Decide to go on a net game until i get banned

>decide to go on a net game until i get banned
>generally get along with everyone somehow
>someone suggests and says they'll pay for me and make me an e-mail
>i say i'll make an e-mail but they get busy and leave
>waiting three days full of bad timings
>talk to them about it and they get mad
>everyone's getting mad
>mod comes and gets mad and everyone's attacking me
>get banned

so if i intend on getting banned then i'm so well loved by all.

if i'm so well loved by all then i get banned.

it'd be nice if they all hated and banned you from the start.

or all helped you and loved you later.



funny how things turn out...

...oh well...

i guess since they left me then that means that they were never with me.

so it's cool.


...i trolled them...












Boy, you sure have no social life or hobbies huh?

This has probably been the highlight of your year user, right?

Fucking loser.


cool story bro

Boy, you sure have no social life or hobbies huh?

This has probably been the highlight of your year user, right?

Fucking loser.


cool story bro

Boy, you sure have no social life or hobbies huh?

This has probably been the highlight of your year user, right?

Fucking loser.

Boy, you sure have no social life or hobbies huh?

This has probably been the highlight of your year user, right?

Fucking loser.

Here you go, user. Are you happy?

That sounds like how Bigpoint Games operates.