Adult chooses to kill himself of his own free will without being threatened into it or forced

>Adult chooses to kill himself of his own free will without being threatened into it or forced
>Someone other than himself is blamed for his death

Please explain how this works.

also interested

You know what, small-dicked faggot? Go fap to her pics silenlty in your fucking room till you die. No fucking need to spam this board with this shit again and again. Fucking pathetic faggot.

>defending her in hopes you get laid

he walked out of the car and she talked him back in to die

if that goes over your head this is prolly not a conversation worth having

god damn that cunt is ugly. i will be glad when people stop posting her


Quoted for truth

She didn't force him by gunpoint

Get laid by who?

hope she rots in jail for life


read the transcripts.

She had a desperate beta cuck wrapped around her finger. he did anything she asked. she manipulated him to do it and that it was the best thing for everyone including his family.

Ad revenue.

The only reason is ad revenue. Jews sell the story through media brands. Sensational content makes money. Bored white people make it a cause to garner attention to fill the void in their lives. Public interest literally rewrote case law.

Rip humans

He made the decision to get back in. His fault.

>Please explain how this works.
the judge found her guilty of a crime. He knows the law better than you do. /thread

This is why.

I actually know the family involved, they're over in MA and a HUGE group had signatures to convince the judge not to emprision her.

This Country makes it's own criminals.

She will only get 15 months, if she loses the appeal. And why would you want someone who never committed any crime in prison at all.

How is that white knighting


She's ugly, so she deserves to go to prison.

You fags get told valid arguments on a daily basis that you choose to ignore while you're spamming this shit. You do realize she's not going to fuck you for "defending m'ladys honor on kek boards" right? Or are you that delusional? If you didn't find this fivehead bitch attractive you wouldn't give a fuck.

what niggerfaggot makes this thread every single day?

is this what memes are now?


He made the decision to get back in the car. He had all the freedom to do whatever.

That's not true, if he did anything she said, then he would have gotten help when she told him to, but he refused. And she didn't manipulate him, she just told him to do what he told her he wanted to for months. It was him who said his death was the best thing for him, not the other way around. Well she later said it too, but only because he said it first.

When your such a bitch that it lands you in prison, don't be surprised when what you do has consequences. It's called life.

ok, so next question. How do you have such shitty laws?

It's literally just one man's interpretation of the law. That's why we have appeals. Judges are overturned all the time.

Also, state court judges are far from the brightest legal minds.

Obviously not if he messed up this bad. This is why appeals and false imprisonments and false convictions exist, because many times judges are very stupid or make up their own laws.

Which family are you talking about, the girls or the boys? She's already been sentenced, nothing can be done now, except for her to win the appeal. Which the judge will have no say in.

>How do you have such shitty laws?
she encouraged someon who was mentally unstable and emotionally fragile to kill themselves. I don't think someone like that going to jail is a bad thing.

because merica

I have yet to see a single valid argument for how she broke any laws. Or how the guy was wholely responsible for his death.


Office course OP, you massive faggot, just like Jim Jones, during the Johnestown mass suicide/massacre

"But the guy didn't force anyone to commit suicide, the 914 followers of Jim Jones all agreed to suicide, so I mean he can't be guilty, right?"

That's not how shit works.
The law is clear, if you make people suicide, you should be held accountable.

The guy would have lived if she didn't intervene.
He got out of his car he was smoking with fumes, and told her by text. She told him to finish what he started and kill himself.

She is guilty of manslaughter and that's it.
If you disagree, you're a bigger that doesn't understand the law.

>It's literally just one man's interpretation of the law.
who knows the law better than you, and who's opinion on law is considered expert.

She's not in prison yet, and she wasn't a bitch, she just told him to do what he said he wanted to do. But he's entirely to blame for his decision to do it.

Please go away troll

I think she's always been a fuckugly cunt

Either way I don't think coercing somebody via vocal means and text is murder. Its hardly even manslaughter. If she have him a loaded gun or a means to do it. Then Its manslaughter. But bullying and harassing is not.

This is what happens when you have a generation full of blowhearts who were taught bullying is had in school.

