
Montenegro officially part of NATO
Mali I zi zyrtarisht anëtar I NATOs edition

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shiptar we didn't even hit bump limit you balloonhead

you have to hit bump limit
do you want us to descend into chaos?

He had to get his thread up

yes we did autismo


310 is the bump limit, he posted at 308 and his post is 309. only dogs without honor post before 310.

Transylvania will NOT be a part of NATO

you must go back to plebbit




Can a zergling answer my question

How are you planning on taking land from Greece and Montenegro when they are in NATO to from greater albania?

This guy is hilarious

prussia of the balkans my ass with that attitude. we must observe the proper way of doing things. without that we are no better than beasts.

I thought Hungary already joined NATO in the late 90s

We aren't

Ofc not. It needs to EXIST first for it to be part of NATO

Not as hilarious as the """"Former"""" """"""""Yugoslavic"""""""" """"""""""""Republic"""""""""""" """"""""""""""""of"""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""Macedonia""""""""""""""""""""


Well it's not greater Albania then?

the sad thing is that mammi is also hitting bump limit in a second... we could have had a mkfin friendship thread in both mammi and balk... now it will only have to be mammi

>prussia of the balkans

just shut the fuck up with your retarded mammi meymey you fucking cringy autist

s(c)lav retardat jet


I like it


first minute intro of this movie is so based, I can't get enough of it

Greater Albania was never achievable

but it already is

why do you not want the macedonians and the finns to love each other? why are you so cruel?


Sorry i dont speak zerg, i understood its something to do with Mountain niggers, can you give me a tldr?

Ulqin and Tuz are independent townships that operate in Albanian language, and have twin cities and business connections with Albania. Its practically as if they were part of us, but only not in map.

ku jeni reddit

so mountan niggers literally gave you a part of their country for free
nice, i wish we were that tolerant

based romanian kino

You do not understand the plight of the Transylvanian people, being pitted against one another by foreign entities
You will never understand the pain of the communist cultural genocide, the destruction of the Greek Catholic Church, the exodus of Transylvanian Saxons and the destruction of all Transylvanian symbols, barring them from the collective memory

>nice, i wish we were that tolerant
you are

Lmao ok

Ku je komandant

Why did they join anyways? It's not like anyone will bother to invade Montenegro.

We have to bring ILIRIDA and Macedon back, our ancestors fought for centuries against Slavo-Bulgars! FYROMIANS created fake history book claiming Scanderbeg and Alexander The Great, to be theirs. FYROMians, are parasites! They commit terrorism against Albanians everyday, now it's time to choke this Slavic-Bulgarians terrorist to death ILLYRIA! . HELLENS! 4 Life!

The people in the south get along


They are pretty good, aren't they?

Vlad Tepes and Michael the Brave are pretty cool too.


Ku jeni migrant

Also chekd

Ore qfar migrant karit...

>BlackGayreek Gaynigger
>We Greeks are turks! !!!!!! GREECE IS A TURKISH NAME! !!!!!!


rusnac jegos iesi din ardeal

Pse kanë Transilvanezët shtat gabelësh?

I once met a Serbian who was genuinely afraid of vampires.

I just downloaded early 20th century books on vampires and werewolves by Montague Summers, a catholic priest who spoke fluent Latin, believed without a doubt in their existance, and talked about a heightened presence in the Balkan.

>literally gave you a part of their country for free
It doesn't work like that
It's similar to how parts of Himara here are connected to Greece

a few years ago some medieval bodies were dug up in bulgaria and found with stakes impaled in their hearts

Not really. Greece is part of EU

Vreau doar sa traiesc in Elvetia de Est, chiar daca stiu ca avem nevoie de NATO ca sa ne protejam de iredentistii romani si maghiari


Granit Sinani
Russia messing with Balkan and destroying all possible unification of all it habitants. You gave Serbia the ball to start occupying and stealing other's land but as long USA and NATO are getting stronger everyday your will have not have future with your tactics.

So? It doesn't mean it's part of Greece, only connected to it, like Ulqin


Fucking Slavic animals. Fucking barbaric pigs. You Slavs of ilirida have no language no history no identity no nothing. It's all made up. It's all a fairy tale. The sooner you morons realise this the better. Albanians are indigenous to the land and thus have a right to request and have equal rights and not be treated like second class citizens. This bullshit has gone on lone enough. Albanians will not put up with this shit anymore. The Barbaric Slavs realise this and thus you have this. Panic they know their false state will not last. You can erect as much elcheapo Italian statues as you want in Shkup. That doesn't mean jackshit it doesn't rewrite history. Fucking animals. This is socallled "Macedonian" patriotism in action. Fools !!!!

