Have your countries bought this plane?_

Have your countries bought this plane?_

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No we produce our own planes.



We want our money back

All of my countries have purchased this combat aircraft

Please include my post on all-nationz.com

Not yet, but there has already been some talks about replacing the harriers (and possibly the F-18s in a joint bid) with them.

>itt: "countries" that can only afford one type of fighter jet


>Pre-ordering anything
>Paying to be beta-testers

Yes goy, buy more!

>Please include my post on all-nationz.com
this nigga knows what's up

Don't you love all the Good Things™ the great Lockheed-Martin™ corporation has done for your country, for Europe and for Regional Security™?


thanks for reminding me
I had forgotten to meet my shitpost quota




>that jewish star and illuminati pyramid on the f35s

I thought nip make their own aircraft?

Those are made to be destroyed.

Don't say hop before you jump

>implying that Trump will sell these planes to potential Iran 2.0

So it would seem.

>Regional Security
More like beta testing. Gotta thank Kim Jong Un for allowing USA to test their THAAD missile

buy a massive amount right before you invade gibraltr!!

That way the U.S. can make money from selling them, and then take them back after the Anglo conquest of Spain.

>unironically paying billions of dollars to be part of an alpha test
>mfw your air force can't respond because it's raining

We're buying the F-35b and have invested some £2billion over 20 years for it. Though being the only Level 1 partner in this whole affair, we've got access to the entire computer software along with its codes and have complete operational sovereignty.

pls look after the beautiful Harrier thx.

We have paid too much for what we got

>falling for the rain meme

they're planning to, but I don't think they have just yet

yeah the EU really is quite slow with payments isn't it?


why are swedes on Sup Forums so rude and always attacking people

sorry bro

I dont think the EU will be sponsoring us any of those overpriced yankee buzzards.

back to our fuel guzzling flying dildos for us.


We were about to do it but then realize that the superhornets are far better than that piece of junk


Swedish society instills an inferiority complex in all domains of life. You're dispensable and not worth shit, opinions or sticking out in any way is bad, being ambitious is viewed as trying to be better than everybody else, etc. Those who accept this live peaceful and happy lives where they naively trust authority and happily pay 50% of their income while handing out their apartments to refugees thinking they've done something meaningful and good. Swedish men with an ounce of testosterone left however respond aggressively to these feelings of humiliation.

t. non-Swede studying these creatures

t. I can draw meaningful conclusions from having been here for 2 weeks

non nordics will never understand, you should just stop trying

I've been here for years.

There's nothing meaningful to understand. You're a slave race.

As I said, you can't understand, stop wasting your time.

He's the same non-Swede who shitposts and makes bait threads. Can spot his posts a mile off and is a very rude individual.

Seek help

t. disgruntled polish slave worker

On a similar note, Chinese fighters look flimsy. Does anyone else get that impression?

Can confirm I heard something similar from a swede I met one day.

He said they have a saying in Swedish which TL;DR means be conformist or be shunned.

""""Fifth""""" generation fight plane lmao

You do realise the referendum result Turkey just had was to modernise the government and not hinder democracy in any way.

Read about it before you shit talk.

The Turkish government is adopting a structure similar to France and the USA's.

>a fucking kangaroo

lel, no

Can someone explain this project? Why did a bunch of countries agree to subsidize American military industrial complex and r&d by purchasing a bunch of aircraft before they were completed?

>muh 5th gen super stealth fighter

Americans are still pushing the majority of the money, they have like 2,446 planes on order which is the majority of the planes being produced,
Problem was, as typical, they got fucked over by lockheed when they started making planes before finalising the design and so retroactively designing them and then saying oh costs increase now 130-50 million per plane, cant be helped, but if you scale back on orders then costs will increase even more

So the Americans then threatened lockheed that any increased costs were going to be specially passed on to lockheed via penalties, now the planes are like 50 million cheaper each. surprise, surprise.

