The age you are right now VS your father when he was that same age. Who wins??? Mano -a- Mano

The age you are right now VS your father when he was that same age. Who wins??? Mano -a- Mano

I'm 31. I'm pretty sure my dad would've fucked me up. He may not be bigger or stronger than me but the mf can fight. He's prob dance with me until I got tired then go in for the kill

My dad would beat the shit out of me rn and if we were the same age

I think i could beat his ass. He was stronger and thinner than i am now, but he was only a farmer and didnt kbow how to throw a punch

he could still kick my ass in his 40's...guy was a beast. :/ miss him. fuck. feels initiated. haven't felt this way in awhile. at least I know I'm not completely gone. thanks op.

I'm 30, my dad died at 20. Pretty sure I can win a fight with a skeleton.

My dad was pretty fit in his 20s, but he was just a runner, I did boxing and I'm bigger though so I think I could hold my own.

My dad has like 20 inch biceps and power lifts.
Would never want to be cornered near a wall...

My dad could prob still beat my ass right now. In fact he got in a fight the day after his 60th birthday. He's really just fast as hell and knows how to fight. So I'd rather not walk away with a broken nose

I'm 35 but at 18 my dad was in the Army and he has been boxing since he was a child, I would get rekt...

My old man would whoop my ass. Id give him a good fight but he was built like a bulldog at my age. Aside from his gut, hes still a tank at 60.


bunch of pussies in here. would beat the shit out of all your faggot dad's at the same time

He was in the air force and was pretty fit very wirey. He can also box like a mother fucker.
But I'm bigger (height and weight) and lift frequently I also box about as well as him and also know a decent amount of bjj.

I'm 29, no kids. My dad had 3 by my age and was a construction worker with a beer belly. I would fuck him u pretty bad. I've been training muay thai for about 5 years now, about 6-8 hours a week.

Thake that dick outta your mouth and shove it in your ass.

Hell i kicked my dads ass when i was 16. 28 now and never have had to do it again. He learned his lesson

it's busy in your dad's faggot mouth pussyboi

at 23
>ME: Skaterboarder Mathematician, Cook
>DAD: Marine, Vietnam
I'm accustomed to fighting and even I don't want those hands.

The first half of your statement proves he would've obliterated you. He actually had something to fight for.


I'm a bastard. I've never met my father.


Bastard or just a normal nigger?

Supposedly my dad was also lanky and tall as I am at age 24, but I reckon he has more muscle. He's not afflicted with anemia like me so I'm certain I'd get beat up.

While im in decent shape and a 6'8" Basketball player, I'm starting a Law degree ,ea while at his age he was training for the U.K special forces .... so He'd probably beat me.

That's funny lol I'm white tho

yeah... technique and cardio beats heart and pride any day of the week.

I'm 18 but my dad boxed in high school so he'd probably fuck me up. Only thing I have is that I'm taller than he was at 18.

31, without a doubt my father would have kicked the fucking shit out of me at this age he was super fucking fit and already had years of wrestling from his school and growing up with lots of brothers. So he had the strength and real-world experience in hand to hand. Meanwhile my as already had a blown knee missing cartilage from being to fucking gung ho in the army and not taking care of my self.

My father, I living a sitting lifestyle while he was swimming, doing volleyball for our junior national team and karate on the side.

You have a chance at life then

Maybe your dad was a nigger and you just happened to get all your moms genes?

dude went to the gym, had plenty of food to support his growth

i'm lucky if i get a meal a day and two snacks.
i hate my fucking life

I drive foreign cars fuck foreign bitches now my balls itchen got crabs from the arab skank i fucked last night atleast she was tight one less virgin for the suicide bombers to fuck up on, stuck my pinky in her ass she then proced to pass gas but shit I'll still smash call me the religion of piece truck cuck her husband and his 7 other wives

I'm a laborer and he was a medic in the army I think we'd be pretty even

i'm 22
my dad at this age still lived with his mum so i think i win

My dad was a playboy but I doubt he could fight. I should be able to take him easily.

Me, my father had been dead 17 years.

