Bifag here

Bifag here.

I've fucked a few girls but never done anything with a guy because I'm scared. I like jerking off to gay stuff but hen I cum I kind of feel guilty and disgusted for like 5-10 minutes, and I don't want that to happen with a guy.

What do you think I should do?

Get drunk, find friend, do it

But think about it before getting drunk ;p

I know your feels

This OP fuckint this:
Honestly, If you become gay after a couple of years why even care? It was ment to be. And why resist something that will probably happen anyways.
I'm BI now and I used to be scared of becoming gay. But If that's your destiny, why fight it?
Hopefully this will give you some comfort. Live your life and own it. If you're gay, accept it.,

Look fag I've been through this. You're reconditioning your brain after spending your entire life being homophobic (either openly or subconsciously), and it's not an overnight thing. You need to give yourself time with this, lots of people think "oh ok I'm bi/gay now everythings gonna be immediately easier" but that's just not the case. It takes time to internally accept the fact that we like both and it's totally fine to struggle with it. Look at it this way otherfags only get half of life's sexual enjoyment kek.

The guy in the pic is pretty good looking.

just stick with girls if that's an option for you, they're more fun, and less dangerous.

You don't want to deal with aids, or those crazy fags that fuck guys then beat them up afterwards.

Patch your grannie's pants ffs or buy new ones with no holes

Where are you from?

And, agree

This, basically. I've slept with females only for about 9 years but been curious about guys for a few. Finally went for it Monday with a guy I've been acquainted with for a year or so. It was ok. Different. Under the right circumstances I might do it again, but I won't identify as bisexual any longer. Just didn't get me off much.

I don't have gay friends.

So you think that I should just wait?

come over so we can try stuff together. I'm in the same boat and not sure I'll like it and want to try it out with someone who's new to it too. My GF wanted to bring a guy home for me to try but she apparently only wants me to fuck big burley dudes which im definitely not into

I think it is hard(eey) to achieve the sensation you are chasing as long as there is any anxiety.

I've sucked a few of my friend and enjoyed it. Just let loose of the preconseptions you may have and enjoy how exciting it is!

Me neither, they all have girlfriends now which saddens me a bit(am happy for them). Just open minded.

I never cared for the label, neither should anyone

>I kind of feel guilty and disgusted for like 5-10 minutes after jerking it to gay porn

Why? Are you religious or 12? Either way, quit being fucking retarded. No one cares what you jerk off to, no one gives a shit who you get off with. The few who do are called "the religious right wing," and they're dying off every day.

Nothing in life matters, nobody belongs anywhere. If you want to suck cock, suck some fucking cock. If it turns out you don't like it, then never do it again. It's fucking simple.

Idk how the fuck you can think sucking a cock is any kind of disgusting when you want women to do it 24/7. "Hurr durr but it's okay when a woman does it!" Retard, kill yourself. Quit falling for a stupid narrative based on anything but logic.

I have trouble enjoying it even with my girlfriend sometimes. Have recently started anxiety medication, hopefully that helps.

You are not a bi. What you did was a guilty pleasure

This guy needs some chill

Still right tho

Well, you're convincing me not to try anything with a guy.

>or those crazy fags that fuck guys then beat them up afterwards.
Seriously? Why would they do that?

Really it's a matter of accepting yourself internally and what I'm saying is that's not an overnight thing. I've spent years with it dude, it's the plague of our generation of bi people. We're sort of caught in the middle where gay and lesbians are way more accepted but still women look down on bi guys.

Whatever solution works for you is the right solution. Like me personally, I'm closeted bisexual but I'm heteroromantic (only want romantic relationships with women) and I just keep my bi side hidden from my public image. It makes me feel way better about it and I'm certain you'll find your own way given time


I feel bad for you, i hope the medication helps. I dont know if it happend if we werent drunk

Do you have some friend you really trust?

To satisy my own cultural intrests: where ya from?

>I think it is hard(eey) to achieve the sensation you are chasing as long as there is any anxiety.
What if the anxiety never stops?

>No one cares what you jerk off to, no one gives a shit who you get off with.
I know that but I can't help myself, I have no control over my feelings. The thought of gay sex disgusts me right after cumming, I can't make it stop.

It's been a rough couple of days at work. I come here to vent.

That's gay OP! Why would you want to put your dick anywhere that requires hours of prep work or else they'll poop on you. It's almost as if vaginas were built for fucking...

>women to do it 24/7
women are supposed to do it, you are not supposed to suck a dick a male, unless you're a HOMOSEXUAL.

Don't fucking sugarcoat it, sucking dick or getting fucked is GAY, geez you sound worse than those cosine gender retards.

My life is you.

but one question: Why care for the labels?

I've had a few gay experiences. I liked it. Fuck it. The Romans did it.

I'm straight then? And I shouldn't try anything with a guy?

