Be loser

>be loser
>browse Sup Forums for 13 years
>still be loser
How are you today Sup Forums?

Hi there op I'm fine

I feel horrible, coming down from a meth binge and feeling suicidal

Right now I just feel tired and I'm trying to dox this one girl

That's good
Shit sucks man. Have any pot to kill the come down?
I feel pretty tired too man. I'm just lurkin and watching some shitposting in a kik group

Kik groups have too much CheesePizza also how are today op?

since Im on Sup Forums, I feel worse and worse

>I feel pretty tired too man
Yep, so just trying to get this dox to see if this person is a catfish or not

Seems to be normal porns and memes as far as I can see. Not there to get van'd
This site eats souls for food user. I'd leave but I have no soul left
Good luck man. Maybe you can fish the catfisher

>Good luck man. Maybe you can fish the catfisher
Finding stuff so far, very well girl could be a dude

Try reverse imaging on google n see if the photo she gave was from it

then that Kik group is pretty tame

you claim to be an originalfag?

I guess so. I don't really go on kik groups much. Kinda sketchy if they get that shit on them regularly. I don't want scary people knocking my doors down at night and shooting my dogs

Pretty much. Been here since 2mil get. I was here for years before even the habbo raids happened.

then u prolly got cockmongled

only been browsing for about 6. am i loser?

They love the pizza that's why I don't join

Many a cocks were mongled and many a tit were fondled by happy negros back in my day. I don't even know if the word meme was being used to described them back then. There was no such thing as oldfags or newfags or cancer killing Sup Forums, everyone was just Sup Forumstards. It was a bit different. Still pretty cancerous though.
Eh, I think everyone who browses here regularly is probably a loser in some way or another. Normies have lives and normal stuff that they do instead.
Well shiz, I'ma gtfo of there then.

i'm gonna need proof on that 13 years claim.

How has Sup Forums changed as a whole in these years, oldfag?

wasnt bad and no, no meme

>be loser
>browse Sup Forums for 8 years
>be somewhat less of a loser (lost virginity, got a job)
yay! still not doing too great, though. no gf/wife, but at least I'm a member of the workforce.

Do you love this man?

Richard C Mongler is a man's man and a woman's wet dream
It's pretty crazy thinking about how much shit was invented and how much language and in-jokes have come and gone since then.
That's good on you user, at least you're making some progress in the life department


Man newfags these days don't even know of pissing in a sea of piss threads

Oh man, I pretty much forgot about those. There's so much shit I need to look it up to remember half of it.
I do know I was happier before dubs became a thing unironically. Some memes just get outta control.