Is season three any good so far?

Is season three any good so far?
I've been hearing that it's shit, but idk if that's coming from the guys who've been hating on it since day one or something.
Like how does it compare to seasons 1 and 2?

Season 3 is very good, if you liked the rest I find it hard to see why you wouldnt like this season.

the people complaining are just the classic haters

episode 1 of season 3 is great. the others have been alright. It's not shit, but its not like season 1 and 2. Some people have talked about it being because the writers of the latest 4 episodes (episode 5 premiered this past sunday) were women. I thought it was a joke at first but I looked it up and it's true. Seasons 1 and 2 dont have any episodes that were written by women. Sooo the next episode is #6 and wikipedia says its written by a guy Ryan Ridley and if this next episode airs and is way better I guess the internet is right about the woman thing. lol

>I've been hearing that it's shit
So no different from the other seasons

damn i made a rick and morty thread using this exact same pic just yesterday
for a second i tripped the fuck out and thought it was still up

Is it that the jokes are just not funny, or is it like taking a more serious direction?

This is a nice thread you got here.
It would suck if a banana came in and derailed it.

Episode 1 and 3 are pretty good
The other try to have more meaning and then are pretty lame
Pickle Rick!

Episode 2: Summer acting like a cunt and yelling at people

Episode 3: Beth acting like a cunt and yelling at people. Also a cunty female therapist.

Episode 4: Universe Lady acting like a cunt and yelling at people.

This isn't entertainment, it's irritating. This show is over. I've never see a good show tank so quickly. It's the new Ren and Stimpy. A wildly popular show that was only good for the first two seasons before turning into complete unwatchable garbage.

Nah bro this season is gay it turned into South Park/the Simpsons fuckin parodying shit from RL and getting feels confused with good writing... It was actually pretty cool the first two seasons and bruh I barely started watching it this year ...I will stop now fuck it.

I think it's good so far. I liked the first one and the pickle one a bunch. The superhero one had its moments, but Christian Slater's character was annoying. The Mad Max one wasn't bad either.

Episode one was pretty good, two was mostly shit, three was some mindless fun, and four was the best one.

I've loved rick and morty since day 1 and the first two were good, pickle rick was alright and the vidicators episode didn't even compare to the rest of the series. It might be just a bump but I was dissapointed

pretty much how i feel

Mostly that it's all about periods, having babies and vagina problems.

Im a die hard Rixk and Morty fan. I even have my own Rick and Morty fan page but this season is shit. You can tell every episode they try to portray females as important in some way or badass. I reeeeealy hope it starts getting better.

>I even have my own Rick and Morty fan page
are you like 12? are there lots of sweet gifs and a page visit counter?

The pickle rick episode was fucked up sorta funny hopefully next episode will be good

I'm curious to see where Rick and Beth's relationship goes from here. I like the new part of the title sequence where Rick picks out a Morty with a Master Sword. I like Danny Trejo as Jaguar in the pickle episode. I do hope things get better however.

Nah im 27 but yeah on the other stuff. Am I cool now Sup Forumsro?

You're fucking high, Vindecators was the best episode and two was dog shit.

wowee making fun of someone because they like something weeeeew laddy and then you ask if HE'S 12??

I feel like Rick and Morty does best when it keeps up the pace. The most terrible moments are when the whole scene stops and there's just noise happening at you.


yeah, because "liking something" is the same thing as having a "fan page".

It's OK. Not as fun as season two, and they're clearly struggling to find new ideas. It's not because of women writers -- if anything, the fresh blood helps -- but because Roiland and Harmon were pretty clearly burned out after the last season. They've been pretty candid that it took this long to get a new season because they just didn't have good show ideas.

Fuckface, but hes right. Why would you even become a "fan" of a Western Propaganda series? They even have Terrorist in it.

Episode 1 and Pickle Rick are great episodes.
Episode 3 gave us Noob Noob.

That was episode 4
episode 2 was cringefest with divorced parents feels and a mad max spoof, allthough it did give us the unsettled business between Morty's arm and the people who murdered him.

Episodes 1 and 4 are goat
3 was good
2 was alright
Getting a little more meta with stuff, which is rarely good, but we'll see

it is not really doing it for me. the episodes are more touchy feely. the female writer thing is true.

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