Is this girl fat?

Is this girl fat?

Other urls found in this thread:


tell her to eat salad

All she eats is bread, cheese, and goldfish crackers.


There are rules for a reason.

Need a full body shot to figure it out for sure, but from what I see here, she is not fat.

What a fag


Can't tell unless you post tits

not fat. ugly tho

what a fucking fat bitch, she's not even thick in a good way at all. this is just sad and disgusting

Kys. Tits or gtfo

Not fat, good looking. I'd tap.

she doesn´t look fat at all, but if this is true, she will be in a future, once her metabolism starts to change at 25-30

she got pretty eyez,post full nude to see if fat

She's nice

That can happen? Fuck that's scary

tits or gtfo


Post a body pic. She could be fat.

Dosent this look a lot like Eliza?

It IS Eliza

not fat, look at hands and neck

I don't understand how do so many people not recognize her
Btw, has she killed herself yet?

How the hell can we tell? What an asshole. What a STUPID question.

She looks skinnyfat

everyone has clavicles. even fatsos
she's trying very hard to stretch them out

She's still alive.


"morbidly obese" is the term


Was that last thread really hers? You seem to be one of her orbiters

>that can happen?

Haha, it will happen buddy.
Enjoy youth while you can.

Look at this fat cow.

The thread on /r9k/ was me.

She looks like she's in her 20s already. What happened?

The one on Sup Forums

>skinny arms
>fat belly in the mirror

Any pic of her feet?

I'm not sure. I showed a pic to my family and they think she's no older than 15.

In videos she looks younger. She just posted this one on /fa/

I missed it, what did the thread say?

thats Eliza isnt it? if so i got her nudes lol


Her face got really bloated and disgusting looking. Not long until her body follows.

Yeah but she was 15 in her nudes. The Feds just shut down a thread on another site and are tracking the guys who posted them.

post if shes over 18

What is bloated about this face? Or is it just a meme

There's a lot on the chanwhores board user.ib
They've been up for over a year

Nevermind I take it back I thought she was legal

The thread got shut down but nice job trying to link to child porn.


Even with the angling and lighting in that one you can see it's bloated. Just compare it to any of her younger pics.

I already reported you :^)

She's not bloated at all.

show boihole

Saying she would kill herself, someone poster a webm of her cutting her lips and the thread went kill

She is thin although it's obvious that she accumulates fat in her belly rather than any other body part.

Her bloated face and acne is probably a consequence of her poor diet. Use protection if you fuck her because her hormones probably are unbalanced and she doesn't have a clear ovulation date.

Looks less bloated if anything to me. This is an old screencap

her name is eliza.

Her family and doctors are making her eat 3000-4000 calories a day and are threatening to put her in long term residential if she doesn't gain enough weight.

yup def have them. theyre alright nothing too special

why do you faggots like her? is it because she's not intimidating for beta male long hair'd freaks?

I wasn't linking anything and thousands of people have them
They'll be reposted forever
I can find them now with some googling

You're admitting to being in possession of them.

I never said I possessed them. Just where you could find them. You can find them on the archives of different boards easily as well.

She has a fat face

That's a bad blurry pic taken from a stream. Here's a better one where her cheek bones were visible like in all her younger pics.

Stop being a cryptic cuck and post a damn link ffs

Trips checked
You better post the link