I'm Jewish... I had a Bar Mitzvah and recieved over $67,000 at just 13 years old! How jealous are you?

I'm Jewish... I had a Bar Mitzvah and recieved over $67,000 at just 13 years old! How jealous are you?

I'd rather be dead

I'm not jealous because:
1. Very unlikely to be real
2. On the off chance it is, if you have to brag here, you must live a very lonely life

No amount of money will save you when jesus comes back.

I'm only 13. What kind of life am I supposed to have?

Jesus is Jewish.

Trips say so!

Jews are too tight to give money away. I knew a Jew who beat his roommate up for stealing a quarter. He kept his money in his closet and he kept his change in a clear plastic tube. But he secretly marked a little line at the top of the quarters so he would know if his roommate took one. He checked it every day and one day he found the stack of quarters was underneath the pencil line. So he beat up his roommate over a quarter.

I'm jealous cuz I only got 12k. But that was in 1994 dollars.
How much are you giving to the global Zionist conspiracy? My parents made me give 10%. It stung at the time but I put the rest in tech stocks and sold sept 10 2001 so I was still able to pay for college.

Would you let me suck your tiny circumsized Jew cock?

lol that's absurd. Everyone knows Jews have big dicks.

Underage b& ya fuckin kike

Spotted the summerfag

Report underage users. And kikes.

So Jews tithe 10 percent to the synagogue?

Lol we give money to each other dumbass.
You crackers could learn something about taking care of your own.

HOWEVER: not long after the bar miztvah...

They were both Jews.

Yes. 10% of all income to synagogue or charity.

Shalom brother... Our tribe will last forever! I will give 7% to Israel just like how my parents tip! We save our money!

jews were slave owners and slave traders too.

Small penis syndrome, compensating much?
Come back when you're 18.


Shalom. Good for you. Good habits start young. I send two kids on birthright every year.
You should tip more if you like to steal linens and silverware. It's only fair.

how's it feel to be hated by every other race on the face of the earth?

Shalom mang, or whatever. Congrats heeb.

enjoy ban

1. no they don't.
2. even if they did they wouldn't at age 13

Okay, so would you fuck me with your big kid Jew dick, knowing I'm a Neo-Nazi sympathizer, and would you cum in me?

Prove it dumbass. Protip: you can't. We scrubbed it from the history books. Inb4 hurrduur I read it on stormfront.
Actually I have a question, what's it like being poor without being black? Is it sorta like being black with a small dick?

If you're a chick

Life has taught me to not be jealous of what I never could have to begin with. Be greatful RNG landed you a posh jewish household with decent income and close connections.

Life wont be hard for you.

Dude semites are like a mix of African and middle eastern. They go through puberty at 20 and have black donkey dicks. Lrn2history.

Jews were trading slaves but they weren't the majority

are you Ashkenazim (probably) or were you born in Israel? Reform, orhto, or conserv?
Reconstructionist, Karaite?

If every Jewish guest at your Bat Mitzvah gave you cash, you must have had about 67,000 people there.

I make almost double that every year, I'm not Jewish and I'm 33. No. I'm not jealous

Jews were slaves since the dawn of time. People hate the Jews because they are gods children. Everyone else is just a piece of shit!

oi vey oi vey was it kosher?

If I was a guy, would you do it in butt, just to get off and cum in someone instead of boring jacking off?

do you wear paias or not that hardcore?

you niggas hiring?

Haha broke ass redneck so insecure he's counting his country bumpkin salary against a 13yo's bday present. Lol.

Holen Sie sich ihren Arsch in den Ofen Juden

>067 ▶
> (OP)
> Holen Sie sich ihren Arsch in den Ofen Juden

arbeit macht frei

13 and 67,000 ? lol i wouldn't be surprised to find out you have to keep it in the jew bank and your parents monitor how you spend the money. it's not your money if your parents say what you can and can not buy. it's allowance

that's a lot of shekels for a kid. Pretty good haul. The downside is he's gotta go through life being a Jew.

I guess I'm pretty jealous, you piece of shit.

Is that what you wanted to hear

Are you happy motherfucker

fking rekt

You stupid fucking redneck. Not OP, but I can shed some light. Of course you're not allowed to spend it. But you are responsible for investing it. That's how we learn to invest. Basically, by the time you get your first job at Walmart cuz your high school football industry, we've already learned the stock market sucks and have moved on to real estate.

Lol. Spend it.

Enjoy being another broke redneck with a sweet jet ski

What if you could fuck my goyim butt with your 13 year old Jew cock, and cum in me, and nobody would ever find out? Would you do that instead of jerking off yet again?


Yeah but you have to work for your money. He didn't.

Lo tikom vinae Ameche. Li ah havta larah chamecha. Ani idoni. Baruch ata idoni. Allehanu meloch ha olum. Vitsivanu

This one gets it.


look kike any time you give money in exchange for something else that's considered spending. you can spend your money investing or for food or whatever. 67,000 dollars for real estate? i suppose you could buy and rent a trailer at a trailer park. you going to send the 13 year old to collect monthly rent from jim bob? also investing sometimes you win sometimes you lose. real estate had an 08 crash don't forget that

Dude, I'm SO jealous of your ban!

OP here!

learning to be a jew is considered work. reading the torah learning the alphabet and all that sort of stuff takes time. both individuals traded time for money. i'm not 100% certain i would trade my childhood for 67,000 dollars. the formative years are precious and i thoroughly enjoyed myself

look i'm not trying to rain on your parade. i can be critical sometimes. anyways congrats on the money. many people would be very grateful to receive such a gift... Money can buy happiness you just have to be a good shopper

No amount of money will bring your foreskin back you mutilated freak

Lol no wonder you're going to stay poor. You can't even read.

First off, I'm not op.
Second, I got around 8k for my bar mitzvah.
Third, being responsible for that money through just puttering around in the stock market teaches responsibility, prudent business and common sense. You can lose a lot in a great market. So by the time you grow up and start earning, you've already learned a lot from mistakes and from success.
You have already learned the value of a dollar, the value of being responsible. So you make better decisions.
And silly goy, 2008 wiped overleveraged primary residential real restate.
I'm talking commercial and rental property.
And if you can't sustain the hit of a down economic cycle, then you're too poor to be fucking around with leverage and volatile markets anyway.

Got like 8k for my bar mitzvah. It taught me to be responsible with money. Every penny of it paid for college. Then got a job. Made good decisions. Now I have decent money and monthly cash flow.

No one cares about Jews these days anymore