What's the best way to cover my iPhone 6 camera? Like the one in the picture...

What's the best way to cover my iPhone 6 camera? Like the one in the picture? Something that can cover it but also easily come off when I need to pull it off? Thank you!

electrical tape

Your finger.

Surprisingly, just use a sharpie!

The oleophobic coating on the iPhone allows it to wipe right off! (Just don't try this on some cheaper android gorilla glass)

I'm using bluetack

Better watch out the nerve gas on your phone can kill you
I heard it got a new dangerous update

your finger

Thank you!

Yeah have fun removing the sticky residue you paranoid fuck

except electrical tape doesnt really have a residue

OP is concerned he is on the fbi watch list and thinks he Is being watched confirmed

Yeah if you warm it up with say... body heat... or a warm electronic device charging... the adhesive melts and leaves a mess.

What ever you say you paranoid fuck. The residue on electrical tape is so sticky you would have to use wd40 instead of rubbing alcohol.

Oh here we go a actual paranoid person


One of those bandaids designed for your fingers, which are small, thin, and have a pad with no adhesive on it in the middle.

No. This user actually knows what the fuck is up. Has any of you fucktards actually use electrical tape before? That shit leaves behind residue after a while.

Hahahahahaha at you bc of how paranoid you are and think the fbi is watching you

Well who cares

Its not like most fags keep a phone for more than 1 year
Especially apple fags

you need a 3M sticky note and a hole punch


Use masking tape for painting.There are two kinds of it.One is not so sticky, comes off easily and leaves no residue.
Some light will still penetrate the sensor, but not enough to even make out a silhouette.

oil change sticker works best
doesn't leave residue and easy to remove

Lol enjoy being a 12 year old kid that gets his mommy to buy him the new and latest phone every year. Until you grow up and get a job is when you realize how retarded your posts was.

Lol idc if the nsa is watching me I got nothing to hide. The only real reason OP is trying to cover his camera is bc he's a stupid goat fucker that'll probably blow himself up trying to make a bomb

You'd be surprised. I can think of at least 3 grown ass men I work with that have to have the new iPhone every year. Even worse they do that finance shit through their carrier

I'm not one of them

My phone is worth €80

I wish I could get a new iPhone every single year

Lmao those are the type of people to not eat for 3 days just to save money

I tuck a piece of cardstock into the lip of my otter-box case. Doesn't leave any residue, doesn't get in the way, and comes off instantly if I need the front camera.