Spelled *nigger wrong at the end

ok, so her appeal will be successful then :^)

is this a meme now?

or just a fucktard posting it 5 times a day?

Seriously though, either you're an adult with control of your life or you're handicapped and be to be cared for.
Which was he?

Encouraging suicide is legal in her state. Also he wasn't mentally unstable. And yes it is a bad thing when someone is falsely imprisoned. Also she only told him to because that's what he said he wanted.

It is illegal to encourage people to kill themselves.


>coercion and manipulation are imaginary things that don't happen in real life

>Encouraging suicide is legal in her state.
not anymore, bucko :^)

No it's not in her state, thats why they had to go for the nonsensical involuntary manslaughter charge.

>who knows the law better than you

Dumbass, the law is vague and open to multiple interpretations. There is no absolute right answer. However, the Pandora's box this judge opened up by interpreting the law this broadly is likely to be overturned. He knows it himself, which is why he stayed her sentence pending appeal.

Yes it still is.

She didn't manipulate him. She just told him to do what he said he wanted to do for months. How is that manipulation. If anything she was manipulated by him into agreeing with his death, whereas before she didn't want him to go through with it. Also coercion means that she threatened or forced him into, she never did that.

>There is no absolute right answer.
So why are you complaining about the decision made?

This is true, but she didn't coerce him.


>>On July 12, 2014, a day before Roy was found dead, Carter wrote: “So I guess you aren’t gonna do it then, all that for nothing. … I’m just confused like you were so ready and determined.”

“I am gonna eventually,” Roy responded. “I really don’t know what I’m waiting for … but I have everything lined up.”

“No, you’re not, Conrad. Last night was it. You keep pushing it off and you say you’ll do it but u never do. Its always gonna be that way if u don’t take action,” Carter replied. “You’re just making it harder on yourself by pushing it off, you just have to do it.”

He was wavering and wasn't really sure if he wanted to do it or not. She basically pushed him over the edge.

stop fucking posting this, your "wife" isn't even pretty. she was lucky that she only got 15 months.

>Yes it still is.
Not in her case

Because criminal laws should be interpreted as narrowly as possible, and this one clearly wasn't.

imagine caring about this bobble-headed hoe for longer than 0.5 seconds

15 months is too long for not committing any crime.

If that's true, fine. I'm curious how they made it into involuntary manslaughter, but I'll roll with it. Otherwise, she's still guilty.

my mama used to ask me if someone told me to jump off a bridge would I do it?

at 5 years old I thought the obvious answer was no.

She told him to do what he told her he wanted to do for months. How is that manipulation. Also how is that coercion. And there's nothing wrong with telling someone to kill themselves. If he didn't want to do it, he just wouldn't have done it.

>and this one clearly wasn't.
Too bad a judge who studied law and knows it better than you is the one making the decision then, huh

Bad rulings don't change the law. The conviction just needs to be overturned on appeal.

most people plea bargain even if they're not guilty
99% of criminals admit guilt before trial

lifted right from the definition of involuntary manslaughter:
Three elements must be satisfied in order for someone to be found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

>Someone was killed as a result of the defendant's actions.
>The act either was inherently dangerous to others or done with reckless disregard for human life.
>The defendant knew or should have known his or her conduct was a threat to the lives of others.

no it's not you dumb ass, the law is really fucking complex and in detail. She is was in assist suicide, it's the same if you see a crime happen and you don't call authority you're charged with assisting in the crime

Good luck with that

No she's not guilty of anything. The involuntary manslaughter charge makes no sense, one he intended on him dying, so it wasn't involuntary, and two, in manslaughter you must kill someone somehow, he killed himself.

OP's a dumbass. Probably some college student jumping back into the semester with knowledge and expertize of listening in on his friends' conversations who study law and has seen far too many Law and Order episodes.

He just wants to fit in somehow but OP, you're not doing it right. If you can't see that this bitch was practically the cause or rather motivation for his suicide, there is no point in trying to have us explain. You're either really good at method acting for a troll or you seriously think that there is some chance that she could be innocent. Man if only you were in that case through and only if those lawyers with years of training and experience knew as much about the law as you.

She didn't assist in the suicide. And if you see a crime happen, you don't have to call the authorities what are you talking about.