My father was wiry, I'm a bulky type. My father was more of a bar room brawler, whereas I'm a weekend warrior. He has a bit of an edge in reach and more speed, but I am far more competent a grappler and much stronger.

Tough call. But I think I would take it in the end. At my age he had been softened by having a wife and child (I was...4 I think) whereas I'm still livin' it up.

Also he sliced his Achilles tendon when he was a kid. It almost never shows (he was an army-brat growing up, and a badass ww2 vet army medic sewed it up for him), except if it were a fight I could keep his weight on that heel and capitlize. I have no such debilitating injuries (I was lucky).


My dad was a black belt he was about 6,1. I do karate but I'm a purple belt so I don't know.

Sorry user but all that asian martial arts is bullshit. You're just learning how to dance. You and your dad will just be Bruce Leeing each other

I'd win lol.

Short answer: no

My dad was a gymnast, I'm a martial artist. It's entirely possible he'd get in a lucky blow. He had a really good body in his 30's.

Well the dad gets home field advantage.

fuck idk, im bigger than him but he was tougher when he was young

It would be an epic scrap.

My dad was a DI in the Army and had loads of hand to hand training under his belt. I've got years of kick boxing and BJJ under mine. I have him on mass and strength but he's have me on speed.

If I get him to the ground, i win. In a straight stand up, I'd have a punchers chance but he'd most likely pick me apart.

God I want to fight my dad now...

Kick ass question, OP

I'm dead sure I would be able to land some decent blows but get knocked out cold in the end.

He is not precisely huge but he had a lot of brawls at school. Me too, but much more less than him. He and my uncle got into so much shit and still recently get into bullshit things and come out on top.

>physical fight
Me, he was already overweight and out of shape in his mid 30s
>in business
If we go back to the 80s, and I get to compete in the market then, I'd win in the long term. I'm smarter overall, and with the opportunities present back then I'd do great. If he starts today as his mid-30s self, he'd win-- he's willing to put up with basically unlimited bullshit to get ahead and win. I burn out with all the bullshit.
>in life, generally
Me. He's basically a neckbeard. Without the beard, and with piles of cash. And he orders wives from out of the country rather than onaholes.

I dunno, skeletons are pretty resistant to most weapon damage.

My dad was a huge ass nigger, I'd get one shotted.

beats me lol

My sperm donor was a black belt in karate so he'd give me a run for my money but I have muay thai and grappling so I would just get him to the ground and it would be over.

sounds like he's got a pretty sick life tbh

>Without the beard
>piles of cash
>orders wives from out of the country rather than onaholes.

So not a neckbeard you fucking div.


Cringiest reply yet

I'm 18

My dad was quite the fighter at 18 but granted so am I. He was a lot scrawnier than i am and a bit shorter. I have a bit of martial arts training and he wouldn't have had any at the time. I think we would have probably killed each other in a fight if we were both 18. I've tried to kill him once before for beating my mother. I was 11 at the time and I stabbed him. He's p scared of me but won't admit it to me. He tried to fight me about 8 months ago and got scared when I got in his face and told him to hit me. He's a big pussy

25 My dad was a logger and on crack so he wins

Truth be told, there are a huge load of McDojos everywhere, it's really hard to find good legit masters.

I'm black belt in a "Flashy" art too and I had rolled in the matt with some MMA "Champions" and I can humbly say that I kick the living shit outta a lot of them.

I had never in my life done a somersault, kicked with pads or done a flying kick for the show of it. I have had my shit pushed in a lot of times, I have had my face bruised, sometimes got cuts and just once I got my hand wrecked.

>TL DR: It's about how you train
>Feel gud schools are usually McDojos

you sound like a fag

Nice b8 m8

my dad would've fucked me up tbh

>black belt

Mcdojo faggots can't fight

My dad at my age was more stronk being an electrician and all but I'm a kickboxer so I would fuck him up.

ITT: Anyone who doesn't say they'd get rekt is a liar and faggot because Sup Forums

Me every time.
Dad was in a coma when he was my age.

37 here. I'd destroy my dad. He has some pounds on me, but smokes. Also drinks to much.

