What's a good reason not to kill yourself? Besides ones parents Mental Health, I can't think of anything...

What's a good reason not to kill yourself? Besides ones parents Mental Health, I can't think of anything. Two years ago strangers would ask me if I'm a model everytime I left my house, it kept me happy since my life is nothing but shit, but no one does that anymore. After 2 years of suffering I have aged prematurely, a lot. I look like a different person. My beauty was taken away from me by piece of shit who fucked me while I was blacked out 2 years ago.


Youve never blacked out?

No.I dont drink alcohol in excess

Killing yourself does't just end your pain, it ends all feelings, thoughts, and affects everyone you know in unpredictable ways. There was someone I literally talked to once in middle school that killed herself and I still think about her.

I'm not gonna tell you what to do, I'm just saying from the way I look at it, you should really only kill yourself if it'll do more good than harm. And unless you forget all the people you give positive experiences, all the positive contributions you make to society, all of the possible positive things you can experience and give to others, then maybe it's worth it but for all the people who want to kill themselves, I truly think less than one percent are actually justified. And in just the few sentences you posted, I think you're in the 99%.

It was an accident. I only drink alone now

Does your name start with a K?

No, it wasnt an "accident', you made the decision your self. You need to take responsibility for it.

welcome to how the rest of us live.

That's the reason why I've been sticking around, for everyone else mostly my parents. But it hurts being awake

you act like it's impossible to prevent yourself from raping someone who's passed out. it's not that fucking hard, instead of taking advantage of someone that's unconscious/vulnerable DON'T BE A FUCKING ASSHOLE RAPIST.

When you come across someone taking a nap or bent over, does your lust suddenly overcome you and you can't control your urges? are you a fucking chimpanzee?

Your choice. My reasons might not be yours. You have to come up with your own answer. Who knows? Maybe there isn't a good reason for you to not kill yourself.

Is that you in the picture because if it is then you have very attractive eyes. Post a full picture of your face, I bet you do look like a model.

I just wanted to get drunk, I was young I didn't know what could happen if I took too much. I didn't want to black out and have someone do that to me.

You put your self in that position.
Do you cross the road when a nigger is walking down the path at night? I bet you do, you're taking preventative actions. You let your self be raped, by drinking so much you blacked out.You kept opening those beers or taking those shots each time, you made the decision to continue.
You decided to be around the people you were with. You chose to be there.

See where this ends up? With your poor choices

sometimes life hurts. sometimes it cuts really, really deep and it seems like you'll be bleeding for the rest of your life. And some people do. But the bad things in your life don't define who you are. You decide what pieces to keep and what pieces to discard and one day, if you keep trying, your cuts will be scars. It sounds impossible, but you can do it.

I do recommend talking to someone. Even talking to random strangers on the internet like this is good, but sometimes the things we experience do require help from someone with training in dealing with these things, so if you think you need it, you should seek that kind of help.

You're not wrong, but you're being an asshole about it. She already got blacked. There's no reason to keep reminding her it was her fault.

You should just end it

I used to look like one but not anymore. I just look tired and old now.

How old are you?

Do you know where you are?
Im not here to be your friend or coddle you when you make mistakes. I'm telling you the truth and you need to deal with it.
>keep reminding
Maybe they wont get raped again if they are constantly being reminded of their mistakes?

If you blacked out how did you know that you got fucked

Sure in a perfect world you should be able to pass out at a party or w.e and not have anything done to you. But this world isn't perfect. There are rapists, there are those who take advantage of others, list goes on. You know there are fucked up people. If you walk with your tits out through a sketchy ally at night you shouldn't expect to find a pot of gold. Partially ops fault for not thinking things through. Let go of that attention seeking attitude and just go get professional help. Report the person. Just don't let it consume you and do something about it.

that's some real mental gymnastics there buddy. OP did something irresponsible, but OPs actions are COMPLETELY unrelated to the actions of her rapist. If she got sick, or hungover, then YES that's OP's fault. But everyone should have an expectation that the people they're with won't hurt them, and if they do hurt them then it's NOT their fault they got hurt.

