be with her but she's all I see. She's threatening to cut ties and move away for my sake of finding someone else.

Drinking and masturbation nice trips btw

Read, go for a long walks, online games with unknown people far away from me.

Your needy personality is rejection kryptonite to her, regardless of any gains you made in other areas. The sooner you release women don't want a Disney prince, the better.

Can confirm, the less you want women the more they want you. People always want what they can't have, I feel that one too.

unete here :

by not being racist
hate brings sadness

this is the guy you replied to. hopefully you still here

tell me more?

because im at the point where i just dont give a fuck. im a loner idiot with no accomplishments. dropped out of community college, got no job. just drink myself to sleep everyday basically

is there any hope? im an ugly dude (plus small cock) and socially awkward. i love women but im just super intimidated by them.

Not the guy you asked to reply to you but I might give some insight.

Don't view yourself as a loner idiot with no accomplishments, there's nothing wrong with that. People have a problem with it because its in human nature to have a superiority complex.

Dropping out of community college doesn't make you worthless, being jobless means only that you don't contribute to society as a whole, this is what having a job, in itself, is for, to pleasure the consumer through your efforts.

Drinking yourself to sleep can be harmful since alcohol fucks you up pretty good if it's too much.

You say you're an ugly dude, that's probably not true, we typically see ourselves uglier because we notice our defects faster than others (E.G pimples, wrinkles, etc), small cock doesn't matter much, bitches don't like extremely huge cocks anyways, check any survey online and you will see the majority are ok with a small cock.

Socially awkward isn't really a big deal, you just have to work on it, maybe you're just shy, or maybe you just didn't have the chance to express yourself with other people.

Being intimidated by women is normal in your case.

Solution: Work on yourself, first try to find a job. Anything, anywhere, even at McDonalds, especially in a field where you interact with people, like a restaurant or w/e. They usually don't ask for any major grads or w/e.

Second, invest in yourself, buy new clothes, games, shoes, whatever the fuck you want. Make yourself happy because you deserve it. You create reasons of why you deserve things.

Third, pick up a hobby, anything, gym, running, aerobics, singing, chess, reading, something you do every day whenever you can at least once a day. I'd suggest reading and exercising, body and mind type of shit.

Fourth, mental training son, you need better coping mechanisms. You are depressed because you don't fit into a dogma, you see it as wrong being the type of person you are. It isn't wrong.

alcohol, weed and porn. and hobbies like electronics, knife making, herbology, cybersecurity


finding a way not to be a wage slave helps a lot I think. But my shrink says i'm just enabling myself to avoid confrontation and stress instead of normalizing it and getting used to it. But if I can choose to do that then why the fuck not?

Basically user, hold on tight and focus on solving your life's problems, one step at a time. You can do it, but you must force yourself. Depression (if you have it) can be a pretty shitty ride, but in the end they are just emotions. They can't control us unless we let them. When we're sad we cry, when we're depressed we think of suicide.

The trick is to allow your brain to think negatively, but what it is trying to tell you is what to solve. You are upset because you have no job, find one. You can't find one because you;re socially awkward etc etc and so on, you find the root of the problem.

Find the root of the problem and work on it.

Good luck user, you'll make it.

by not having it

Alcohol my friend.
Fuck my job.
Fuck my incompetent boss.
Fuck my life.
and Fuck my ass.

I kill myself every day.

I was diagnosed with severe depression when I was around 9 or 10, but I refused to take the medication since then.

The way I found to look at it, is I look at what has made me happy in life, then I dissect it. I study what makes me feel okay, and actions or happening that made that feeling go away.

I'm sure this is true for everyone, but what makes you happy or okay, is never able to be expected, it just swings in, and warms you in the coldness of depression.

I look to the day that warmth enters my life again, and I plan to keep it.

If I can't, then there is always next time. A time where I can try again.

Until then, I try new things, I meet new people, and through it, and I enjoy new experiences. I believe it will help me find what I am looking for.

So you guys cope with it by becoming degenerates? Got it.

I stopped caring about everything a while ago. I still got ups and downs and only enjoy things for a short time. Most of the time I'm like devoided of emotion.

Bill Burr