Rate my gf

Rate my gf


any nudes?

5.5/10 boring


0/10 for that trashy nose ring. Does she have a shitty cliche tattoo as well?

used to, live with her now so they aren't really necessary anymore XD

Hotter than the skank I'm with / 10

11/10 post nudes


LOL not my gf, nice try though XD

More pics op. You can never trust one pic.

ouch, I'm not a fan of the right either, she's got tattoos but theyre not cliche.

plain/10 hence the need to draw attention to her hair colour and nose ring
still fuckable and she might be a really smart nice person though (doubtful though by the cliche appearance alone)


fake redhead 0 oit of 10

Show us her boipuccy.

Reminds me of my ex, so 8.5/10.

struggle to find any of her so thought me XD

Without" dumb ass phone..

Im sure you have some nude lingering around throughout messages.

Lol good or bad thing?

Reminds me of my ex. So would be a hero to tap one time.

stop being a fag and show us her nudes bro

12/10 tho. Better picture mate?

no boipuccy, only gurlpuccy

Bumping with unrelated nudes

Honestly tried, no nudes friends.


Failed humanity

pretty close, take away the roman numerals, add bigger boobs with an underbust tattoo right below them and you have my bae

I know, I should have came prepared, I owe Sup Forums nudes

Post more pics. I'm not done

Share on kik. Perhaps?

What's wrong with her face?

Damn man. Why dont you have more

You sure about that? She looks like she has some feminine cock.

not a lot of pictures without me in them

nothing that I've noticed

gf and you have no nudes?? she wears the pants in relationship or something?

Nah, just see her naked everyday, grabbing real tits kinda beats pictures. Specially when she can suck you off afterward XD

Maybe you are the girl just trying to get a rating

haha good theory, but nope, op has donger

Post pic with you and her, then of you with date.


I know youve got em

prom featuring op


haha shoulda came with some, I'll get some tomorrow maybe

sexier than my gurl/10

OP delivers, just nudes left.

Lol I owe Sup Forumsros nudes

Have you let any other men fuck her?

nah, but I'm trying to convince her to have a gf swap might with some friends, no progress yet XD

Going to marry this queen?

see no reason not to

any way we can trade girl friends???

haha sorry Sup Forumsroski

Are you planning on posting nudes, or should I just close this tab?

you lucky basterd ughghghggghh

also when da nudes coming my guy

I'll try for tomorrow, bae probably won't like me waking her up 3am for boobie pictures...

Just post nudes you already have

lol don't got any

Post them already sean.

Lol who's this XD

I am user. Nice to meet you.

Nah fuck you XD

Did you just xd us you fucking faggot? abandon thread. never touched a tit.

Come on friend. Be nice. Share. I know they exist.

Got a list of about 4 people who's asses I can kick and feel pretty confident I got you.

Is that like an estimate of confidence in beating OPs ass?

nah, finding the right user

lol xD go fuck yourself dickshit
give us the fucking nudes

Happy huntings ol chap

name calling? bad user, no nudes for you

did she play the whole virgin thing with you too? take a look at that tramp stamp on the back next time.

Lol she has no tramp stamp dumbas

you got played by her as well didn't you? welcome to the line.

lol what?

im gonna find out who she really is one way or another, let the search begin

C'mon now, grow some balls, know knows me?