I accept the fact that I like gay stuff, but it's not my fault if I feel disgusted after jerking off to it.

I fucked a ladyboy (trap) in Thailand once and it wasn't that great. Seeing its junk wasn't very fun and kind of ruined it. The fucking wasn't that great either and the blow job was overrated. I feel kind of shitty inside.

You are still spot on with that opinion, i dont know where you live but my weekend has started

Don't rush. Don't hook up with weirdos. Make sure you actually want to do it before doing it so give it some time. Always do a clarity fap before hooking up with a guy. And a girl.

>Thinking only homosexuals have aids.
>Being this afraid of a very small amount of assailants.
Kek, talk about sheltered.

I had the same feeling but you get used to it(accept is as oke) and the feeling will go away

Try to answer the question why do you feel that way from something you like?

My answer was because it is "normal" to think that way but horny people dont do "normal"

Stopped caring after that

Fuck me that's a good lookin fella

Hey fuck yeah a kindred spirit. At least for me this whole bi thing was kind of like diving into the great unknown and analyzing it made me more comfortable with things. I've never really seen the argument against labels tbh.

Logically you can accept that you like gay stuff. Logically we can accept lots of things we're otherwise not internally prepared to handle. I mean don't take my words for gospel because I obviously know very little about you, but I feel like if you trust me here I can save you a lot of time and trouble.

I cringed.

>and the feeling will go away
What if it doesn't? How much time do I have to wait?

> Logically we can accept lots of things we're otherwise not internally prepared to handle.
What do you mean?

Look everyone, a faggot who doesn't understand the concept of sexual grey area.

>it's GAY

wow, you must have an IQ of 170 to figure that one out. No fucking shit it's gay. The part where you retards never have anything to say is the part after that, where you're supposed to connect the "gay" label to *anything* negative. Because you have no argument. All you can do is call people names and create a false stigma with no logic behind it.

I just want you to know I fucking hate you. If I knew who you were irl I would slash your tires and piss into your gas tank. Like, Id have figured you're just trolling about a week ago, but I thought all the storm fags weren't real either. "They're clearly caricatures created to parody a dying, small minority of old white people," I thought. "Haha, Sup Forums is so ironic," I thought. Yet now they're having marches and all I can say is fuck it. Everyone is fucking retarded, and assuming they're being facetious gives them way too much credit.

So fuck you. I hope the Mexican drug cartel slits your fucking throat because your are in the right place at the right time.

Go back to Tumblr, kid.

My feelings towards the labels might be biased. I had a hard time understanding what i liked. It was different from normal. Same as you i guess. My solutions was to no longer accept normal because it is a made up concept that we strive to but can never achieve.

If someone calls me gay, bi, straight they mostly think something of me just because(positive or negative). Thats pointless and stupid

Just have fun eh ;p

Friends told me i suck better dick than their girlfriends hehe

Ok so first of all, stop humoring the thought that the feelings are just going to "go away". You're bi. You've already logically come to terms with that no? Going back and forth is just delaying the inevitable. Second of all are you having trouble conceptualizing your logic vs. your emotions? What I mean is you can logically tell yourself a solution to a problem but not be emotionally prepared to handle it.

You sound like a willfully ignorant trumptard, embarrassing.

If you feel in a way that you want the resentment to go away, you should try it. Try to create a safe environment and have fun

I was confussed after my first time but after a month or so i was back in the game

>What I mean is you can logically tell yourself a solution to a problem but not be emotionally prepared to handle it.
I get it but how am I supposed to be be emotionally prepared? What should I do?

>bringing politics into a thread about doing gay shit

The rest of your post is right tho

It's a guy that likes to fuck both guys and girls but only fucks girls, not some cunt believing they're deer or a made up gender.

Well what I meant was I think it's big and scary for a lot of people. And.. a lot of people are simple. They need blanket labels like lesbian/gay/bi/trans to lump everyone into. Being stuck in this weird area we are yeah not having one messed with me too, I honestly feel better now that I've discovered heteroromanticism though.

I told you buddy I don't know you, you could tell me your life story over Sup Forums and I probably wouldn't know you well enough to answer that question. I'm not a counselor and I've spoken about my bisexuality to very few people myself.

>I have no control over my feelings
>I can't make it stop
False. So you must be underage. Thanks for clearing that up.

You can recondition yourself in any number of ways. It's just a matter of how you approach it.

I used to hate brushing my teeth as a kid, but I knew it was necessary, so I started connecting reactions of disgust to the thought of my teeth being dirty. Suddenly, I liked brushing my teeth, because I hated the feeling when I didn't.

I hated exercising, but I knew it was good for me, so I learned to belittle myself every time I skipped a day. Problem solved.

I was always "down with the homos," but I was raised Christian so I still always had that bit of homophobia present deep down. So I forced myself to immerse in their stories and shit. Eventually realized, truly and to my core, they're no different from anyone else. They like genitals just like every person. Then I realized a big part of the reason I had been so grossed out was denial. I was a closeted bi fag.