It's like going to the mall and getting stabbed; are you gonna say "WELL YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE GONE TO THE MALL THEN, ANYONE COULD HAVE A KNIFE" because if so, your view of risk and normal people is skewed beyond belief and maybe you should just keep living in your safe space because you think literally everyone in the world is out to get you.

So women shouldn't get drunk because they open themselves up to rape. People make mistakes as well. Your point here is completely invalid.

I tried, I talked to a lot of psychologists and psychiatrists. They can't change reality

She's aware of what happened. She doesn't need to be reminded be some edy loser who want to "tell it as it is". The whole point of the thread is that she's fucked up because she can't move on.

Nobody is defending the rapist. People shouldn't rape. People should also be responsible and defend themselves appropriately.

Next time you are mugged, explain the guy to the guy he shouldn't do that because it is a bad thing to do. Pretending that society as a whole is at fault because you walked down a dark alley in a terrible area is a victim complex.

These are criminals. Your average person does not make these kind of decisions to do terrible things. If you are talking about opportunistic stealing, a way to have that not happen is to prevent the situation from happening.

As for OP. That sucks that that happened to you. Controlling your drinking is a good way to prevent the situation from happening again. You've walked down the dark alleyway and hopefully don't blame the rest of us for that decision.


22 but I look a lot older now

The only way to move on is to just kill yourself

Let us decide, i'm sure you look fine. You are probably being hard on yourself like most girls are.

>My beauty was taken away from me by piece of shit who fucked me while I was blacked out 2 years ago.

getting fucked in your sleep doesn't make you age prematurely

look, people get into car crashes all the time; driving is a complex act with millions of people doing it -- that's why we have seatbelts.

but you shouldn't have to do anything to stay safe from being raped because NOT RAPING PEOPLE IS NOT FUCKING HARD. it's the RAPISTS FAULT not the VICTIM'S. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

yeah but you don't blame the person being mugged for being out on the street - people should be able to have the expectation not to be mugged. Don't leave your wallet in public, but the equivalent of that is don't get naked and spread your legs.

Life is so tiring. I know it very well. I'd tell you to forget about it and move on, but I know it's hard, maybe impossible. I hope you don't kill yourself, though.

post more pics lady

that's true, but happiness is a result of both what's happened to you and how you feel about what's happened to you. You can't change the first, but psychologists might be able to help with the second. It's not easy, and it takes time, but at the very least maybe they can dull the emotional pain, just a bit.

hows quebec treatin u

I have a short flashback of him doing it to me and my pussy has been hurting everyday since then for the past 2 years. My doctor calls it muscle spasms


No, she choose to go to a party and get black out drunk, this was her mistake #1. #2 is going to a party/etc with people you dont know,that are threats to you.
Its called a threat model and clearly there is only one zone with this person
There are crazy people in the world. This is why i have a registered firearm and a concealed carry permit.Should something happen to me or my friend/family i am able to handle the situation properly. Nice strawman

>women shouldnt get drunk
Not in public with people they dont know.They are opening them selves up to harmful situations.Where were her friends during this? Shitty friends too.
Yes she got drunk and because she passed out, she got raped, 2 big mistakes.
I dont go out in to public with my wallet exposed or leave my phone unattended.

So lets pretend it never happened. Tell her to go to another party and get black out drunk and get raped again?
Whats the bigger issue, having temporary pain remembering that you've been raped because of your bad decisions, or have another trauma by repeating your actions and getting raped again?

i'd love to die. i don't because I need to see how game of thrones ends plus i watch new shows every season that keep me alive by wanting to know what happens next week. and WoW. I want to keep following the plot. there's nothing else i live for.

I'm over what happened I don't think about it anymore, it's just the effect it's had on my face that's killing me. I look older than I should now , I aged prematurely. Being beautiful was the only thing that made me happy and now it's gone

That's not how aging works

People, probably men, here are literally saying don't drink because you are a woman. I am a man myself and know how it feels when you drink alcohol, pass out and do things you regret. You lose control when under the influence so stop saying it was her fault to drink the alcohol. Tell me, are you cunts fucking idiots?


