Help me out here Sup Forums

Help me out here Sup Forums
>be me
>have a platonic female friend
>both currently single but not interested in each other romantically
>but she's really really pretty and has a gorgeous body
>had an arrangement last summer where whenever she sent nudes to her bf at the time she would also send a copy to me
>broke up with her bf around that same time period but continued to send me nudes because she knew how much I liked them
>eventually stopped, told me it made her feel like a slut and she didn't want to keep doing it
>tried to convince her she wasn't a slut for doing it at all and that I really appreciated it because of how stunning she looks etc.
>thanked me for being honest but still insisted we stopped
>say ok because I value our friendship more than her boobs
>fast forward to present day
>still best friends and talk to each other everyday, but I still long for more nudes from her

I need advice. How can I swing this situation and ask for (and hopefully receive) more nudes without being the creepy degenerate bad guy.

You can't, make do with what you have

just kiss that bitch and ravage her wait for her response.

Start sending her your nudes.

Maybe if you send some picts we can help you

post them

I'm not on micropenis level of sad but it's not exactly impressive.

Platonic female friend = homo

Can't do this because she lurks Sup Forums occasionally and I need to keep plausible deniability, sincere apologies.

Let's see that gorgeous body of hers then

>She lurks Sup Forums
Shes a femanon, she prolly has posted her nudes before.
Just try to fuck her op, she is most likely as horny as you.

Tits or GTFO OP

Imo this thread is beta cringe. I thought that op was going to ask for help getting laid but hes trying to get nudes?! The girl already sent you nudes when she had a bf she wants to fuck you. And now that the bf is gone youre over here trying to.... Get more nudes..... !? Hahaha come on

OP here, these looK very very similar to her tits but are not actually her tits. I actually mistook these for hers originally but she doesn't have black hair. I know this isn't much but I figure it's better than nothing at all.

I don't want to fuck her, I'm not interested in her like that, I just want more of her tits/ass/pussy.

get her a gf, duh

Just fucking post the real deal

Can't help you man sorry, she'd cease contact with me forever if I did and I'd rather that not happen.


Start to romance her. Sorry dude but you need to just date her and those boobs can be all yours.

How would she know? Is she a Sup Forumstard too?

Meant to quote

This nigger gets it

Not a full blown Sup Forumstard but she browses once in a while when she's bored. I know the chance of her seeing a pic I post is beyond miniscule but it's still not a risk I'm willing to take.

Dude. It's right fucking here.


This is gayer than a trap thread

So crop her face out nigger

she likes you but thinks you dont like her. she liked you when she had a bf thats why she sent them to you too. after they broke up she kept sending them hoping you make a move. you never did and now she's embarassed. congrats op, ya blew it.

That doesn't make any sense? Traps aren't gay.?

Op is interested in nudes but not fucking her. Op is a literal retard. Either fuck that puss or kys you stupid faggot

You waited too long and missed your chance OP, you could've fucked her. She wouldn't have been sending you nudes if she wasn't interested in your dick at one time. But you wanted too long, spent too much time being a beta male cuck, and now you're in the friend-zone.

Just get in a relationship


You're missing the point, that's where I want to be. I'm not interested in the slightest in having sexual relations with her, I just want to see her naked. Apparently this is much harder to understand than I had thought.

Just do it dude.

If she has a banging body why wouldnt you want to fuck her on the regular? Confirmed for either virgin or supreme autismo, now post pictures of the bitch

Shit Anons apparently I am a fucking Autismo, I had no idea this concept was so incredibly foreign
I am not a homosexual, I enjoy intercourse with women and I would like to continue having intercourse with women, but not this particular woman. This is a woman I see as nothing more than a friend, she's simply a friend that I really enjoy seeing without clothes. Is that a clear enough explanation?