I'd do a sweet take down, followed by some ground and pound. Then I'd break his arm in an arm lock.

Your probably right but I wouldn't chance it.


Don't know how this is bait. It's the god honest truth. He tried to fight me because I told his faggot ass dad that he bought a motorcycle and his dad got mad because he owes him money. He blamed it on me and told me "if you weren't across the garage right now I'd beat you bloody" so I took off my glasses and got in his face. It caught him off guard and I could hear in his voice that he was scared. he has tried to be a real kiss ass ever since but I always tell him to stay away from me and stay out of my life before I kick the shit out of him. He followed me to my car one time after I had seen him in public and I pulled out a metal pipe I had in my trunk. He then ran off. He's a coward and I'm twice the man he's ever been

Parts of it, yeah. But he's about to be on his 5th wife, and they've all taken their slice. Seems like a shit choice, over staying reasonably fit and not having to buy a wife that'll just leave and take a stack of cash as soon as she becomes a citizen.

He basically sits in a converted garage on his computer all day. He has no real interests, and doesn't ever leave. If they had basements there, he'd be a basement-dweller.

my dad at my age now was having bloody diarrhea and having strokes from bowel diseases. id take him because he was bed ridden. but he got put on medication and made a full recovery and me vs him in a bout 5 years he probably takes me, but it would not be one sided.

my dad would beat me so terribly my asshole would be hanging out my face and he would use my arms as nunchucks

25 now. Since he already was a blacksmith at that age with a good amount of bar and street fight experiece and I'm just some dude without training, he'd probably beat me. Plus, he already beat his own father at the time... Maybe with a lot of luck i could win, I'm naturally well build and already have a family to fight for that he never had. Good question OP, makes me think.

In his late 20's he was taller(still is btw), stronger and in way better shape than I am right now, but I have jiu jitsu, boxing and muay thai training so I could beat him. It wasn't going to be an easy win, though

Yeah okay fedora warrior. Drunks are resistant to punches and shit. And if he's bigger than you I bet he'd whoop your ass in a heart beat.

me .... my father is a peaceful man . I never see him fight and I am stronger and well trained in military

>I'm not him
No offence, but why would you have that opinion?

if I was him, I'd get fit and fuck bitches and stop marrying them
and get a boat and do drugs
and shit like that

My stepgrandfather is a drunk and a smoker in his 60s and beat my dads ass for threatening to kill him.
Also my uncle and I got into a fight once while he was shitfaced and when I punched him it did nothing.
Drunks can't feel pain, they also have little to no control over how hard they're hitting

Right? He let himself get to at least 350lbs. He lives on the water, could have a boat, but instead sits inside all day. He can afford to do whatever he wants. He could get much younger women if he wants, if he just got even half-way fit. Even at 60, because he has the money. Instead, he's wasting it away on chains of foreigners because they'll cook him dinner and clean his house for awhile before leaving. That's what a maid and a cook are for. And if he needs to get laid in the mean time, get a fucking hooker. And a personal trainer.

that's the life man

My dad would win
We have about the same build. i am a bit taller.
He has construction worker hands like stone hands. it would be a battle of attrition but he would win in the end he has more stamina.

Both lose because beta

25, me easily he was a skinny phaggot 6'1 170 I'm like 6'8 260

My dad is an alcoholic... First time i threw a punch at his face i was 14. Knocked out cold... He was like 40 maybe

I'm 25. My dad is an autistic pacifist so I win by default. If we did fight, he'd have his fuck huge hands going for him but I know how, and like to fight.

The real fight would be me vs my uncles, gramps, and gramps Bros (all maternal side). Those men were tough

Raised by my grandfather, 33 he's 73 built fences all his life, despite being a bit smaller than me he was a better than me up untill his mid 60's. I'm no slouch I played inside linebacker in high school, but if I spotted him 40 years he would fuck me up. They don't make em like they used to.

Cold war era infantry VS NEET


My dad was a pencil neck at my age. Would simply drop my weight on him and utterly annihilate him.

because he'd rape you

good one man

Unironically it does