Any Doctors?

Any Doctors?
I just ate some dubious fish (I live in Central Mexico so I don't usually eat fish), and the people who served it to me said it was spicy to "kill the worms it might have". I ducked out fast, but I'm still a little worried. Can alcoholic beverages kill them if they haven't been digested yet? Follow up: if so, does alcohol content matter?

You need an excuse to drink?

No, but I won't pass up an opportunity :^)

I ate an undercooked braut before, and after realizing it drowned it in whiskey. As far as I know, I have no worms. You may as well drink anyways to relieve the anxiety.

Thanks for the advice, have a cat.

Med student fag there, if the fish that you eaten had something to harm you, you will feel sick very quick.
The worms usually dont appear in fish, unleast it was raw .
Do you eat ceviche?

Holy shit, yeah I ate ceviche. How'd you guess?

Who cares? You're a another filthy spic from billion that live right, please give us a favor and fucking die already.

she was probably just pulling your leg retard

lol I'm so glad your race is going extinct

depends on where you inject them

dee-os mee-o mahn

>you're a another
>from billion that live right
Lemme guess, you're illiterate white trash

1. Es conocimiento general que no se debe comer pescado o mariscos en lugares de dudosa procedencia.
2. Se necesita ser pendejo para siquiera pensar que poniendole un madrero de picante y limon a la comida se mueren los parasitos.
3. Se necesita ser mas pendejo aun para pensar que el alcohol puede matar los parasitos.
y 4. Hay que ser un maldito naco de pesimos gustos para tener que ponerle picante pendejadas asi al pescado, arruinando completamente el sabor del mismo.

Disfruta tus parasitos y ojala contagies a toda tu puta familia.

Well Mexico has been tampering with alcohol lately especially in the tourist areas

Fake news

seems fucking retarded to me to joke about your food being infested with worms (you know, the shit youre trying to sell)

Pero me lo diò la señora que me renta cuarto. No querìa decirle que no ni herirle sus sentimientos. Ella no tiene educaciòn y por eso cree que mata paràsitos. El alcohol puede matar paràsitos si no ha sido digerido ya la comida. Chingue tu madre charro pendejo, ya mejor pon antenciòn en tu secundaria y aprende a hablar inglés. THEES EES AN EENGLEESH BOORD.

Because that's the kind of shit you mongrels eat in your 3rd world country: Poor quality fish, not even fresh, from dubious origins, untreated for human consumption, and for the sake of cutting expenses you prepare it raw under the false belief that lemon juice is a disinfectant.

Even the japanese flash-freeze the fish they eat raw for sushi, but you guys don't even know that technology.

Wow I'm feeling a lot of misplaced rage and hatred coming from you, user. But you make a good point, us Mexicans could be better at treating our food (especially seafood)

>under the false belief that lemon juice is a disinfectant.
not why they do it
>the japanese flash-freeze the fish they eat raw for sushi
only in america to meet with FDA regulations, most japanese sushi is fresh

yeah because it's a microscopic fucking island


>the japanese flash-freeze the fish they eat raw for sushi
>the japanese flash-freeze the fish they eat raw for sushi
>the japanese flash-freeze the fish they eat raw for sushi

This dude is full of shit. Tchnically speaking, cooking requires heat, so ceviche a dish in which raw fish is marinated in citrus juice, isn’t cooked. But it’s not exactly raw, either. Both heat and citric acid are agents of a chemical process called denaturation. In this process, the heat or citric acid changes the proteins in the fish, unraveling the molecules and altering their chemical and physical properties. When fish is bathed in citrus juices, this process of denaturation turns the flesh firm and opaque, as if it had been cooked with heat.

With enough marination, bacteria wont survive the acid bath (citric acid) they go under. Youre fucking fine dude.

best go to the doctor and get some pills to kill any possible parasites before they get you sick

>25 year Chef-fag reporting

>lemon juice

I'll bet the farm that it is Lime juice in that ceviche. Lemons almost don't exist in Mexico.
The acid from the lime juice actually cooks the raw fish/shrimp in ceviche. So, yes it kind of is a "disinfectant".

Thanks for the cats, here have one in return

Lel, that captcha tho

chef over here, working in a 2 michelin stars restaurant.
your are absolutely right.

Chef fag here also
I endorse these views

Thanks for the advice guys, I knew I could count on you.


top fuckin kek

Myself and some mates ate pretty festy chicken from a fast food restaurant once. I was drinking pretty heavy that night but my friends weren't. Managed not to get food poisoning but a few others did lol.

nigger you don't have to capitalize the letters in the captcha. nor do you have to put a space. also, use a dark theme.

what app are you using? I use Chan Barauza but I can't activate legacy captcha

630 puntos TOEFL.
Para charros pendejos e ignorantes están los que comen pescado crudo de dudosa procedencia, que tienen que rentar un cuarto porque ni solvencia economica tienen, y cuyo nivel cultural no les da para entender que el solo el alcohol en concentración de 96 mata parasitos pero no los huevecillos. Nuevamente, disfruta tu infección perro.

There are quite some places where Mexicans actually treat seafood properly, but that's mainly along the coastlines where people actually know what they are doing.

Trust me, lots of people are stupid enough in Mexico to actually believe that.
Also in Japan they will flash freeze fish (not everywhere, though. Most times they don't really flash freeze it because their sanitary conditions are a lot better because of their culture.

Nematodes (especially anisakis) survive under those conditions. Citric acid is not enough to actually kill the bigger parasites nor the eggs. Also, citric acid is not enough to prevent fungal, viral, and bacterial infections like cholera.

Just because it denatures the fish proteins doesn't mean it kills bacteria. The fish still has to be fresh and clean to begin with. If it's old and the bacteria on it has been multiplying, citric acid can keep it from multiplying further, but does NOT kill a significant amount of bacteria by itself.

Damn, I guess you don't go outside to much huh?
Please stay indoors and don't have kids. We don't need more retards

took you a while to google all of that

ITT: Mexicans intellectuals

vaya que eres pendejo, espero que mueras de diarrea por comer en basureros.

Lemon juice isn't used as a disinfectant lol and most things are actually okay to eat raw btw if it's treated well beforehand. Ceviche js amazing, I'm from the US but still make it here and there, limes btw ... also Mexico is first world by definition. Third world means neutral during the cold war.

Thanks m8 I always thought they'd be case sensitive for sure, that will save me a fair bit of time

Si me muero te voy a jalar las patas cuando duermas

I'm using meme. Legacy was default but I'm actually really liking it. So much less lag and broken capchas

la verga es lo que me vas jalar, pero primero te las lavas cerdo subhumano.

Sorry that's mimi damn autocorrect

la que te falta culero! A tu hermana tambien, pero no te preocupes por eso

They are just fucking with the gringo! Ceviche is actually cured with citric acid. They use lime/lemon/peppers to cure it. You will be fine they are just fucking with you.

no problem. is that Mimi or clover?


get clover Mimi is SHIT

I agree I just installed it, it doesn't even have an in-app webm player

do you know how to get clover? it's not on the play store so..

Not the same user, but I just looked up 'clover chan apk' and downloaded an apk, from apkmirror

yup that works. or you can get F-Droid

Not sure if you are trolling, plain retard or both

2/10 bait try harder next time you cumbeard

Thanks I'll have to try it

yes do.