Wtf thread. Post the weird shit you have

wtf thread. Post the weird shit you have






Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because some sick, sociopathic user attached his dead body parts to a battery operated robot.



Also - 'dildosaurus'










this pic reminds me of the night my aunt molested me


Lucky, wish my aunt would do that for me


you just have to ask nicely

Did you like it?



>"These aren't my glasses"

also check'd

yes, she taught me how to be a feminist




You are a femanon? bi I hope?




Mommy ... why does my dinosaur smell funny?







Saw other pictures of her in a different thread,who is she?

You don't want to know


Tell me nugget

My woman



Trust me bro you'd rather not know

I want to know what I want to know fuck off




You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar user


True enough


I want to know what I want to know fuck off with honey

You can let your guard down here user. Tell us what's on your mind.



Who is that woman

what a time to be alive. to read a sentence like that in an appropriate context.. phew


Why did some sick, sociopathic user attached a chicken's dead body parts to a battery operated robot and drive them across the road?

Jurassic Park has changed.

because it was stapled to the baby?

Imagine a human corpse robot

Well guys I think I have exhausted all of my bizarre photos. Hopefully someone will pick up the baton and run with it.

It's a trap trap.



hey guys





Jurassic Park

Also see

Yes but why that many vhs tapes? And why the baby with money?

budget marylin manson
budget barry from storage wars.

Thanks, user. I'll keep an eye at the next rainbow gathering.





That cant be real... if so, sauce?

Can't wait for




what do you see?

Thats naysty


New fleshlight models




He just told you, Jurassic Park.