I don't think your beauty is gone, maybe just your sense of seeing it, which is normal when you have a past like that

To be honest, I'll probably kill myself soon, but I think life can be worth living under the right circumstances, and maybe you're not beyond repair.

I don't care that he did that to me anymore. I'm not traumatized I don't have PTSD. I want to die because I aged prematurely and I'm not beautiful anymore just because of one mistake I made 2 years ago

>don't drink because you are a woman
Dont drink to black out, in public, with no friends to watch on you.
>You lose control when under the influence so stop saying it was her fault to drink the alcohol
You are ACTIVELY choosing to get drunk.No one is forcing you, you are the one drinking in excess.
I've never been drunk ever, i dotn drink to get black otu drunk, just a nice buzz to enjoy the dinner,party.

yeah, if you're building threat models while partying with friends you're a fucking basket case dude.

I feel worse for you than OP. People probably NEVER told you that you were attractive. You've probably never been close to someone (or if you were you got a little burned, then like a little bitch closed yourself off to the world). You see other people as threats instead of friends, which means you'll have less (or no) friends.

OP got raped, and that's terrible, but I feel worse for you. Your entire life is going to be stressful, lonely and sad, while OP, if she takes some time out for herself, still has a chance to trust people and be happy.

>aged prematurely
Getting raped doses not prematurely age you.
It has nothing to do with age at all you fucking retard

Hey cutie, are you a model? Cause your eyes look like modeleyes.

You can't compare leaving your wallet open to drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol is a pleasurable experience. You don't just think, oh shit I'm going to go and leave my wallet open because it pleasures me. Again, your point is invalid.

So you see a group of niggers at midnight drinking hooting and hollering at you, they are coming your way. You're telling me you wouldnt cross the road to avoid a potential encounter?

How the fuck do you age by just getting fucked?

I wouldnt get black out drunk at a strangers house where my wallet(cc/debit/cash/etc),phone and potentially my anus being raped.

You probably feel soiled.
A lot of mens cannot handle a woman who have lived through abuse.

You migth just need to settle for a guy who also lived through abuses.

have fun you imaginary anonymus person.


sometimes, life throws years of lessons at us all at once and it takes time to sort out. I can't imagine your perspective, but with premature aging can come premature wisdom if you take your experiences and learn from them. Don't give up, please.

When the fuck did she say she drank out in public. You are making it seem like she got drunk in a city centre at 3am.

It didn't age me overnight, the past two years of physical pain everyday, muscle spasms, is what has aged me. I can't have sex anymore or even use tampons. I have to be on opiates 24/7 to control the pain from the muscle spasms.

>bblah blah blah
Just cause you are a pussy doesnt mean anyone has to change sideways for a negroe. Are you out of your mind you weak bitch? You are not worthy of your skin. Also you'd be the first one crying in court if a nigger would punch you, let alone rape you so why not just stfu you womanhating faglord? You ever heard of the categorical imperative? Read Kant, cunt or you'll be a retard who doesnt understand what is right and what is wrong forever.

at this point, the only replies I make will be low-effort memes, because that's about the amount of thought you fine folks are putting into this.

Your home, is a private area.
A party not at your home, is a public event, random people you dont know will be there, you have no control of who is there at the party

Because in 1 year you might think your problems are fucking stupid and will wonder why you ever thought of killing yourself in the first place.

Also cause you literally have one life and you can do so much cool ass shit, especially if you don't care. I.e backcountry skiing, skydiving, fucking hiking, surfing etc

How does rape make yout muscles spasm?

No, that is not physically possible
>muscle spasms
Now you're just full of shit and met a doc that dosent want to hear your whiny moap every time and gave you opiates.

Did she say she got drunk at a strangers house with her wallet open?

What the fuck does that mean? Did a horse fuck you?

tits or gtfo

that's terrible OP. I'm sorry that happened to you. You didn't deserve it, you weren't asking for it, and it's not your fault.

