Bored in class, need entertainment

Bored in class, need entertainment.

Can we get a story together?
I'll start: Sitting class, looking for something to do

Other urls found in this thread:

poke whore.

dingo ate my baby

nigga its 5am in the middle of summer why u at school?

Throw pink pen at grey whale

Play this song out loud

Send the grey whale a love letter.

Hmmmmm, can someone confirm the link? You can never trust these fags...

You're retarded

Hey man, you never fucking know.

Don't be mean he's just a newfriend

Start fapping in discret.

>he doesn't know /wsg/
>he doesn't know 4cdn

Shut up and listen to your teacher pleb

I actually liked it xD

Mate shut and learn.. you are my future!!!

It's 11:05 and first week of school

That was not OP

I am

Are you learning yet?



I had most of this shit before. I'm an apprentice, technically over qualified because 1/3 of the people here have a lower school degree and we have to do the shit they didn't learn because of it. 90% repitition and boredom in school

Is the force strong with you?

If it was, I'd be sitting at home now


Take a picture of your nipples!!

Why am I doing this...

for the glory now rub your nipple on the table while gently humming

I took the pic on the toilet because I happened to be there...

Throw something heavy at that paki's head.

Tbh I'd like that... cunt always pairs up with me because we're an uneven number of friends and I commonly get to be third wheel because the others are couples... and nobody likes him so I have to take the bullet.
Also funny that you actually called him
paki, he's one

Ayy, now I can say I can spot a paki from over 5,000 miles away.

That looks like my nipple wtf bro

Is Germany that far away? I suck dick at Geography

draw a dick on a piece of paper with a question mark on and pass it to the chick in grey

She's actually a jehowa's witness lmao. Also got to admit that pick made her look a lot more whaley than she actually is

Then I farted.