Your reading comprehension is fucking awful and you do not understand what some of those words mean.

>Man if only you were in that case through and only if those lawyers with years of training and experience knew as much about the law as you.

because it's everyone's fault but his and the parents, now go kys.
(don't really, I don't want to go to jail since it would be my fault apparently)

He was the cause of his own suicide. I don't know what his motivation was exactly, other than he didn't like his life so he wanted to end it, but I mean I don't know why he disliked his life, I read his father beat him. Anyway she wasn't the motivation definitely seeing as how he had tried killing himself multiple times before without her.

yes you can and yes she did assist the suicide .

What does that plea bargain thing have to do with what I said. You lifted that off a wiki like website, not the legal definition. On that same site that you lifted that from though, it explains the difference between involuntary and voluntary manslaughter, being intent, which she had, so she definitely didn't commit involuntary anything, but she also didn't commit manslaughter since he caused his own death.

Go fuck yourself Sup Forums

>>am going to prison for involuntary rape for 6mo

Clearly at the point that he said he wasn't so sure and at the point that he walked out of the car he was killing himself in, he didn't want those things anymore.

You can't just say "well he wanted it two months ago so I better make sure he goes through with it now although he seems to no longer actually want to kill himself"

Yes you can what? I don't know what that screenshot is for. No she didn't assist in his suicide, she just told him to do it, and it's not against the law in her state to encourage suicide. That screenshot is talking about crimes though, suicide is not a crime.

Yeah but that's wrong.

Let's bring up the one case where these teens were at a lake and saw a junkie wading in the water. They knew he was drowning but did practically nothing to help. I think they were let off easy because they did not necessarily lead to the man's death because all they did was witness it. If they had told the dude to do it beforehand, like if he was at the edge of the water and contemplated it, then they might have gotten into more trouble because they practically had him do it.

In this case with the girl, she is guilty of assisting suicide because she egged him on. She could have said one line like that, let's say she was just trying to be satirical, and it may not have been as severe for her. But since she basically acted as an angel of death and held his hand through the whole thing, she has some responsibility for it because just as much as she caused it to happen, she could have just as well prevented it. THAT'S why she is being punished.

She couldn't "make" sure he goes through it", she couldn't make him do anything. He chose to do everything he did. And if he didn't want to kill himself, then why did he kill himself without being threatened into it or forced. If you mean you can't tell someone to kill themselves, you can.

OP clearly never read the transcripts

What's wrong? They weren't "let off easy" that makes it sound like they got a slap on the wrist despite doing something illegal. They got no punishment at all because they didn't do anything illegal. You aren't under any obligation to call the police or help when someone is dying. Telling someone to do something is not assisting them. She didn't cause his death to happen, he caused his own death to happen, and she had no obligation to prevent it. She's being punished because the judge made up his own law.

>When your girlfriend sees you as a failure.

>you can.
tell that to her lmao

false imprisonments and convictions exist because most people don't even attempt to fight a false charge, nor give any judge, smart or not, a chance to see otherwise.

they choose the lesser of evils: a very reduced sentence by plea over an *iffy* chance of getting out of maximum sentence.

You don't need to get physical to force someone to do something.

Psychology is a hell of a drug.

explain why you make this thread everyday

also, do you understand anything about the human mind? its not that hard to understand what she did.

She deserves to be in jail for being a cunt, and if she doesnt deserves it, who cares

He obviously doesn't know the law better than him if he made such a huge mistake. Assuming it was even a mistake and he wasn't just knowingly making up his own laws.

>You aren't under any obligation to call the police or help when someone is dying.

arya stark looking ass nigger lipped dimwit

He caused his own death, yes, but would he really have done it if she didn't keep on saying "do it"?

>without being threatened into it or forced


there's your answer poppy. SHe told him to do and kept calling and texting telling him to do it. He tried to stop and she kept cajoling, shaming and encouraging him to finish the job.

tell me you don't actually have shit for brains, OP.

>too late

And they also exist because of the many bad verdicts.

>He obviously doesn't know the law better than him
the Sup Forumstard knows better than the judge

dick sucker


tits or gtfo