Don't be a fool, stay out of school

Don't be a fool, stay out of school.

Debt, ruined credit, wage garnishment.

Do a trade, or work hard. Just trying to pass it along. 30 something here.

inb4 liberal arts or gender studies degree

Network Administrator associate degree.

Every job: 3-5 years working experience or Bachelors 4+ year equivalent.

Actual job: resetting routers and hooking up POE wireless access points. Running CAT5 cabling...

>I picked a shitty degree
>I graduated by scraping a pass
>I was a loser in school
>I went to a university nobody has heard of
Typical non Ivy League schmucks

Worked and still do 40+ hours a week while going to school.

Mommy and daddy didn't pay for my "Ivy League" Van Wilder college experience.

summer fags what did we learn? are your teachers honest to you? or lying faggot liberals?

>Debt, ruined credit
Having and paying off your debt builds credit retard

why wouldn't you just go to state?

This place has been entire summer's like reverse game of thrones....

I went to school for 9 years. Got my PhD (astronomy) and have been employed for 4 years since. I make 2300 euros a month as a postdoctoral researcher. I could be making more money doing almost anything else.

Don't be like me. Only go to college if you absolutely have to for a high paying job. Nobody gets to do what they truly enjoy, that is a pipe dream sold to us by idealists. Do your job and leave the stuff you enjoy for the weekends.

Having is easy repaying isn't numbnuts.... pay your 350 student loan payment or rent and utilities? I like a roof and electricity, I bet you're on a futon in a dorm room your parents paid for.

Funny how I can afford my rent, utilities, food, drugs and loan payment on one of two pay checks I receive per month. Nice try tho

Must be nice. Most of us aren't that fortunate.

That's because you picked a shit tier major to get your phd in. Chemistry or biochemistry would actually been useful outside academia

It's called "don't pick a shit tier and useless major"

Chemistry master race reporting in

astronomy is basically an applied physics degree. There are options outside of academia that I am currently pursuing. As soon as I get an offer I'm out of academia fast, fuck working 80+ hours a week for shit pay and no appreciation whatsoever.

you are right though, astronomy is a harder sell than a lot of other sciences to non-academic companies. I was fooled by the people saying to do what you like, and I really did like astronomy, but doing it for a job, especially a poorly paying one, ruins it. I wish I had just kept it as a side hobby.

Trades are hype. At some point unless you're a union maggot you become too old

OK there walter white...

Sucks to be you, I picked chemistry because I because I thought it was practical. Almost every industry has a chemist somewhere

I almost went into astrochemistry, which would have at least been easier to sell, but I just found it so boring. I was shit at chemistry anyway in college, got a B- in chem 1 and C in chem 2

So how's teaching highscool? And that salary lol

Walter was a fag and so is that show.

>be writers
>main character is an organic chemist
>we need a cool dealer name for him
>but science tho
>let's give in a physists name

Im sure regardless of your career path we can all agree NEVER HAVE KIDS. I just dont get why people do it with all the contraseptives available today. My parents gave me a vasectomy when I was 15 instead of a college experience and got me in financial customer service(1 year prior customer service requirement I got at a grocery store) instead and now Im 23 making 58k with a 401K and all I do is answer phones all day and process deposits. I have a work harem that I smash on the reg just because theres no consequence and they market me to new pussy with relationship problems. My top chick just graduated with a business admin degree but now pays $700 month for 10 years and she can only get a 30k entry level job right now!!! Why even consider college!?

I'm a research biochemist (I'm a chemist by degree but focused in biochem) at private university and do genetic engineering and protein purification and assays. We are going to submit for publication in a week, so it's actually going great. Thanks for asking

Government job master race reporting in.

$80,000 a year in my 5th year and within another 5 I'll be well over $100,000. I didn't need any college credits at all and I literally do nothing at all all day long.

I'm in a union, can't get fired and I'll be retired and receiving my pension in 20 years.

and dont buy a house seems to be the second one.

Yeah sure because in your off time you post on Sup Forums at 8 AM CDT lol...


Ill roof then

Nice dubs...

You're already dead for asking ;)

>went to cc
>payed 5k for 2 years
>went to radiography school
>payed 20k for 2 years
>payed it off in 1.5 years

wow that was easy, 24 here

True. I actually live in a 1 bedroom apartment by myself marketed to college students and its $450/ a month(lead history does not allow pets ir kids) while the cheapest mortgage in this area is $900/month. Also you never know if tomorrow you have to move toward a better job so its silly to be stuck with a house for 15-30years. An area can become a shithole in 3 years. Also never buy a car new.

Retard lmfao. What seperates you from Jose entering the country illegally? The fact that you can weld 2 pieces of steel together? Get a grip Tradefag. Get a grip on your life and


>had richfag parents to give me money
>go to a fancy college in cali
>start socializing and realize everyone hates me
>go on forums and youtube to talk about it
>become biter and angry
>decide to do something about it
>stab my roomates
>get in my car start gunning people down
>an hero after getting shot

it all depends on the degree. Most of them ARE trash. It is pretty rare to find someone working in the field their degree supposedly "prepared" them for. Especially if it's in liberal arts.

30 something here as well
4 year degree
6 figure salary
no debt
it's not the schooling, op; it's you

I got a radiobro who travels all the time for that shit, basically on call and rockets across North Carolina in his Skyline seems dope and he's 25

Degrees are fine, just don't become a "career student" without a plan.

>be me, 28 m
>work as collaboration engineer at tech company
>barely graduated high school
>worked trade jobs for AV
>got into IT support
>right place at right time

Salary: USD 75k
Debt: USD 0

I dated a girl who stayes in college until she was 28 to get her PHD for child psychology. Makes as much as I do, in debt 250k for school. Probably won't pay that off, ever.

Because picking a chemistry name would give him away numbnuts
Have you never watched CSI?

child psych only pays 75k?
i thought all the "medical" fields payed better

I'm in NC too but idk what you are talking about. I just take x-rays and position people so that means I'm sitting in the same hospital/room. I'm a rad-tech

Whats the consequence of getting a degree and not paying? Wage garnishment? If that shit was under 100k I would just deny my identity for 2 years and then let the college sell my debt to some collector who can no longer justify the amount of money it would take to take me to court and... Keep the debt on file? Be ordered to pay? Either way by then it would be too late I would have the job my degree was ment for and I would just pay everything cash, credit is a scam anyway.

I guess he's an on call rad tech for private doctors who cant afford fulltime radtechs in office or operate in rural locations. He said he was part of a network that covers nc and sc, its on his car... Palmetto imaging? Sorry its all I got.

This is pretty much what I'm doing.