Ulqini ka administrim në shqip, ka sipërmarrje dhe mësonjtore the binjakëzuara me Shqipërinë dhe është komunë e pavarur

Himara nga ana tjetër
Nuk quhet zone minoritare greke
Është nën administrim në shqip dhe nuk ka binjakëzime me Greqinë
Bashkia e saj është nën varësinë e Vlorës

esti un gunoi uman ivane

sunt ardelean


Proof Skopje is 1st world:

>Walk out, see a turk flag hanging from an apartment
>Shqips are shooting from their cars to celebrate a wedding
>Pass by a gypsy wedding
>Mosques blasting "Allaaaaaaah Akbaaaaaar" from every direction, 5 times a day, half of which at night
>Poor gypsies with babies walking through traffic demanding cash
>Gypsies standing in front of every supermarket with a 7 meter stentch radius
>VMRO protests block the entire center section
>People with machine guns walking around like it's normal

Come here and you don't have to go to Paris

>>Shqips are shooting from their cars to celebrate a wedding
everyone does thsi


Ckemi djema! Po jua them direkt - femrave i pelqen kur burrat kane nje vinc te madh. Nuk ka dyshime! I dihet tanime se cfare eshte e rendesishme gjate seksit ndjesite, butesi, besimi, dhe gjera te tjera te kesaj natyre. Por ne momentin qe je brenda nje femre, e vetmja gje per te cilen mund te flitet eshte psikollogji e forte dhe e shpejte. Vetem ne kete moment elementet kryesore jane centrimetrat e gjatesise dhe gjeresise! Ceshtja eshte se, femrat dashurojne me veshet e tyre, por po aq i pelqen edhe nje kar i madh.

Ndoshta kjo nuk ka dhe aq rendesi per goca te cilat nuk kane eksperience me seksin apo per ato qe jane si peshq te ngordhur,por a do te ishit ju te interesuar te flinit me to? Do ju pelqenin me shume muhabete te lodhshme apo emocione te zjarrta? Epo, ne qofte se eshte keshtu, atehere, largohuni prej ksaj faqeje, sepse nuk do t'ju nevojiten gjerat qe do te permenden me poshte.

>Come here and you don't have to go to Paris

ok now THIS is quality shitposting

>komunë e pavarur
Ka komunitete shqiptare dhe eshte bilinguale e jo e varur nga administrata jone. Boll e bere te duket sikur vetem duam tu marrim territoret

>the binjakëzuara me
Nuk tregon ndonje gje te madhe, ke plot twin cities ndermjet shteteve te largeta

The fuck are you reading

Thjesht dua ta rrej shkjaun

>throw empty bottle on the sidewalk in Marmaris
>"no! turkey clean! this bad! this no good!"

With the exception of relatively small villages along the lake there aren't really many territories in Montenegro. Gusnie maybe but that's arguable, same for Greece.

>the "Transylvanian" is actually a rusian
wow who would've thought




is this the albanian version of the seal copypasta?

>sunt ardelean
kys retarded piece of shit

Ah yes, I remember when I was but a wee faggot and my father got on top of the jeep to shoot with his AK when my cousin was getting married. Beautiful days, i miss them.

why does FaceApp turn me into an african when I click on young

No but i can deliver.

Because we all were Africans once
Except Makedonians
They were created by Rising Sun

I can use Google Translate as well, Ahmed Januzi

wide nose

Szia, Janos* vagyok!

Albanians of Albania, should I visit your country?

I've been to Kosovo, nothing special. Went to Pristina, Pec, Mitrovica. More developed than south Serbia.

Next time I go to Serbia, I would like to visit Albania. What are some interesting places to see? Berat looks pretty cool, same with Tirana.

I am a Serb btw

Google translate fucks up with non-Romance languages, try it.

skadar or some southern areas

>I've been to Kosovo, nothing special. Went to Pristina, Pec, Mitrovica. More developed than south Serbia.

>i am serb btw

haha sure we believe you

Meet John Bogdanovich.

Albanians aren't Illyr-

Well most of the things are built on the western shoreline, So Shkodër-Durrës-Vlora is you main go. Alternatively you can visit the castles of Kruje, Lezha, Gjirokastra, Rozafa or Elbasan. Berat and Pogradec are also nice.

I went there and stayed 2 days lol. The Serbian media makes Kosovo out to be a piece of the middle east, but I went there the houses/roads were newer than in south Serbia.. Girls walking by mosques half naked, busy streets..

For hiking, which region would you recommend?

Now that Macedonia is dying, who will get their clay?

Thethi 100%, there are a lot of German,dutch and montenegrin tourists for hiking these days
You can go to Mt.Tomor too

Many of the places were built with NATO funding after the war as most of them had been destroyed.