Theyre still incredibly expensive planes, but if theyre expensive for us then theyre expensive for the yanks buying them in the many hundreds

we have this guy

Based sweden gripens.



t. man who knows nothing about planes

>unironically paying trillions of dollars to be part of an alpha test

>Problem was, as typical, they got fucked over by lockheed when they started making planes before finalising the design and so retroactively designing them and then saying oh costs increase now 130-50 million per plane, cant be helped, but if you scale back on orders then costs will increase even more

Eh, from what I've seen it was a failure by both parties. More features and requirements were adding to the JSF as the project went on, but budgeting and planned timescale was not adjusted to account for them. So the early stage of the JSF a larger burden has been placed on the low rate initial production aircraft in regards to cost and time.

However that will all change once the aircraft reaches into full production rate.

No, we don't have money

they wanted it to be cheaper but more versatile than the f-22, which as usual, is, an impossible demand.
However Lockheed really didnt approach it very well with a bit of haphazard design and treating it as if they had unlimited money

That's entirely untrue.

It is still cheaper than the F-22 if you were to adjusted inflation in both unit costs and life costs.

The blackhole comes from the fact that nobody had readjusted both the timescale and budget. So no "real" spending limits had been set for it.

It is cheaper now
Was not cheaper before they out their foot down.
that could be attributed to production getting underway though

Yes and that they actually rejigged the entire program because it was a shitshow.

It was indeed

You think 138 is too few?

We'll be getting £1b a year back into the British economy thanks to a certain percentage of the F-35b being built here. Supporting quite a few thousand jobs too.

I do think 138 is too few.

But there's zero spare budget.

Too bad we bought the worst fucking version of the 3

But in terms of procurement?

It doesnt seem like much for a country of our size and power, America, which is 6 times the size is getting nearly 18 times as many planes.

It is also a reduction for us from 76 harriers (gone early) and 81 tornado jets to 138 F-35 jets, which in turn was a reduction.

It suits our needs. There's not the budget to support a split fleet of Cs and As with everything that comes with it.

Dunno m8 was just saying it's not all negative news. How much is it per F-35b once production kicks in, like £100m?

military budget is too low, has gone from 5% to barely 2% in a time when everything is getting more expensive

108, once production kicks in, thats 2019

>treating it as if they had unlimited money
Because they do. Military-Industrial complex is a bottomless pit. Every defense contractor knows they can price gauge the US government as much as they want.

This is the thing, one can make the argument that a single JSF is as capable as five F-18s, however the problem is that a single JSF can be only at one place, whilst five F-18s can be at five different places.

Similar debate can be made around warships about fourteen Type 42 vs six Type 45s.

though F-23 A will go down to 80 so that might be worth considering for the RAF in a seperate role in order to buy more,

Each carrier can take 40 aircraft, so 80 F-35s a
then instead of the other 68 F-35 Bs which we can assume went to the RAF we could have about 92 F-35 A planes, which sounds like a better deal

dump carrier

>Each carrier can take 40 aircraft

The new carriers can take 50+ plus if they really wanted to, up to like 70 fixed-wing aircraft.

Doesn't work like that. Just because you have 80 Bs, does not mean you have 80 Bs available for the carriers.

And no single service owns the F-35s, they're jointly manned and commanded.

>Why did a bunch of countries agree to subsidize American military industrial complex and r&d by purchasing a bunch of aircraft before they were completed?
Its a tithe to their feudal overlord. Everyone knows they are garbage, including the maericans, but they don't give a shit and the countries who buy them just do it to suck up to them.

i was proposing to allocate them rather than have them jointly commanded in order to diversify and so increase airframe numbers

You would increase airframes, but you push the over number of available airframes down.


>nz one is a fucking kiwi
>canada is a fucking leaf
>ours is fucking RED DOT

Fuck off m8 the RAF has the best one.

Just because you increase the number of aircraft, does not mean you have more aircraft available for doing things.


You know the carriers arent the only function/way of using aircraft

fucking circles

Yes and we also have the non watered down one too

It could've been so great, if they would have chosen to produce these instead actually. I guess the costs would've been the same.

No, and hopefully they will not. It's a trick by american jews to jew the world into buying their shitty concept plane that doesn't work and even if they one day get it to work it still won't be worth the money.

Top kek you leech