>ad hominem

Because my pussy has been hurting everyday for two years since it happened. My doc calls it muscle spasms. It still hurts so bad even Percocet doesn't dull the pain

Can you show tits? Cause i deserve to fap to good peoples tits.

If you had a wallet and you're passed out, it is effectivly open, so is your phone to be stolen

She already said she can't have sex. You don't need to dry her pussy even more.

magnesium and potassium will alleviate muscle spasms

damn guys we should all consider buying for her stuff on her amazonwishlist lmao haah am i right

That seems pretty rough. Where you raped by a pack of metalheads or something?

I'm really sorry for you but how is that possible. how hard could've he fucked you or with what?


lol. the difference between you and me is every interaction you have with females is predicated on if they'll have sex with you or not whereas I, weirdly enough, treat them like human fucking beings.

I know, I'm so weird right?

So explaining your views of the situation are childish, cowardly and unethical is not an argument? I mean you unironically think if a nigger beats you for walking on a pavement you paid with your taxmoney, it's your own fault for not making way for an angry retard? What are you a blm-activist? What is an argument in your world?


I wish those things could make me happy, I tried. I tried hanging out with friends and family and going to the beach. But since I was little the only thing that kept me going was feeling like I'm pretty. Now everyone just tells me I look tired


Not you are weird, you are in a weird place newfriend. Better leave it before it becomes normal for you.

When your vaginal muscles aren't relaxed and they are penetrated it can damage them and cause muscle spasms. It's an area that doctors still don't know much about

>doesnt understand arguments, because uneducated on philosophy and ethics
>thinks it is not an argument
Are you 15?
? You sad bitch? Want a hug?

Do you reckon there's no chance for you to be super beautiful again?

lol, I've been here for years. just because I'm not a jackass doesn't mean I'm a normie.



The only thought that's going through your head is that it was all her fault because she chose to get drunk at a strangers house. Maybe before she grabbed her first drink she should have paused and thought if I drink this I'm going to get pounded in my tight little arse. Say you were going to get drunk do you assess every single dangerous thing that could potentially happen to you? No, so why should she have to. She is just another person getting drunk just like a huge percentage of the population and I fucking guarantee you aren't as smart as every single person who has ever blacked out.


>cant answer simple question
What is your definition of an argument autist?

I don't want to get into a hypothetical back and forth, but I'm just gonna take what you said and switch out some words to segue.

>"but you shouldn't have to do anything to stay safe from being hit by a car because NOT HITTING PEOPLE WITH CARS IS NOT FUCKING HARD. it's the DRIVERS FAULT not the VICTIM'S. PERIOD. END OF STORY"

If somebody asked me about how to not get hit by dangerous drivers when crossing the street, I would not tell them that the driver shouldn't be hitting them anyway. I would tell them to look both ways before they cross the street or something.

If they didn't do that, or were in a rush, didn't see the car, etc, and solely blamed that people aren't careful enough driving, then there is a small portion of that which is their fault.

It is not a black and white thing where there is one side to blame for the event. This half of perspective is to determine best ways to protect yourself from the type of people who would be the aggressor.

>"Don't leave your wallet in public
Yes don't leave your wallet out in public. No don't assume people should change rather than you protect your wallet.

>,but the equivalent of that is don't get naked and spread your legs."
Yes also don't do that if you don't want sex from the person you are aiming at. This example is a little bit skewed because the idea is that OP was doing actions that did not, on their own, facilitate sex. Above action implies sex. We have social cues.

This is falling a little into the short skirts mean sex, so lets try to keep it to the topic of "Changing society vs Protecting Yourself" that this started out with.

I remember him telling me he was 10 inches and I used to barely be able to handle 7. That's one of my 2 flashbacks the other one was of me trying to scream cus it hurt.

Stop being so vane and move the fuck on with your life. No one gives a shit about what you think of yourself, and they don't care about you either. That's all you, princess. Now grow up.

What did the doctor tell you? Any chance of living a normal life?