Trump's presidency is over. Lamest of ducks. Believe me. Believe me

Trump's presidency is over. Lamest of ducks. Believe me. Believe me.

all you brainwashed trumpfags said his bullshit was just him playing 4D chess. kek



not one single law passed to make good on one single campaign promise.

can't work with business leaders.

can't work with republicans.

owns the entire government but can't get shit done.

lame duck. over. finished. put a fork in him. he's done

pic related: he's done

really? get your info from cnn maybe?

who convinced you that millennials watch tv news?

Its never gonna be over. 7 years. And then we elect Ivanka. Now kys

he can't get a single law passed in congress to make good on a single campaign promise. that's a fact. not one legislative accomplishment. now he's lost the business leaders. all he has is you white supremacists. very simple reading of the facts.

economy at 16 year high
many many jobs
less violence
bla bla bla
why even go on
you are going to make the same thread in 3 hours anyway.
get a job

Google is less than 50,000 employees. Declare them all enemy combatants for subverting the Constitution, they can all be killed off from the CEO to the Janitor in a few weeks. Then, put all of Google IP and Real Estate in Receivership, auction off the qualified patriots, problem solved. This can be a fun year!

good, this is exactly why I voted for him over Hillary.

hurr economy durr

you faggots said Obama had a horrible economy. Trump has managed not to fuck up Obama's economy. Every day of Obama's economy was a 16 year high. But no, "it's awful". durr

you faggots will believe ANYTHING limbaugh barfs down your throats

You have to be getting paid for this... you are getting paid right?


we have to do good and save the world guys!
how do we do it?
murder 50000 people!

hurr muh economy durr

That's true Obama got us out of that market crash and saved the Auto industry as well as lessened our dependence on foreign oil but that's right.... HURR DURR MAH ECONMY I HAS COAL JOB!!!

>we have to do good and save the world guys!
>how do we do it?
>murder 50000 people!
Less that amount of Nazi's we killed off to end WW2. Kill off all the Berkeley faculty while the task force is in the area and make good use of the deployment. Pussy California law enforcement wouldn't dare to stop anyone in BDEs. The way this is going, it will come to just fucking killing off the old hippies and their banker buddies.

yeah i know that the economy was ok with obama
I wouldn't say Trump is only making progress because Obama did once, thats just your speculation.
so yeah.
obama did ok, trump is doing fine, and you are here crying and getting enraged for no reason.
way to create hate mr. left man

there is no need to even try to make this world a better place.
happiness is relative
pain is relative
conflict is eternal
you are fighting for nothing
nothing will change in the end
how does that make sense?

you drove a car into a crowd of people. domestic terrorism


just bc god emperor tweets it doens't make it true. when he says look it up yourself, he meant on breitbart,, redpill and right knight. doens't meant you should do it


























>there is no need to even try to make this world a better place.
>happiness is relative
>pain is relative
>conflict is eternal
>you are fighting for nothing
>nothing will change in the end
>how does that make sense?
Whomever has more guns and more fun wins.

Islam fucks: guns and not happy
Liberals: no guns and happy









1.06x higher
than what?
higher than what obama did?
the math is fucked
1.06 * 1000 /= 1.06 * 10000
the problem with your graph is that the green numbers are in relation to a changing variabel
just look at clinton and obama
clinton has 3.2
obama has 2.4
but obama actually did more than clinton
the same applies to trump
stop falling for stuff like that
always make sure the is a solid and constant reference number.









now you are just taking shit waaaaay out of context














Trump supporters ladies and gentlemen ^













Daily reminder to sage Shariablue threads