Now I have a gf but I've sucked cock and liked it. Life, unsurprisingly, continues undisturbed.

This is nothing to have anxiety over. If you don't want to have sex with guys, then DON'T HAVE SEX WITH GUYS. jesus fucking christ. People always try to make things so complicated.

If you can't overcome your disgust, then clearly you don't want cock that badly. Sex is about what gets you off. Get over it, one way or another.

I like to get drunk, go into the park with my cricket bat and work over a few fucking faggots. Makes me feel alive.

Still maaaad salti~~~ about that election, ain't ya, boy?
Cry more, snowflake.

Women can get pregnant you silly boy, I'd rather have aids than pay 18 years of child support

jesus christ this is some low quality bait, you make yourself look like an ignorant fag then you make yourself look like a child

are you trolling yourself, faggot?

Sure kid, and next you're going to tell me bisexuality exists, or even asexuality.

The only faggot here is you. Go back to Tumblr.

>claims to be bi
>haven't fucked men/feels guilty after fapping to gay porn


basic shit faggot lurk moar

I imagine those guys that fuck then fagbash have the same guilt and disgust that you mentioned on

OP why don't you first try a FMM threesome. This way you get to fuck a girl while rubbing dicks with another dude and it won't be gay. If you liked it then venture into gay sex, if you don't well now you know that you don't like to have sex with guys

>everyone feels this way the first time they are bicurious
>how do you think bicuriosity begins

You don't understand, I'm not disgusted when I jerk off to gay stuff but only when I cum. I'm just scared that if I met a guy, I might like it until I cum and then feeling disgusted of myself.




I also love women, but like to mess around.

I was honest when i said i am you


Trap. Best of both



No you don't, you neckbeard. That would require you to actually leave mommy's house. You're a bigger faggot than actual gay people.

>those crazy fags that fuck guys then beat them up afterwards.
Sounds hot.

I grew up religious. Got disgusted with myself every time I came, period, because I thought I was sinning.

I got over it. Get over yourself.

But yeah, acting disgusted and wanting to leave right after you cum is pretty fucking rude. So either don't do it for real until you get over this shit (wait), or inform your potential partner about it beforehand. Maybe just say it's super casual and you just want to get off and leave, rather than going into all the aspie details for them.

it does seems unnecessary, especially when the left VERY much cares who or what you're fucking, more so than the all but a very small minority of the right imo.

I got aids from a girl. It's incurable, but treatable.

This is a stupid narrative tho. The only reason it was ever statistically more likely to get aids from gay sex was because it was forced underground by judgmental religious elitists, which made it taboo to discuss or even get yourself checked by a doctor. And now it's pretty much the same likelihood no matter the gender you fuck.

I'm not even religious, I don't where this feeling comes from.

The left wants you to fuck who you want to fuck. The right wants you to fuck who they want you to fuck, or to fuck no one.

Society has religious undertones everywhere. It's just brainwashing, m8. You'll get over the taboo with time.

the right thinks you have a choice whether you act on feelings, impulses, and urges. while they largely don't care for gays it's only a minority that wants their persecution.
the left thinks you're just an animal and your sexuality makes you a victim or an oppressor and there is no more valuable status than that. ironically enough the left has a much more unhealthy agenda for gays than telling them they're bad for acting on it. things are changing drastically on the right as the left drifts further from center.
i live in a blue state and the reds give much less of a fuck than the blues who largely view us as some conversation piece that proves they're loyal to party doctrine for being an acquaintance/friend.


>the bad people on the right are just a minority!
>but the bad people on the left are all of them!

Nigga, the people on the left you're talking about are a minority too. I can't even begin to point out the number of fallacies in your argument. It's also anecdotal.

Plus, the original statement was over
>the religious right wing
>the right wing
I was specifically discussing that minority.

The follow up generalization on right vs. left was just me trying to be poignant without going into it like this with a tl;dr.

no one is saying denying or acting changes the underlying person but it does demonstrate underlying character regardless of subject. i'm not saying they're right in asserting it's inherently bad it and of itself but enabling bad behavior community wide to prove you're tolerant of bad behavior, is well, stupid and unhealthy for those you are enabling, never mind on the societal level.
shed a little brainwashing there.

No one disrespects her choice to fuck men instead of women, but clearly she's bi and has that luxury. No one cares.


>not born black

Someone forgot to draw the noose round the neck? fucking lmao

>Why would you want to put your dick anywhere that requires hours of prep work or else they'll poop on you
it doesn't take hours unless you need to be pornstar clean. but if you do feel the need to clean above the rectum it is good to clean a while before hand lest any water get trapped and release during the act.

he's hanging by his underwear, that's why he's peeing.

top or bottom?